The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1163: Bad news, be the first!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

As soon as Jiang Qiran's words fell, all the students in the class turned their heads and looked at Ye Linlang.

Although everyone already knew that Jiang Qiran had a good relationship with Ye Linlang in the class, and would have dinner together at noon, but now he actively asked Ye Linlang's rank!

This is simply!

It really can't help but make people think about the relationship between them.

Ye Linlang was completely shocked.

The young boy standing by the inner window stood straight, illuminated by the golden sunlight through the glass, and the beautiful face seemed to have a shallow halo on the cage, so elegant and vulgar.

At that moment, the eyes of the two met in midair.

Ye Linlang's face turned red, and she suddenly thought of the agreement between the two of them.

If she was admitted to the top fifteen of the class, she would not only win Xia Qianqian's gamble, but more importantly...

She can become Jiang Qiran's girlfriend!

Since then, he stood right beside Jiang Qiran!

Ye Linlang's heart was pounding, and he couldn't help but feel more nervous. In addition to the tension, there might be a trace of anticipation.

Can she reach that goal? !


Xia Qianqin looked at the tall and beautiful young man beside him, and saw Jiang Qiran's eyes lightly falling on Ye Linlang, and suddenly a strong jealousy appeared in his heart!

Why? Why did Jiang Qiran pay so much attention to Ye Linlang!

A schoolgirl scum, which is far inferior to her, is also a soil bun from the countryside. She also uses a pirated mobile phone. There is no valuable clothes around her, and there is no attraction at all!

Xia Qianqin was really unwilling to get the limelight and was snatched by Ye Linlang.

She coughed quickly and looked at the teacher Zhao on the stage with a smile, trying to draw everyone's attention back.

"Qi Ran must be curious about my bet with Ye Linlang? Teacher, I am also curious about this result. Ye Linlang has tested Ye Siyao, did you get in the top 15 of the class?"


When Xia Qianqian mentioned this, everyone's curiosity hung up!

At the beginning, it was agreed that if Ye Linlang passed Ye Siyao, Ye Siyao would apologize to Ye Linlang in front of the class!

Also, if Ye Linlang is in the top fifteen of the class, Xia Qianqian will ask the class to have a breakfast, otherwise if Ye Linlang fails to take the exam, it is Ye Linlang please!

Although everyone is cheering for Xia Qianqian, in private, there are actually many boys who secretly hope that Ye Linlang will win!

The reason is simple. If Ye Linlang wins, the goddess can buy breakfast for them!

Throughout the three years of high school, it is estimated that such an opportunity is only once!

It's exciting to think about it!


Teacher Zhao saw a look of excitement from these people in the class and couldn't help but sigh a little.

If these little young people can use the energy of watching gossip to study, wouldn't their class A grades be as high as the first grade? !

The head teacher coughed lightly, and finally he didn't sell the key.

"Well, since everyone wants to know the results of Ye Linlang's test this time, then I will take the lead."

Teacher Zhao said that his eyes fell on Ye Linlang's body with salt and lightness.

"Ye Linlang, you are not bad this time. Your sister Ye Siyao is ranked 34th in the class, and you are 22nd..."

Ye Siyao was shocked to hear this ranking, she stood up in disbelief, with doubts in her eyes!

"Teacher, I don't believe that Ye Linlang's English and mathematics and chemistry are so poor, how can she get such a good test?!"

The whole class was excited after listening to it, and then became a little disappointed.

Oh, Ye Linlang has really made progress, but it is a pity that 22 people are still far from the top 15 of the class!

The dream of letting the goddess buy breakfast in person is like this!

Xia Qianqian didn't care whether Ye Linlang had won Ye Siyao, as long as she didn't pass the top 15 of the class!

Xia Qianqian's mouth raised a bright arc, and the whole person was slightly relieved.

——Fortunately, fortunately, Ye Linlang didn't get the test, but Ye Linlang's grades improved so suddenly, it was still a bit shocking.

Fortunately, she was clever at first, tearing off Ye Linlang's English answer sheet, and no one should notice that Ye Linlang's English score is much lower.

Anyway, she was bad!


Ye Linlang heard that noun, and the whole person seemed to have no soul.

She sat down on her chair in despair, daring not to look up to see Jiang Qiran on the other side of the classroom.

How to do? !

She worked so hard, even after the exam was full of confidence, but actually only got the 22nd class.

What's the use even if Ye Siyao is crushed?

She lost completely.

Jiang Qiran cannot be entangled in the future, nor can he become Jiang Qiran's girlfriend.

Ye Linlang felt uncomfortable with pain in his heart, and did not notice that the teenager on the other side of the classroom was watching him.

Jiang Qiran's eyes were deep and cold, and every moment Ye Linlang's expression changes were incorporated into his eyes.

Should she be sad now?

In fact, Jiang Qiran gave Ye Linlang the condition of being a girlfriend. Jiang Qiran really just talked about it casually.

Just why, now that Ye Linlang hasn't done it, he feels more distressed?


Yin Zihan saw Ye Linlang's eyes flushed, and she looked like she was about to cry.

"Ye Linlang, don't you think... Didn't you just lose a gamble? I said that if you can't afford breakfast, I will help you."

Ye Linlang shook his head sadly.

"You don't understand."

Yin Zi was anxious.

"Why don't I get it? Do you tell me what I said?"

Jiang Qiran looked at the interaction between Yin Zihan and Ye Linlang far away, and saw that Yin Zihan was so close to Ye Linlang. His clear eyebrows were instantly colder than ice and snow.


The biggest highlight of this month's exam passed, and after a while in the class, I didn't pay much attention to these things.

Who wants Ye Linlang’s earthen buns to have breakfast? Ye Siyao said that she is out of money. It is estimated that she can invite steamed buns on the first floor at most?

The class teacher also began to put projections, so that each student can see their specific rankings, as well as specific scores for each subject.

Ye Linlang's eyes were red, and she pinched her palms, holding back her tears.

Ye Linlang really wanted to know how many points she was away from the fifteen.

It turned out to be a full 20...

Ye Linlang smiled bitterly and began to measure his specific scores in each subject, but at this moment, Ye Linlang was suddenly dazzled by the scores in the English column!

Wait, ninety-three points? !

how can that be possible!

Ye Linlang roughly estimated her score, even if she only scored a common score of 13 in English composition, then her entire paper should also have about 110 points. How could this deviation be so large? !

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