The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1178: Principal's office training!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Ye Linlang suddenly froze at the sound of the broadcast.

Why did she and Jiang Qiran go to the principal's office again?

They did not commit anything this time? !

Ye Linlang was very surprised. When she hesitated whether to wait for Jiang Qiran, she suddenly heard the broadcast again.

"Yellow Lang and Jiang Qiran in Grade A of High School, please come to the principal's office!"

Jiang Qiran should be able to hear it too?

Ye Linlang didn't know when Jiang Qiran would come back from the dormitory, and it seemed that Jiang Qiran's cell phone was in the class. Now text him to estimate that he can't see it either.

Ye Linlang gritted her teeth and decided not to stay in the classroom for another ten minutes. If Jiang Qiran had not returned after ten minutes, she would go to the principal's office alone.


At the moment when Ye Linlang was hesitating, the people next to him had been in a good luck.

"Ye Linlang, you and Jiang Shao now know the principal. The next step is to inform your parents?"

Ye Linlang heard the clouds and fog, what did she and Jiang Qiran do?

It was her wrong to break into the men's locker room last time. She admitted, but this time, again?

When Ye Linlang was tangled, suddenly, he saw a long figure appearing at the door of the classroom.

Seeing the figure, Ye Linlang's eyes lit up.

"Pray! You are back!"

Jiang Qiran nodded lightly, then waved at her, beckoning Ye Linlang to go out with him.

So Ye Linlang immediately put down the book in his hand and followed Jiang Qiran out.


It happened that the bell for the self-study class rang, and many students hurried towards the classroom in a panic.

Even so, when passing by Ye Linlang and Jiang Qiran, there are still many girls who look beyond them, and their eyes are stuck to Jiang Qiran without exception.

This man is obviously the same age as her, and has already done so much to the country and the people. How can he get it when he grows up!

Ye Linlang slandered Jiang Qiran in her heart, probably to declare the ownership, she couldn't help but put Jiang Qiran on her arm.

Jiang Qiran looked at Ye Linlang's bulging look, knowing that this little vinegar barrel was probably eating flying vinegar again, but it was not broken.

He stretched out his hands, shook hands with Ye Linlang, then smiled, and even brought a touch of unconscious indulgence in his eyes.


The two held hands, attracting countless eyes along the way.

Ye Linlang had previously dismissed her ownership claims as not enough, and now, with the gaze of that way, she finally felt pressured.

She couldn't help but slowly released Jiang Qiran's hand, her delicate face flushed.

Ye Linlang thought she was secretive, but when she let go, Jiang Qiran realized that she even frowned.

The feeling that the big hand wraps the small hand is actually very good.

Fingertips are Ye Linlang's delicate skin touch, but Ye Linlang suddenly broke away, making Jiang Qiran a little uncomfortable.

"what happened?"

Jiang Qiran's eyes from the deep sea were fixed on Ye Lin. His eyes were deep and unobservable.

Ye Linlang was taken aback by him. In the end, there was only one reason.

"Pray, what do you say the principal asked us to do in his office?"

Jiang Qiran glanced at her lightly and suddenly shook Ye Linlang's hand.

"Are you afraid?"

Ye Linlang didn't expect Jiang Qiran to hold her back again. Her staring eyes dodged for a moment, her long eyelashes trembling slightly because of shyness.

"Well, a little worried."

It was only one and a half years after the first semester of the first year of high school, and the midterm exams had not yet come. As a result, she and Jiang Qiran were called to the principal's office twice!

If Jiang Qiran was called by someone in the past, he might also think that there was any major praise or preaching that he would find him.

But even calling her together, is this not a typical negative event!

Ye Linlang felt uneasy in his heart, fearing that this poor student would cause Jiang Qiran.

Jiang Qiran smiled slightly and squeezed Ye Linlang's palm quietly.

"What are you afraid of? When I'm here, the soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it. There is nothing to worry about."

Jiang Qiran speaks lightly and lightly, as if some people are born with an aura, but you can't help but want to believe what he said and become a fanatical believer.

Ye Linlang apparently made the move.

She stared at Jiang Qiran's beautiful face in a daze, and immediately fell into an eternal nympho.

He looks handsome, he says everything right!

The world of Yankong is spicy and upright!


After arriving at the principal's office, Ye Linlang realized that this matter seemed to be slightly serious.

Because not only the principal is present, but also the teacher of the class teacher Zhao.

The two middle-aged people looked at Ye Linlang and Jiang Qiran holding hands together, completely shocked!

It was the principal who first responded. He almost pointed at Jiang Qiran with great distress, and then spoke to him and Ye Linlang.

"You two little children, what does this look like! Let go!"

Ye Linlang smirked, only to realize that he and Jiang Qiran seemed to be a little too shocked, and they actually joined hands into the principal's office, and probably gave the old antiques a madness.

When Ye Linlang wanted to let go, Jiang Qiran shook her back hard, but refused to let Ye Linlang loose.

He exerted a lot of pressure, and almost pinched Ye Linlang a little pain.

Ye Linlang glanced at Jiang Qiran in confusion, but the young boy's face was cold, and instead of looking at her, he looked at the pair of teachers in front of him.

Jiang Qiran stood taller than Song Bai. He looked directly at the headmaster's eyes. His voice was low and cold, and he was extremely expensive.

"Dare to ask the headmaster, Ye Linlang and I are holding hands, is there anything wrong with you?"

Can it be annoying?

The principal from middle-aged to middle-aged couldn't help being speechless, but he still didn't mean to say this sentence.

He struck a beard, and his voice followed suit.

"Student Jiang Qiran, I think you are so smart, we will not turn around. Today, I came to you and Ye Linlang to come to you for your early love."

Actually even the principal knew...

Jiang Qiran's expression was faint, and his words were not astonishing.

"Early love? What is early love? At this time, the ancients might have already married and had children."

The principal was suddenly choked by Jiang Qiran.

"But the times are different now! You two like this, do you know how it will affect your study!"

Teacher Zhao, who was in charge of the class, also suffocated her heart. She picked up her mobile phone and a delicate blue and white porcelain bookmark, and immediately walked towards Jiang Qiran and Ye Linlang.

"Do you know? It's not only a personal matter for you two to fall in love, but now the school is full of enthusiasm, the reputation of the whole school will be dragged down by you!"

Ye Linlang saw the blue and white porcelain bookmark in Teacher Zhao's hand and immediately glared his eyes!

"Why is my bookmark here with you?"

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