Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Seeing the figures of Jiang Qiran and Ye Linlang going away, the girls who had asked a few questions before couldn't help but feel excited.

Ye Linlang had walked out several meters away, and he could still hear the trembling laughter of flowers and branches there.

Ye Linlang felt more and more depressed, and could not help but thump Jiang Qiran.

"You want to rebellious, frowning with other girls in front of me, do you believe me or not, I will follow your example for two days."

That's right, her boyfriend looks so beautiful, Ye Linlang's sense of crisis is very strong.

When Jiang Qiran was cold on the iceberg, there were countless girls who loved it. Just a few words or two, how did Ye Linlang feel that others would throw their arms around him? !


Jiang Qiran turned his head, he suddenly stopped and suddenly lowered his head to approach Ye Linlang's face.

In an instant, the four eyes met.

The bodies of the two were very close, Ye Linlang's long eyelashes fluttered, and smelling Jiang Qiran's peculiar mint breath, Ye Linlang's face instantly turned red.

Ye Linlang stretched out an arm in front of herself and Jiang Qiran, her smirk's cheek swelled, even her cheeks bulged.

"You... what do you want? Don't try to change the subject!"

Jiang Qiran saw Ye Linlang's lovely appearance, and his heart suddenly softened. He smiled and couldn't help but reached out and pinched Ye Linlang's face.

"Everyone says they have fierce wives, how do I think you are tough enough to be a girlfriend?"

Dare to say she is tough? !

They have determined how long the relationship is! Jiang Qiran actually rejected her!

Ye Linlang thought of this, and was even more distressed!

She glared at Jiang Qiran fiercely, and couldn't help but stretched out her hand and twisted Jiang Qiran's arm.

"Okay, you think my personality is not gentle enough, right? There are a lot of gentle and lovely girls in the class. Why don't you ask them to be your girlfriends?!"

Ye Linlang's lips twitched, and the whole person couldn't tell.

Jiang Qi shook his head with a smile.

"Did I say that I'm looking for another girlfriend? How do I feel that this one is too much for me?"

He said, reaching out, and scratching Ye Linlang's nose gently.

Ye Linlang looked at Jiang Qiran's narrow smile and suddenly missed a beat.


Ye Linlang, you are really over, and Jiang Qiran's smile blinked!

But now she is discussing important issues. She cannot be shaken for the beauty of the male god!

Ye Linlang righteously pushed Jiang away, and the whole person looked wronged.

"Don't fool me with words! You just asked the girl to come to you in the middle of the night!"

Jiang Qiran stretched out his hand and laid it on Ye Linlang's shoulders, the smile on his face was not obvious, but it was more confusing than the spring breeze.

"I'm talking about if there is a mouse, but isn't that little mouse right in front of me now?"

Jiang Qiran's slender body pressed suddenly.

Originally Jiang Qiran was tall, and Ye Linlang was almost shrouded in his shadow.

Her face was flushed, and she thought Jiang Qiran was a bit dangerous.

Because her heartbeat seems to be out of control!

Looking at Jiang Qiran's perfect lip shape, she wanted to stand on her feet and nibble.

As soon as this idea came to mind, Ye Linlang was frightened by his own color!

Oh my!

She is too unpretentious!

No, no, it’s not that we don’t have self-control, but that the enemy is too strong and gives her a beautiful man's plan!

Extremely embarrassed, Ye Linlang couldn't help but push Jiang Qiran out!

"You are the little mouse! What if the girl obviously doesn't have a mouse and wants to give you a hug!"

Jiang Qiran was unable to guard for a while, and was really pushed back by Ye Linlang.

Jiang Qiran stretched his hands to Ye Linlang's arm, his handsome face bowed his head, almost speaking against Ye Linlang's ear.

"If you don't believe it, you can sleep with me today, anyway, I live alone, you can see if any girls will come over in the middle of the night."

Jiang Qiran's beautifully shaped lips just landed on Ye Linlang's ear. Ye Linlang could even feel the fluff on his pinna blowing slightly.

That breath of breath made her heart beat, and her legs were almost soft for a while!

God, who said that Jiang Qiran is a high-cold male god, he is clearly a big-tailed wolf!

Ye Linlang looked ashamed, and immediately pushed Jiang Qi away again.

"The ghost is going to sleep with you!"


Ye Linlang said, and ran away busy, and walked to another mountain path.

Jiang Qiran looked at Ye Linlang's blushing cheeks, and a narrow rush of narrow eyes could not help but flash.

Why is Ye Linlang so blushing so easily?

Thinking of Ye Linlang's first confession to himself, Jiang Qiran felt that Ye Linlang was more bold than many girls!

Of course, he loves Ye Linlang's shy face, so he especially likes to tease her.


Ye Linlang turned red, and Jiang Qiran quickly caught up.

The two strolled under the moonlight, and a cool breeze blew in the autumn night, which made them feel very comfortable.

Suddenly, Ye Linlang noticed a bright light on a small hillside.

She looked closely and saw a little green light, dancing continuously in the bushes, like a star left by heaven, like a little lamp!

Oh my god, there are fireflies here!

Generally speaking, it is more common only from June to September. I did not expect it to be October now, and I can still see it!

Ye Linlang seemed to be overwhelmed by endless surprises. She immediately turned her head to laugh, shouted at Chaojiang, and then ran towards the glow of fireflies!

"Pray, look at it! There are fireflies there! You grew up in the city, wouldn't it be the first time you saw it?!"

Ye Linlang happily turned two circles and ran all the way to the hillside.

Under the moonlight of Qing Lingling, the girl smiled like a flower, her skirt fluttered, and she was as beautiful as a dream in a fairy tale.

Jiang Qiran suddenly regretted that he didn't bring a mobile phone when he came out, otherwise he could take this beautiful scene and write it down permanently.

No, he has a good memory, and it's not bad in his mind.

Jiang Qiran smiled slightly and quickly followed.

"Pray! The fireflies over there are more eh!"

Ye Linlang smiled on his lips and couldn't help but waved his hand toward Jiang Jiang and then ran up the hillside.

Whoever wants such a short span of tens of seconds, an accident suddenly happened!

After all, it is night, even if the moonlight is clear, it is not enough to illuminate all the roads. Ye Linlang did not find that the hill **** is very steep, and because of the rain last night, the soil was a little loose!


Ye Linlang exclaimed, and the whole person rolled straight down the hillside!

"Be careful!"

Witnessing this scene, Jiang Qiran's pupils shrank, and he rushed past without thinking!

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