The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1235: Ye Linlang's birthday present

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

After eating the noodles, Jiang Qiran volunteered to wash the dishes.

Ye Linlang looked at Jiang Qiran and packed up the debris on the fluid table. She still felt that Jiang Qiran was so tall and tall. She seemed to remember that she should have a soft ruler at home?

She always felt that Jiang Qi was one meter eight.

It was originally puberty. It is normal for Jiang Qiran to grow a few centimetres longer.

So Ye Linlang immediately ran to the cabinet in the living room to find it. She remembered something she had accidentally seen before when she took something.


Jiang Qiran finished cooking the chores in the kitchen, and as soon as he came out, he saw a young girl kneeling in the living room, as if rummaging for something.

"what are you doing?"

Jiang Qiran narrowed his eyes slightly, with a hint of curiosity on his handsome face.

"found it!"

Ye Linlang raised a soft tape in surprise, and Chao Jiang smiled proudly!

Who thought that because she knelt too long, she had insufficient blood supply to her brain, and suddenly felt dizzy in front of her eyes!

Seeing that Ye Linlang was about to fall to the ground, Jiang Qiran looked startled, and his mind had not responded, and his body had rushed past.

Kangkan supported Ye Linlang's waist.

"Why are you so careless?"

Jiang Qiran looked at Ye Linlang hilariously, he was at a high level, his long and narrow eyes glowed with a warm smile.

Only the palm of his hand stubbornly fell on Ye Linlang's waist, as if with a burning heat.

Ye Linlang rubbed his head, his face slightly red.

"Thank you."

Then Ye Linlang took a step back quickly, I don't know why, probably because Jiang Qiran "sneak attacked" her too many times these times, Ye Linlang felt a little embarrassed.

She had never been so close to boys before, let alone hug her waist, kiss, or plop, even without holding a small hand.

But since becoming Jiang Qiran's girlfriend, this fellow looked calm and indifferent, but sometimes it was really easy to scare people.

Cough cough, okay, Ye Linlang would not admit that he was afraid that he couldn't hold it alone. It would be bad if Jiang Qiran was thrown down by Jiang Qiran's bewitching beauty.


After a step apart, Ye Linlang was inexplicable.

She looked at Jiang Qiran with a smile, reaching out and waving the soft ruler in her hand!

"You, stand by the wall!"

Jiang Qiran was startled.

"What are you doing? You don't want to make me fit?"

Ye Linlang glanced at Jiang Qiran with some embarrassment.

"What figure! I want to measure your height!"

Doesn't she look so beautiful? Does she want to take advantage of Jiang Qiran's body for any advantage? !

Jiang Qiran saw Ye Linlang misunderstood her words, and saw her pink face blushing, and she laughed for a while, but she didn't break her and didn't have that kind of derivative meaning.

He came to the wall calmly and stood down.

Ye Linlang saw Jiang Qiran not taking the opportunity to tease herself again, and she felt a little relieved.

Because Jiang Qiran was too tall and she was too short, Ye Linlang could only reach out and hold the end of the soft ruler with effort, making a gesture on top of Jiang Qiran's head.

Jiang Qiran looked at her like this.

"I will hold it for you."

Ye Linlang struggled a bit, and originally wanted to say that this was inaccurate, but it was laborious to stretch out his hand. Suddenly, Ye Linlang thought of a good way.

"Wait, I remember you seem to have fridge magnets at home?"

Jiang Qiran was stunned for a while, and before she understood Ye Linlang's meaning, she saw that the girl had taken his hand and quickly walked over to the refrigerator.

His home is a three-dimensional large refrigerator with double doors. Jiang Qiran stopped there, and Ye Linlang already had a number in mind.

"You stand upright against the refrigerator!"

Ye Linlang was right towards the river, and Jiang Qiran straightened his back very easily, and looked straight ahead with his eyes straight.

Ye Linlang picked up a fridge magnet, carefully followed Jiang Qiran's head, and carefully posted it next to it!

"Okay, you're done, you can let go."

Ye Linlang smiled and took the soft ruler, because Jiang Qiran was more convenient, so he simply let him hold the top and hold the tail by himself.

At the end of the measurement, Ye Linlang couldn't help but exclaim!

"Who says you are less than one meter eight! Look, it is one meter eight two!"

Ye Linlang finally understood why he was standing next to Jiang Qiran, always wishing to look at him with his neck!

The proper thing is that the height is crushed!

"is it?"

Jiang Qiran frowned, he measured it again, and it turned out to be 182.

Unexpectedly, only a few months later, he seemed to grow taller again.

Ye Linlang looked at the body of the young man with long legs and long legs, and suddenly couldn't help but speak with some resentment.

"Don't you grow any longer, in case you have one meter nine in the future, I guess one meter six, would I not become a dwarf next to a giant?"

And she doesn't like to wear high heels. Last time Jiang Miaomiao took her to go shopping, let Ye Linlang try a pair of sandals with a slightly thin heel, about five centimeters high.

Ye Linlang didn't wear it for a while, and felt her feet hurt. When she looked down, she found that she had worn her skin.

She probably belongs to someone who can only deal with sneakers and flat shoes in her life.


Ye Linlang pouted, and there was a sorrow in his clear eyes.

Jiang Qiran saw the girl who called herself a dwarf for the first time.

He held out his hand and could not help but touch Ye Linlang's hair.

"Dwarf girl, what do I think the picture is a bit interesting?"


Ye Linlang was speechless.

Jiang Qiran was completely defeated!

She used to think that girls of one meter six and five were the best looking. Now she wonders if Jiang Qiran grows too fast, does she have to grow to one meter seven to be more suitable?

Thinking of Ye Haifeng and Mrs. Ye being so short, Ye Linlang couldn't help but fall into deep anxiety out of genetic indecision.


Jiang Qiran looked at Ye Linlang's tangled brows and suddenly remembered something.

"Is it your birthday next weekend?"

Ye Linlang heard the words.

"How did you know?!"

She didn't tell anyone her birthday!

Because he was an orphan since childhood, Ye Linlang didn't even have the habit of having a birthday. Naturally, he would not take this day too seriously.

Jiang Qiran smiled slightly.

"I asked someone to investigate your student information."

Ye Linlang heard nothing for a while, but what did Jiang Qiran come from? Is this kind of student privacy?

Lingyun High School was so open to Jiang Qiran?

Ye Linlang gave Jiang Qiran a white glance, and suddenly realized an extremely important issue!

"What are you asking about this! Do you want to give me a birthday present?"

Ye Linlang couldn't help but grab Jiang Qiran's sleeve.

Jiang Qiran's narrow and long eyes were intertwined with Ye Linlang's line of sight. He opened his thin lips lightly. Ye Linlang was looking forward to him, blinking his big eyes at him.


Jiang Qiran bends her lips badly!

"Of course not!"

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