The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1279: This non-human speed!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

At the moment when the entrance examination bell rang, but suddenly, the whole scene was silent.

The midterm exam officially kicked off!

Ye Linlang bit her lip corner, and she was embarrassed to ask Jiang Qiran knowledge again. She quickly lowered her head and began to sit in danger, waiting for the test paper to be issued.

Unlike ordinary high schools, which usually publish papers in advance in the quiz, Lingyun High School has always sent the exam bells and sent them one by one.

Although Ye Linlang was very anxious, he had no choice but to adapt to the rules of Lingyun High School, and Lingyun High School also said that this was to prepare for the college entrance examination.

It's not that they don't give them time to fill in answer sheets and answer sheets.


The first exam is naturally the first language test, which is Ye Linlang's best.

Especially composition.

The Chinese teacher has always praised Ye Linlang's composition is very aura, not set, if you play well, you can get a full score in the college entrance examination in the future.

At that time, Ye Linlang was flattered when he heard this comment!

No one has praised himself so much!

As a result, when Ye Linlang discussed with Jiang Qiran, instead of receiving praise, he only remembered the cool eye knife of the boy at the same table.

Ye Linlang didn't quite remember the original words. Anyway, it probably meant that Ye Linlang's ghost-like fonts, let alone perfect scores, would be difficult to enter the category of first-class volumes.

Ye Linlang was worried when she heard the words.

But it is also correct to think about what Jiang Qiran said.

At the time of the college entrance examination, the teacher will finish reading a composition in two to three minutes at the most, and it is still a three-segment sweep. Sweep the beginning and end. If you don’t like it, you may read the beginning of the sentence. If you are not good at writing and writing, who will Look at the content carefully!

So how important is word practice!

Ye Linlang thought that Jiang Qiran not only forced herself to do test papers every day, but also urged her to practise her writing. Now she thinks about it for a good reason.

After the surface kung fu is done, others will have time to dig into your inside to see if you are particularly aura.

Thousands of tens of thousands of essays for the college entrance examination have been reviewed. Don't think of the teacher who will catch you at a glance. It is more likely that you will become a pearl of the sea.


After all, only the answer sheet was sent out. Ye Linlang filled out his name and student number, which was a bit boring, and quickly passed through several recent poems and classics in his mind.

Silent writing is a basic question. If you lose points here, you really have to be laughed at by Jiang Qiran to death!

Soon, the test paper was sent out, Ye Linlang did not read the rest, and began to turn to the page written silently, and began to write ancient poetry and classical Chinese.

After confirmation, Ye Linlang transcribed it on the answer sheet.

Huh, good luck, this time, the silent description of Ye Linlang's melons are well-done, and she didn't get her uncommon chapter.

Then Ye Linlang did not start from scratch, but turned to the composition topic again.

Things like composition still need to be conceived. Now let's think about it for a while, maybe I will have some help when writing.

When he saw the title, Ye Linlang was shocked.

It is a topic composition, and the topic is also very simple. The central idea is awe, no fear, no faith, let the candidates talk about their awe, write their own questions, do not write poetry, a total of 800 words Claim.


Is this topic too broad?

If you are in awe, you can be in awe of people and heaven and earth. What should you write?

Ye Linlang didn't think of suitable material for a moment, so she simply put it aside and started the multiple choice question.


The passage of time, one minute and one second, is, after all, a subject that Ye Linlang excels at, so everything along the way is very smooth.

It was just a bit stuck when reading the comprehension question. In an essay, Ye Linlang couldn't grasp the point. Finally, he had to use a variety of classic answering questions to answer a bunch of questions. It is difficult to get a high score.

Finally, when it was time to write the article, Ye Linlang felt a headache.

Awe, she seems to have nothing to fear since she grew up. Should she write about her fear of ghosts?

Confucius said that he was far away from respecting ghosts and gods, but Ye Linlang felt that if he had written the proposition of fearing ghosts, he might have to be put into three categories of papers, which would be classified as Feng-Jian-mei-believed, not to mention high scores, low estimates. Points are your own.

After all, the idea is the most important. If you don’t choose something that is so novel that you can see it, it’s better to choose a popular one.

Can't write ghosts and gods, so what should I write?

Ye Linlang bit the pen and couldn't help but walk away.

She and Jiang Qiran made a bet in front of the principal and the director of teaching and research, saying that they would pass the top 50 of the grade.

She can't live up to Jiang Qiran's constant trust!

When Ye Linlang hesitated, he suddenly saw that Jiang Qiran had just finished writing the first side of the manuscript paper!

I'm going, isn't it!

This non-human speed!

Doesn’t Jiang Qiran need to conceive in writing? !

Because Ye Linlang was sitting behind Jiang Qiran, I could vaguely see the young and powerful writing body. Although I don’t know what Jiang Qiran wrote, Jiang Qiran’s handwriting is very beautiful, and it is very pleasing to see from a distance. .

As Ye Linlang stared at others' exam papers, the two proctors in the examination room frowned!

What is the girl sitting in the penultimate third row in the first row!

This is a language test! It's not mathematical, physical and chemical!

If you want to peek, you can't see the answer!

In order to rigorously test the discipline, the two invigilator teachers met each other's eyes and suddenly came over from the podium and the exam room.

The two men stood like Ye Linlang one by one like a raging King Kong!

Ye Linlang was really scared almost dumbfounded!

What happened?

Ye Linlang frowned at Xiu Mei, unable to understand why she was "fancy" by two proctors!

She is a good boy.

On the other side, Jiang Qiran seemed to be unaffected at all. He was so successful that he wrote the second page of the manuscript!

I go, and these four hundred words are solved? !

Ye Linlang was scared!

Suddenly, she began to feel distressed to the students who used to sit at Jiang Qi and then the table, how exciting it was!

The two teachers next to him didn't mean to shift their positions, and they clearly doubted what they were doing badly.

Ye Linlang shivered, and no longer dared to peek at Jiang Qiran, and began to obediently bury his head in writing composition ideas.

The two teachers watched her become good, so she returned to the initial situation of sitting on the podium and sitting on the back row alone.

Without those two door gods looking after themselves, Ye Linlang finally had a little thought.

She always has a unique style of writing. She doesn't like to write routine three-segment compositions. Suddenly she thinks of a certain way of thinking that will definitely make the readers' eyes bright.

Ye Linlang took a deep breath. After carefully counting the grids, she finally began to write, and the composition title was dropped in the middle of the volume...

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