The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1283: Who said she was a scumbag!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Although it was early morning on Monday, everyone should be very tired, but Ye Linlang found that there were already a lot of people around the wall of the Hall of Fame!

How to squeeze in is a problem!

As she got closer to the wall of the Hall of Fame, Ye Linlang's pace slowed down. At the same time, her heartbeat accelerated, and it was not like her own!

How to do?

What if you fail to pass the top 50 of the grade?

When the cowhide blew up, how could she tell Jiang Qiran in front of the principal!

As far as this exam is concerned, Ye Linlang's grade one in Grade One has checked all the answers to the exam papers. Unfortunately, Ye Linlang's last math question was all wrong except the first question!

For Ye Linlang, this is nothing short of fatal.

It is also reluctant to play other subjects. English is much better than usual, but the paper is simple. Ye Linlang is thinking about the high scores in English.

Ye Linlang didn't dare to say to Jiang Qiran that she had too many embarrassments in her heart. To some extent, Ye Linlang was also inferior. She always felt that she was not worthy of Jiang Qiran.

Regardless of his appearance or his academic performance, if he gritted his teeth to keep up with Jiang Qiran's pace, Ye Linlang was willing to do everything, but sometimes, reality is not enough.


Ye Linlang crossed many possibilities in her mind. She twisted her fingers and walked slowly towards the crowd step by step.

After all, only the top 100 of the three grades were posted, so those students who were crowded under the fence probably found their own names, or they could not find their names. They were either frustrated or happy, all kinds of gestures. All at once.

Ye Linlang grabbed his heart and finally squeezed into it.

"Let's make it!... borrowed it...thank you!"

Ye Linlang was desperately squeezing into it while saying sorry. In fact, during the early class, it is certain that teacher Zhao will also come to the specific ranking of the mid-term exam in the class, but Ye Linlang just wants to know now.

Early death and early birth.

Ye Linlang's eyesight is good, but he can't stand the names of so many people on this honor list.

She failed to find herself quickly, but saw Jiang Qiran's name on the most dazzling first place on the honor list!

And there is no suspense, Jiang Qi then scored a few points behind the second place!

Ye Linlang heard that there were many girls of the same grade wearing high school uniforms marveling.

"Oh my God, Jiang Shao is so powerful! It's both school grass and school bully! And it's really not the same as the second place!"

"Yeah! Even if you win two consecutive championships, you still score so many points! I think the people below will be ashamed!"


Ye Linlang heard those people sigh Jiang Qiran as a tyrant, and suddenly he couldn't help but pouted.

Jiang Qiran, where is the school master, is he just learning to reincarnate? !

Since sitting with Jiang Qiran at the front and back tables and taking test papers, Ye Linlang was really blown away by Jiang Qiran.

I really don't know whether to say that Jiang Qiran is arrogant or self-confident, then for dozens of minutes Jiang Qiran may be sleeping or distracted, not even checking the papers!

And the most speechless thing is that this is the case, he still did so well.

Ye Linlang shrugged his shoulders, thinking of his sad test comparison, and immediately went to find his name.

Who would have thought, at this time, Ye Linlang suddenly heard that some of the talking girls started chattering again, and this time it was not that Jiang Qiran had learned to dominate, but that he started to be an idiot.

"Jiang Shao is too powerful!"

"Why can't God give me such a handsome and smart boyfriend..."

"He has a girlfriend, isn't that Ye Linlang from the Grade A of Grade One? I heard that he looks average..."

Hearing those people talking about themselves, Ye Linlang's body shook slightly.

Hey, why did she suddenly hit an arrow in her knee again? !

Don’t force her to play? !

Ye Linlang silently moved away from the girls, struggling to find his name among the fifty.

When Ye Linlang couldn't find anything, all of a sudden, she heard a female voice with a little arrogance and ridicule.

"Yo, isn't this Ye Linlang? Why, don't you see Qiran taking the first place?"

Ye Linlang glanced sideways, and suddenly saw the school's school flower, Xia Qianqian.

Although Xia Qianqian wears the very old-fashioned sky blue school uniforms of Lingyun High School like them, it is very strange that people still look exquisite in shape in such a school uniform.

Ye Linlang was very uncomfortable when she saw Xia Qianqin's disdainful look.

"Xia Qianqin, are all the places near the Hall of Fame? How long do I want to see it, and what do you do with it?"

Xia Qianqian saw Ye Linlang still dare to ridicule herself, suddenly Xiu Mei twisted.

If it wasn't because there were too many passers-by around, Xia Qianqin really wanted to tear Ye Linlang's mouth.

From the beginning of the wild camping, Xia Qianqian looked at Ye Linlang very, very unhappy. If it weren't Ye Linlang, she would not lose that big face!

Even if everything was pushed to the life committee member, Xia Qianqian also heard some girls saying her bad things secretly!

Huh, in Xia Qianqian's view, those people are jealous of her beautiful appearance!


Xia Qianqin squinted Ye Linlang. She carried her delicate white handbag and spoke arrogantly towards Ye Linlang.

"Ye Linlang, you don't want to leave here, do you think you can be on the honor list like Jiang Shao?"

Ye Linlang was stagnant, indeed, she had just looked at her on the Hall of Fame, but she didn't seem to see her name on the Hall of Fame anymore.

Seeing Ye Linlang was a bit dumb for a moment, Xia Qianqianxianxiu showed her hand and flicked her hair, thinking that she had hit Ye Linlang's weakness, and she suddenly became more arrogant.

"Why, have nothing to say? Just like your scum, where to stand next to classmate Qi Ran!"

Ye Linlang saw that Xia Qianqin was so arrogant that she was all maddened. Just when Ye Linlang wanted to fight back, suddenly, a fierce male voice floated in her ear.

"Who are you talking about?"

Ye Linlang was stunned. This seemed to be Jiang Qiran's voice...

Just when Ye Linlang turned around, he quickly saw Jiang Qiran figure a few steps away.

The young man was independent and seemed to be covered with a halo.

"Pray! You are the first place again! And you took the second place a few tens!"

Ye Linlang waved at him in surprise.

Hearing his achievements, Jiang Qiran nodded faintly, and he walked over, perhaps because of the domineering momentum, the crowd automatically gave way to him.

Jiang Qiran stood next to Ye Linlang, staring coldly at Xia Qianqian.

"Xia Qianqian, if Ye Linlang is a scum, what are you?"

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