The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1318: Do you think you are so charming?

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Ye Linlang thought of Shen Xi'er's words on the phone, and suddenly felt a nameless fire in his heart.

She raised her eyebrows and was just thinking of teasing Jiang and praying. As a result, who knew, at this time, Ye Linlang heard a gurgle, as if... came from her stomach.

Ye Linlang was just too angry, but because of the stomach call, he suddenly broke the ground.

She stroked her empty belly helplessly, her white face wrinkled.

"I'm hungry...I don't care, it's you who made me fall by the numbers. You want to invite me to a big meal."

Jiang Qiran was speechless.

Why does it feel like Ye Linlang has forgotten anything serious when he talks about eating?

Oh, right, probably in Ye Linlang's mind, eating is more important than anything.

Jiang Qiran stretched out his hand with a touch of spoiltness and shaved Ye Linlang's face.

"It's all up to you, then we will arrive at City A. I will take you to a newly opened Thai restaurant."

"My parents visited last time and thought the taste was just right. The Tom Yum Goong soup and Thai curry sirloin were good. The broth fish in the clear soup was also delicious. It is said that the shrimp sashimi was also good."

Ye Linlang was a little embarrassed.

Why do you feel what Jiang Qiran said, besides she can understand Thai curry and beef brisket rice, what is Dongyin Gongtang? What is Dragonfish?

"I... I haven't eaten, I don't understand."

Ye Linlang was very honest.

Jiang Qiran was stunned and soon reacted.

"Do you mean Dongyin Gongtang or Dragon Fish?"

Ye Linlang's lips twitched twice.


She twisted her fingers, feeling embarrassed.

Jiang Qiran, a wealthy and expensive person, of course, has eaten any expensive cuisine, but she has been raised in the country since childhood, and sometimes does not want to admit that she has shallow knowledge, but indeed, the horizon is too narrow...

Sometimes people often say that money cannot be bought, but sometimes, only with money can we see a wider world.


Jiang Qiran looked at the girl's embarrassment, and inexplicably distressed Ye Linlang.

He has always been very keen, and naturally he does not know that this seemingly bright and carefree girl actually has a very sensitive and fragile heart, even a little inferiority.

Jiang Qiran could see it, but it was not broken.

He is willing to take her to see the wider world. For Jiang Qiran, imperfect Ye Linlang is Ye Linlang, and she deserves the best.

"Isn't it better if I haven't eaten? It's more fresh."

Jiang Qiran bent his lips, smiled, opened the phone, and searched Ye Linlang for Dongyin Gongtang.

"Actually, it is a soup made with lemongrass, lemon leaves, fresh shrimp, and some special sauces. It is a Thai specialty. It tastes sweet and sour. I don’t like it very much, but my mother loves it very much. ."

"As for the dragonfish, it is a kind of marine fish that lives offshore. It has a delicious taste and no thorns at the same time. I think you should like this. You can learn how to do it later."

Ye Linlang nodded, seemingly incomprehensible, okay, in fact, when she mentioned eating, she let her eyes shine!

The earth is big, the belly is the biggest!


Ye Linlang thought of the food still far away from the sky, could not help but start to drool.

After being excited for a while, Ye Linlang remembered Shen Xi'er's awful thing.

She pouted her lips and did not want to hide Jiang Qiran's intention. She immediately took out Jiang Qiran's mobile phone. She opened the phone's call page and shook the Shen Xi'er number in front of Jiang Qiran.

"Purely, this is a phone with no unmarked contacts. Guess who was calling that number just now?"

Jiang Qiran raised his eyebrows.

Ye Linlang was about to sell Guanzi, but as soon as her voice fell, she heard the voice beside the boy's voice was cold, and she threw three words very calmly.

"Is it Shen Xi'er?"

Seeing Jiang Qiran so determined, Ye Linlang almost stunned her chin.

"My God! Are you too amazing? How did you guess?"

Jiang Qiran was helpless.

"Is such a simple question difficult to guess?"

Ye Linlang looked at him pitifully, looking sincerely for advice, just like a cute puppy, and he was about to shake his tail!

"Tell me!"

Jiang Qiran was a little funny, and finally he still answered with a soft voice.

"First, there are not many people who can know my number through channels, and the scope is directly reduced; second, you say that she is my admirer, so she is a female; third, among the people you know, the most likely to meet the first two Order, who do you think can be left?"

Ye Linlang heard Jiang Qiran's thorough analysis, and she had to give a big word!

"Well, you won, it is indeed Shen Xi'er."

Ye Linlang shrugged her shoulders. She stretched her finger at the phone number and repeated the key points of Shen Xi'er's call simply and concisely.

"Shen Xi'er said she was going to study in City A, and she was in Lingyun High School and she was in the same class as us!"

Ye Linlang said, seeing Jiang Qiran still smiling, he didn't feel annoyed.

"Hey, hello, wouldn't you just look at other girls to transfer for you, do you think you're charming?"

"I don't think so. I just think someone is jealous. It's funny."

Jiang Qiran seemed to smile at Ye Linlang's lips, and the handsome face approached suddenly, falling into Ye Linlang's eyes, and at this moment it seemed a bit magical!

This boy is a demon at all!

"Hum, you are beautiful!"

Ye Linlang was guilty by Jiang Qiran, and he became more and more angry.

"Look at many people who are jealous of you for fighting for the wind, do you feel very happy, right?"

The ability to reverse right and wrong is also...

Jiang Qiran glanced at Ye Linlang helplessly, the tail rising, with a velvet-like gorgeous texture.

"Don't mess with people, I don't just think it's funny to be jealous of this person in front of me from beginning to end."

Ye Linlang was in a hurry, but was still not comforted.

"But everyone has said that this Friday is her birthday, and you are invited to participate together! You were in China before and could not participate, so this time... will you go?"

Ye Linlang said at the end, she looked at Jiang Qiran pitifully, waiting anxiously for Jiang Qiran's answer.

Sorry, she is not so generous, she can watch her boyfriend go to a birthday party of rivals, on the contrary, she is also selfish.

Love is inherently selfish, isn't it?

When Jiang Qiran wanted to answer, all of a sudden, the silver-white cell phone screen on the table lit up.

Ye Linlang was startled, and saw a text message, but could not see the content clearly.

Jiang Qiran reached out and took the phone, opened the message, and his smile disappeared!

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