The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1320: Not afraid of growing a rice worm?

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After finishing the order, a waiter in work clothes presented the full menu.

"Two, your order."

"Thank you."

Ye Lin took the opportunity, she took a look at the order on the menu above, and when she saw the price that fell to the last, Ye Linlang felt like she was bleeding!

Why are there so many dishes, actually need four digits!

Ye Linlang frowned, and murmured subconsciously.

"It's so expensive! If I have been eating in such a place, I feel that I will sit in the sky..."

Jiang Qiran had a faint smile on his face, and his handsome face seemed to have a color that he did not dare to look directly at, so he was afraid that it would just fall into his eyes.

"The most important thing in life is to have fun in time, isn't it?"

Ye Linlang was stunned, she couldn't help but mumble.

"But if this continues, won't the bankruptcy go bankrupt?"

Jiang Qiran's expression is still cloudless.

"As long as you can earn money, you will not spend more than you earn."

And this meal Ye Linlang ordered some ordinary desserts and lemon juice, no wine, his father just likes to drink red wine, and it is not good wine.

Often when you go out for a meal, a bottle of Royal Eagle Ming Cabernet Sauvignon, which has been stored for more than a decade, is far more expensive than those dishes.


As long as making money is better than spending money?

Ye Linlang heard the words and didn't know what to say. She twisted her fingers and looked amazed.

"But I think that the next time I graduate, I feel that at least the initial salary may not be enough for one of the expenses here."

To make the best plan, suppose she was lucky enough to be admitted to Zhaohua University. It is said that the average salary of Zhaohua University last year was about 8,000 to 10,000, which is the average salary.

Of course, everyone will be promoted and raised in the future, but not everyone dares to ensure that they can go smoothly.

Moreover, where is Zhaohua University so good for exams!

Jiang Qiran raised his eyebrows, somewhat surprised Ye Linlang would say so.

"Isn't yours yours? You won't make it, I will make it."

Jiang Qiran said too much, but Ye Linlang was dumbfounded.

Eh? !

When Ye Linlang heard this, she stroked the hard diamond pendant under her collar, and a red cloud appeared on her face.

"Hey, haven't we reached that step yet? And... even if you really get married in the future, you are not afraid to raise me as a rice worm?"

Ye Linlang never felt that spending each other's money was justified.

Of course, if you are a husband and wife, you don’t have to look at it that way. After all, you are really justified family.

She still wants to be an independent person, even if not under the shadow of Jiang Qiran, she can stand alone and live out her own brilliance.

Ye Linlang does not hope that she will only become a vassal of Jiang Qiran in the eyes of others. She also wants to work hard to become better, to be able to become a person standing beside Jiang Qiran standing on his back, standing side by side with him .

Jiang Qiran picked up the cup of Longjing tea from the store and took a sip, and a beautiful smile appeared on Junmei Qingyi's face.

"Actually, my childhood dream was to be a rice worm, but after playing with it for a while, I also felt that doing business is actually very interesting."


Ye Linlang was speechless.

Huh, she didn't believe Jiang Qiran's words!

If Jiang Qiran really wanted to be a rice worm, how could he urge him to study so hard and strong!


Just as Jiang Qiran was talking to Ye Linlang, a waiter in a working uniform had already started serving.

"Two, please use it slowly."

Perhaps it was because there were not many customers at this time, and soon all the dishes were put together.


Jiang Qiran looked at Ye Linlang, who was still worried about the expensive food. He held an exquisite silver spoon and took a spoonful of dragonfish to Ye Linlang in the sand jar still bubbling with bubbles.

"Okay, don't tease you, let's eat. The fresh soup dragonfish is very good. You can eat it with a little curry and it tastes even better."

Ye Linlang nodded, she was trying to try it, but the fish did not sting, but because it was just pulled out of the hot soup, it was so hot!

Ye Linlang grunted, and the chopsticks in her hand fell to the ground, and she took two breaths bitterly.

"It's hot! The tongue's hot and unconscious."

Jiang Qiran didn't expect Ye Linlang to be so anxious. His heart was tight, and he quickly stood up and walked to Ye Linlang.

"Open your mouth and let me see."

The girl raised her head, and she burst into rational tears on her face, looking like a clear lotus with dew in the morning, clear and pitiful.

Her lips opened slightly, her teeth were white, and the tip of her pale pink tongue was indeed reddened.

Jiang Qiran felt distressed.

"You will not be so anxious to eat in the future."

Jiang Qiran said, quickly picked up the bundle of freshly squeezed orange juice and poured a glass of Ye Linlang.

"You have a drink, let's cool down."

Ye Linlang nodded bitterly, the food was in front, she just couldn't control herself.

Who blames? Blame yourself for being greedy.

Ye Linlang picked up the glass of orange juice because she was afraid of another tragedy. This time Ye Linlang reserved more, her pale crimson lips moved slightly, drinking the glass of cold-pressed orange juice little by little.

"Well, it's delicious! I felt this orange juice taste for the first time. It feels different from that kind of orange juice drink. It feels a little bit sour. It doesn't seem to contain sugar, but the taste is just right and very fresh."

Ye Linlang's eyebrows were curvy, and she drank more than half of the orange juice directly, as if she had just forgotten what she had just burned to her tongue.

Jiang Qiran tapped Ye Linlang's forehead.

"Don't drink so fast, be careful to choke, and if you are full of water, who will solve this pile of vegetables?"

"Eh, are you talking about my appetite in disguise?"

Jiang Qiran gave Ye Linlang a blank look.

"Is this still in disguise? Isn't that the case?"


Ye Linlang was speechless.

Woo, Jiang Qi changed! Before, he obviously would not expose her short!

However, when Jiang Qiran gave Ye Linlang a dish, Ye Linlang still decided to selectively forget what Jiang Qiran just said about her big appetite and immediately ate it without hesitation!

Ah, the curry is delicious, the dragon fish is also delicious, and the tom yum soup is also delicious. Ye Lin Lang suddenly left behind the previous things!

Nothing is important to eat!


When Ye Linlang came home, it was already 3 pm.

Jiang Qiran said to send Ye Linlang back, Ye Linlang naturally did not dare. After all, they were afraid that Ye Haifeng would say that they could see themselves, so Jiang Qiran had to send her to a traffic light in front of Ye's house to watch Ye Linlang walk in. Community.

Ye Linlang did not dare to look back, and lived with Jiang Qiran in the mountainous area for half a month. Ye Linlang felt that she seemed more and more unwilling to return to the home where she had died.

What surprised Ye Linlang was that when he first entered the door, he saw Ye Haifeng's figure!

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