Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Ye Siyao looked at Ye Linlang's indifferent face, and subconsciously looked at Ye Linlang from head to toe.

Ye Linlang usually wears school uniforms at home, that is, very simple, no curve clothes, just like half a tomboy, nothing like a girl.

But today, Ye Linlang dressed up a little bit. Although the makeup is simple and the color of the dress is dull, it is undoubtedly a big impact for people who are used to the indifferent look of Ye Linlang.

Ye Siyao has a vigilant feeling in his heart. Although Ye Linlang is not as good as her beauty, but who knows how others taste, seafood dinner has been eating for a long time, and some people will love congee.

Ye Linlang is best to get acquainted, she wants to steal Ye Siyao's limelight, she is still far away!


"Ye Linlang, I can't think of an ugly duckling like you.

Ye Siyao looked weird and threw a sneer at Ye Linlang.

In fact, although Ye Linlang is only a beautiful face, it belongs to the durable version, but the facial features have no flaws, and the beauty of the bones is reborn. This is rare.

Ye Linlang directly ignored Ye Siyao's hatred look. She looked at Mrs. Ye and spoke directly.

"Are you ready to go? The banquet started at seven o'clock in the evening, and the venue is in the suburbs. In order to avoid traffic jams and the like, we should start now."

Mrs. Ye looked at the beautiful young elder daughter in front of her, and still had a feeling of disbelief. She always felt that her elder daughter was rustically dying.

Today, I changed my dress. Surprisingly, it was a bit pleasing to the eye.

But that feeling was only fleeting. When thinking of Ye Lin Langke's death of her sweetheart, Mrs. Ye took a step back in disgust.

She patted Ye Siyao's shoulder and whispered softly.

"Okay, Si Yao, go with her. The driver has already waited outside. Do you have to remember to keep the lady's manners at the banquet? Don't talk to some non-influential people and don't make any embarrassing things. Things come."

Hearing the phrase "non-influential people" among Ye Fu's population, Ye Linlang's lips twitched.

How do you feel there is something in their words?

Forget it, too lazy to care about the mother and daughter.

That's right, in Ye Linlang's eyes, probably looking at the entire Ye family, the only person she still recognizes is Ye Haifeng. Although the so-called father Ye Haifeng is also very cold to her, but at least maintains superficial care.


Sitting in the Audi car, Ye Linlang and Ye Siyao were speechless.

Ye Siyao lazily fiddled with his delicate red nails painted with Kodane, and said to Ye Linlang very lazily and proudly.

"Wait at the banquet, you don't want to hurt me. I have important things to do today."

In the discourse, Ye Siyao regarded himself as the protagonist of this banquet, and it will inevitably shine, capturing the eyes of all the participants.

Ye Linlang saw that Ye Siyao was so confident. She was a little funny, but she was too lazy to break Ye Siyao's fantasy, but nodded lightly.

"Okay, when we got to the banquet place, we parted without leaving each other."

"Your acquaintance is the best."

Ye Siyao's tone was high, and Ye Linlang was very uncomfortable, but he was too lazy to ignore Ye Siyao and simply closed his eyes and took a nap.

And the two girls reached an agreement on this, it is rare to have a time when there is nothing to do.


The banquet location is not any high-end hotel or club in City A, but a private manor in the suburbs.

Although the place is in the suburbs, it is in an extremely luxurious rich gathering area, and the banquet manor has always been mysterious. It has never been opened to the outside, and it was very desirable in the past.

This time the host will host a banquet, everyone is surprised!


In the winter, it was early in the night, and twilight had climbed up the whole sky.

Ye Linlang glanced at the gilded gold flower invitation, and somehow, the closer to the banquet, there is always a feeling of not so good.

Can't tell how that hunch came about.

Could it be because of her first time attending such an occasion, so there is a sense of stage fright subconsciously?

Ye Linlang frowned and showed her eyebrows, and when she was fascinated, the banquet place arrived.

Ye Linlang and Ye Siyao left the Audi car from left to right.

From afar, I saw an extremely tall and luxurious manor area, which was in the style of a European castle. The jade-white Roman stone columns stood tall, as if going straight into the sky.

In front of the manor, there are waiters in gorgeous tuxedos arranged on both sides of the red carpet, very orderly.

Young men and women in various clothes and fragrances hold invitations in hand, but they are all lined up at the entrance, and they can only enter the venue after the invitation letter is tested!

It's obviously winter night, but because of the banquet, everyone wears relatively thin, and some people who can't bear the cold can't help shaking.

Even without going into the manor, just looking at the extravagant ostentation outside, Ye Linlang was shocked.

Ye Linlang looked at this scene, somehow it was strange.

I always feel that there is no good feast. After entering, nothing good will happen.

Ye Linlang frowned deeper, and Ye Siyao looked at men and women of similar ages, dressed in extraordinary clothes, and immediately walked up like a bee seeing the fragrant flowers.

She was at the end of the red carpet, waiting to check the invitation.

Ye Linlang took a deep breath and regretted why he didn’t want an extra shawl like the store. It’s really cold to queue up outdoors now!

Fortunately, the team is not long!

Ye Linlang held his arms and silently lined up behind Ye Siyao.

Because there were not many people, Ye Siyao was quickly discharged.

The male waiter in a gorgeous tuxedo glanced at Ye Siyao, with a dripping smile on his face.

"This lady, please show me the invitation."

Ye Siyao was dazzled when he saw the handsome face of the male waiter.

God, even a janitor is so handsome!

And hurriedly looked at the other waiters, all men and women, what the **** is this!

Ye Siyao felt a sense of dizziness, and she felt that the banquet was very high-end. She immediately unpacked her handbag and handed over her gilded flower invitation.

"Well, here you are."

Ye Siyao smiled Yan Yan, and the bright and beautiful facial features looked particularly irritating in the dark.

Without waiting for the waiter to speak, she immediately lifted her feet confidently and straightened her chest, and then walked towards the castle.

However, to everyone's surprise, the male waiter shouted in a hurry, and directly ordered her to stop her!

"Stop that lady!"

Not to mention Ye Siyao's daze, even Ye Linlang, who was behind her, was very puzzled.

What's wrong? ——

Because the movement was too great, Ye Siyao suddenly blushed when he saw those men and women in beautiful clothes looking towards this side, feeling a little embarrassed.

However, even more embarrassing is yet to come!

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