The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1332: I hate hitting shirts with others the most!

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Jiang Qiran's eyes were clear, and he clasped Ye Linlang's fingers very frankly, even with the same tone of voice.

Shen Xi'er was shocked when he heard this!

She and Jiang Qiran's family have been neighbors for more than ten years. She always thought that Jiang Qiran had a gentle and beautiful mother like Su Wan. She was so impressed that it should be impossible to like fierce girls.

But reality hit her face hard!

Ye Linlang, such a brutal village girl, how did Jiang Qiran look at it? !

The face looks just like that, far worse than himself. The so-called academic performance is also Jiang Qiran's one-hand tutoring. Even if his personality is so small, how can he stand next to Jiang Qiran?


Shen Xi'er was angry and unwilling in her heart. She looked at Ye Linlang and Jiang Qiran's holding hands and took a sigh of relief.

"You all say this, then I can only let those ignorant servants jump the fountain, but... what if something goes wrong?"

Shen Xi'er bit his lip slightly, a look that was purely thought of the male waiters.

Ye Linlang saw Shen Xi'er's pure and innocent expression, and felt very disgusting.

She couldn't help saying Shen Xi'er.

"Miss Shen, since you also know that the water in this big winter is too cold, why do your servants want to throw people into the water?"

Shen Xi'er was stagnant.

Seeing Shen Xi'er open his mouth again, he wanted to quibble. Ye Linlang was too lazy to talk much to her and immediately waved his hand.

"Okay, let them go into the water for a minute, it won't freeze."

Small punishment is a big commandment. If something really happens, the situation will be even more chaotic.

Ye Linlang just didn't want to make those people so arrogant!

There was a trace of anger in Shen Xi'er's beautiful eyes, but Ye Linlang said so, Jiang Qiran looked at her again, and she could not say anything. She could only agree by gritting her teeth.

Shen Xi'er thought that things would be exposed like this, but she really didn't expect that Jiang Qiran and Yin Zihan both proposed to watch the unreasonable servants jumping fountain in person!

And Jiang Qiran even compiled the reasons, saying that it was to imitate the ice bucket challenge in recent years. They jumped into the fountain for a minute, and Jiang Qiran went to donate money to the impoverished mountain village!

This time it really gathered a lot of guests to see.

Although Shen Xi'er was already very unhappy, but with such a reason, everyone did not know what the root of the matter was, but instead praised Jiang for his kindness.

The men dressed in waitresses looked at the cold water continuously, and felt their bodies trembling subconsciously!

I knew that Ye Linlang was Jiang Qiran's girlfriend. They didn't dare to be so arrogant!

When Miss Xi'er asked them to stop Ye Linlang and make her ugly, everyone didn't know there was such a factor!

The night was over, the lantern was on, and several waiters had to jump into the fountain bitterly with an insincere smile.

By the end of the one-minute countdown, those people were already pale, and they crawled out of the fountain with their hands and feet.

Uninformed spectators clapped their hands!

"It's really interesting!"

"The first time I saw such an interesting charity!"

Jiang Qiran had an indifferent smile on his face. He dealt with those guests' flattery with scorn, and finally got very annoyed. He directly pulled Ye Linlang back into the hall.


Others did not know what happened to the so-called charity show just now. Ye Siyao saw that those people had bullied her and Ye Linlang.

She looked at the handsome young man standing side by side with Ye Linlang in the hall. Jiang Qiran put her coat on Ye Linlang's body, and she only put on a white shirt.

But even if he wore so thin, Jiang Qiran was still slender, and his white body became more and more like a graceful prince in a fairy tale.

At this moment, the prince whispered to Ye Linlang's "Cinderella" from time to time.

Ye Siyao couldn't help but bit his teeth, and there was too much jealousy spread in his heart.

Ye Linlang and Jiang Qiran, how could they be a match? !

It's just one heaven and one underground!

Ye Siyao glanced a short distance away and looked at the couple's birthday star, Miss Shen Xi'er in those populations, with an indescribable feeling in her heart.

Out of a certain female intuition, Ye Siyao believes that this Shen Xi'er must like Jiang Qiran.

To be honest, she just opened her phone and searched for Shen Xi'er and Huanya Group behind her, but she felt shocking after only a few words.

This Shen Xi'er not only looks beautiful, but his family and Ye family are really not of the same order of magnitude!

So, what did Jiang Qiran come from?

In addition, there is a real young lady such as Shen Xi'er in front of him. Why did Jiang Qiran blindly see which villager? !


The enemy of the so-called enemy is a friend.

Even though Ye Siyao was very unhappy with Shen Xi'er before, but after seeing Shen Xi'er's background that ordinary people couldn't afford to provoke, and Shen Xi'er's admiration for Jiang Qi's irresistible concealment, Ye Siyao decided to make a good conversation!

With her heart in mind, she immediately picked up a glass of red wine from the waiter tray and walked towards Shen Xi'er.

"Miss Xi'er, happy birthday!"

Ye Siyao put a polite smile on Shen Xi'er's face.

Shen Xi'er heard a strange female voice and looked at Ye Siyao in doubt.

After seeing Ye Siyao's red dress similar to his own color, Shen Xi'er was a little unhappy immediately.

She hates hitting shirts with others the most!

And this girl has a bit of appearance, and the facial features are vaguely familiar, as if I have seen them before!

Shen Xi'er felt a little vigilant in his heart and spoke lightly to Ye Siyao.

"you are--"

Ye Siyao was not annoyed at Shen Xi'er's alienated attitude. She was always bullying and hard. She thought of Shen Xi'er's family enough to deter the Quartet, so she wanted to hold this thigh in her heart.

"I am Ye Linlang's sister, Ye Siyao."

Ye Siyao blinked at Shen Xi'er, reaching for the girl who was whispering to Jiang Qiran not far away.


Shen Xi'er heard her words and suddenly her eyebrows fell!

Ye Linlang's sister--

It's no wonder that the facial features of the girl in this red skirt are a bit familiar, but it is far more beautiful than Ye Linlang's delicate appearance, so I couldn't recognize it for a moment.

"Presumably Miss Xi'er, don't like that country man?"

Ye Siyao unabashedly said his heart.

Shen Xi'er was stunned by Ye Siyao's "candidness".

"What if I hate her?"

Ye Siyao's lips and smiles were secret, and she took a step closer to Shen Xi'er, and immediately began to surrender to Shen Xi'er.

"Not as good as ours? You also hope that she will be ugly at this banquet? Just do what I said..."

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