The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1336: Too much brain repair is sick

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Seeing Jiang Qiran and Ye Linlang leaving away, the whole room was shocked!

Although they can all see that Jiang Qiran is quite fond of this nominal young girlfriend, but if he leaves for such a woman, is it too emotional? !

You know, it is not someone else who is holding the birthday party, but Shen Xi'er, the eldest lady of Huanya Group!

If you leave like this halfway, it is undoubtedly a slap in the face of Shen Xi'er!

It's not a good thing for a little girl who is not known, but it causes the two big families to be wicked. !


Shen Xi'er also panicked.

She looked at Jiang Qiran's thin and elongated jade bamboo back, and an inexplicable disorder appeared in her heart.

She always feels that if subconsciously let Jiang Qiran leave so, what is her birthday star? !

Want to let the whole world know that they are secretly in love with Jiang Qiran, but the other party has so bad face? !

Shen Xi'er gritted her teeth and couldn't care about any good manners. She immediately took the skirt and quickly caught up with Jiang Qiran and Ye Linlang.

She opened her arms, Qing Lingling's eyes were thin red, and she looked at Jiang Qiran in a questioning way like a negative heart.

"Brother Qiran! Today is my birthday. Do you want to humiliate me like this for a woman who doesn't know what to do?! Where do you put our friendship for so many years and the friendship between the Jiang and Shen families for so many years? ?"

Ye Linlang heard that Shen Xi'er directly referred to herself as "a woman who doesn't know what to do". Suddenly she felt uncomfortable. She wrinkled beautifully and subconsciously wanted to rebut.

As a result, Jiang Qiran was the first to stand in front of Ye Linlang.

"Shen Xi'er, I have already sent the gift, I have already said the birthday wishes, it is already polite, but my girlfriend has been bullied, I can't let her go!"

The young man's voice was soft, but the word by word seemed to conceal the sonorous spirit, which was very irrefutable.

Ye Linlang was protected by Jiang Qiran behind her, she stared at Jiang Qiran's back like a tall mountain for some reason. Somehow, she felt an inexplicable impression in her heart.

She always felt that she might be spoiled by Jiang Qiran.

There is such a teenager guarding her. In the future, she may always subconsciously want to rely on this person.

Such a change is actually good or bad. She doesn't want to be a dodder flower living snuggling with an arbor, but she feels infatuated with the feeling of being loved in the palm of her hand.

So contradictory.


Shen Xi'er's eyes crossed Jiang Qiran, and he glanced at the girl with blushing cheeks behind him.

When Shen Xier saw Ye Linlang's look, her silver teeth clenched!

This shameless **** woman!

Actually, I still enjoy the maintenance of Brother Qiran!

What kind of onion is she?

Shen Xi'er has investigated. Ye Linlang and Jiang Qiran have known each other for less than a tenth of the time she and Jiang Qiran met!

Jiang Qiran's previous love history was blank. How could he suddenly be excited for a girl who had no flash at all?

It is nothing more than Ye Linlang's means to live in Jiang Qiran's apartment for a while!

Don't look at Ye Linlang's appearance is simple and innocent, but in fact it is a fox girl!

Young people, boys again, there must be some craving for physical pleasure!

Maybe Ye Linlang just kept Jiang Qiran on his own body, not necessarily!


Shen Xi'er thought that Ye Linlang might have slept with Jiang Qiran, and the more he felt jealous in his heart.

She looked bitterly at Ye Linlang's beautiful face.

"Purely, we have known each other for more than ten years since we were young! Why do you want to maintain an outsider who has only known each other for less than a year?!"

Ye Linlang saw Shen Xi'er's hatred of biting herself, and also degraded her. She finally couldn't help it, and directly opened her eyes with Shen Xi'er.

"Who said you are an outsider—"

Seeing that Ye Linlang was about to quarrel with Shen Xi'er, Jiang Qiran reached out to hold Ye Linlang's hand and handed her a gentle and reassuring gaze.

"Lin Lang, of course you are not an outsider, rest assured, let me handle this matter."

Ye Linlang saw Jiang Qiran Qingjun's perfect face, and suddenly she was touched inexplicably.

She naturally believed in the boy.

Ye Linlang thought for two seconds, and immediately nodded to Jiang Qiran.

"Okay, you go."

She is not the kind of person who would doubt her relationship with Jiang Qiran because of other words. Similarly, she also firmly believes that the boy she likes is the same as her heart.


Jiang Qiran's eyes were narrow and long, he didn't care about the presence of so many people, and shaved Ye Linlang's nose very pamperingly.

"Well, you go out and wait a few minutes, I will make it clear to Shen Xi'er."

If it was to others, Jiang Qiran definitely left his hands and left.

However, after all, Shen Xi'er's family is there, and most importantly, he came for Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng today.

Jiang Qiran, as their son, naturally doesn't want to embarrass the Jiang family. If there is a trouble, they should at least maintain the harmony on the surface.


Ye Linlang didn't understand the twists and turns between the high-level social interactions. She just believed Jiang Jiangran and walked out of the hall immediately.

Shen Xi'er was inexplicably happy to see Jiang Qiran let Ye Linlang go out, and waited to see her disgusting figure disappear into her eyes.

She looked at Jiang Qiran with her eyebrows, staring at Jiang Qiran's thin and light lips, always secretly expecting this man to say a few more words to herself.

"Pray, what are you going to tell me--"

Jiang Qiran saw that Shen Xi'er still had such a deep admiration, and he couldn't stand it. He always felt that Shen Xi'er would be desperate for the next moment and confessed to him in public!

If this really happens, I am afraid that today's things will really get bigger.

"There are too many people here. Is there a lounge?"

Jiang Qiran frowned and finally spoke lightly.

Shen Xi'er nodded flattered.

"Yes, of course!"

Brother Qi Ran actually wanted to talk to her alone, God!

Shen Xi'er couldn't hide a happy look on her face, she immediately took Jiang Qiran and walked towards a small room on the corner of the hall.

Jiang Qiran followed her in. He stood at the door, leaning against the wall. Although his posture was idle, he showed an inexplicable sense of prestige.

Living together in this room alone, Shen Xi'er's heart thumped, and he always felt like he had a small animal.

What do you want to tell her? Are you here to comfort her?

Shen Xi'er knows how proud of Jiang Qiran is. Today, he turned back halfway and pulled himself to speak alone. Obviously, he lowered his posture to accommodate her.

However, when Shen Xier's brain was too self-controlling, he suddenly heard the exquisite and handsome young man in front of him.

"Shen Xi'er, Lin Lang and I have decided to get engaged."

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