The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1341: Why are you so horny!

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Jiang Qiran looked at Ye Linlang, who was twisting her fingers, and she felt helpless.

"When will this ostrich mentality change, eh?"

One day early or one day later, to let Ye Linlang's parents know their relationship, for Jiang Qiran, there is not much difference.

Because he never cared about those people, as long as Ye Linlang and him liked each other.

However, Ye Linlang's status in the Ye family is really worrying. Jiang Qi couldn't bear to see her being bullied so she wanted to see Ye Linlang's parents.

Perhaps this does not make the Ye family’s parents like this daughter who was raised in the country, but at least, with him, those people will also treat Ye Linlang better on the surface.

His girl, even he is reluctant to bully, how can those people trample on Ye Linlang?


Ye Linlang saw Jiang Qiran's deep and deep phoenix's eyes and looked at herself directly. Ye Linlang's cheeks couldn't help but get a hint of red.

"I have an ostrich mentality, how do you drop me?"

Ye Linlang pouted, Jiang Qiran watched Ye Linlang unconsciously spoiled him, and immediately had an inexplicable throb in his heart.

He lowered his head and saw Ye Linlang's clear pupil reflecting his face.

Only reflected his face.

This recognition made Jiang Qiran very happy.

"What's wrong with me? Why are you looking at me like this?"

Ye Linlang was embarrassed by Jiang Qiran's burning eyes. She blinked Qing Lingling's eyes and scratched her hair subconsciously.

This action was performed by Ye Linlang,

What a foul!

Jiang Qiran slid his throat twice, and immediately lowered his head involuntarily, dropping a soft kiss on Ye Linlang's long eyebrows.

Ye Linlang saw Jiang Qiran bow his head and immediately closed his eyes in embarrassment, but here is the door of the community!

How do you feel that there is a different kind of stimulation!

However, the expected deep kiss did not fall, but it was a very gentle, light kiss full of spoil, still falling on her eyes.

Ye Linlang was in a trance, and she opened her eyes, because Jiang Qiran didn't kiss her so aggressively as before, but she was inexplicably lost.

——Eh, Ye Linlang, why have you become so horny!

Realizing her terrible thoughts, Ye Linlang's face became more flushed, and she couldn't help but spurn herself several times.

Jiang Qiran stared at Ye Linlang's dumbfounded voice, and his voice became more and more magnetic.

Like the aged wine, it almost drowns people in it.

"Silly girl, don't let me wait too long, you know?"

Wait, wait?

Ye Linlang was fascinated by Jiang Qiran's sexual-sense tail, and it took a few seconds to realize that Jiang Qiran was talking about seeing her parents.

Ye Linlang nodded in a trance, not waiting for Jiang Qi to answer, immediately stepped away and ran away!

Almost deserted!

The posture is so embarrassed.

She couldn't always say that because Jiang Qiran didn't kiss her strongly, she looked at Qingjun's face and wanted to kiss Jiang Qiran instead?

Ah Yeah, Ye Linlang, when did you become so horny!

Not saved!


The Ye family is not far from the gate of this high-end community. Ye Linlang trot all the way and arrived soon.

She didn't dare to look back all the way. Naturally, she never found Jiang Qiran watching her all the way from afar, her lips smiling, her expression faintly spoiled.

With a jumping heart, Ye Linlang crossed the artificial lake and walked into the hall.

It was found that the hall was brilliantly lit, and Ye Siyao, Ye Haifeng and Mrs. Ye were all there!

But these are not the most important. The most important thing is that there are dozens of white clothes bags scattered in the living room!

Every bag was opened by someone!

All kinds of gorgeous or beautiful or simple clothes are piled up on the sofa!

Ye Siyao is still comparing those skirts to his body!


Ye Linlang's pupils widened instantly!

Isn't this the clothes that Jiang Qiran bought himself?

how come--

The original shy smile on Ye Linlang's face faded away. She didn't want to think about it, and immediately shouted at Ye Siyao who was holding her clothes.

"Who allows you to move my clothes without permission?!"

Ye Linlang Xiu frowned, her eyes cold and sharp, so that the three people in the hall who were amazed by the clothes suddenly woke up!

Ye Linlang actually came back? !

Because of the shock, everyone hadn't responded to what Ye Linlang said.

Ye Siyao took the lead in waking up.

Her beautiful lips pouted, one hand on her hips, and she sneered a mocking look at Ye Linlang.

"Ye Linlang, what daydream are you doing?! These clothes are obviously given by the person who wants to pursue me at the banquet? You, a little countryman, also want to wear such beautiful clothes?!"

Ye Siyao was chattering, and suddenly noticed that the clothes on Ye Linlang had changed.

That's right, because wearing the gray-blue dress to eat supper is too out of place, and the temperature is also cold today, after Jiang Qiran bought one of the store's winter suits, Ye Linlang changed it.

Ye Siyao has also seen this set of winter clothes.

Jiang Qiran always buys clothes in a full color, so the other colors of that set are lying quietly in the Jiang family hall.

Fortunately, it was next to Ye Siyao.

Ye Siyao looked at the stitched coat on the sofa closest to him with a flabbergasted mouth, and his mouth suddenly became O-shaped!


Her eyes were confused, as if she had not woke up from this bad news.

"You said it was your could it be?!"

Ye Linlang also noticed the same paragraphs on the sofa following Ye Siyao's eyes.

She looked at Ye Siyao somewhat ironically and reached out to twist the same spliced ​​coat on the sofa.

"The evidence is here!"

Mrs. Ye was shocked!

She would rather believe that Ye Linlang, a dead girl blind cat, had run into a dead mouse. Today she bought a coat that just hit her shirt!

However, Mrs. Ye knew better than anyone else that such a coat had to have at least five digits. She had been buckling Ye Linlang's expenses, how could the dead girl have so much money in her hand!


Mrs. Ye's eyes were cold, and she ran to Ye Linlang in a hurry. Ye Linlang was alert, but she saw that Mrs. Ye reached out and touched the satin on her clothes.

Then Mrs. Ye touched the one on the sofa.

Her pupils widened and murmured subconsciously.

"Actually the same material..."

Ye Linlang saw that Madam Ye admitted that she was telling the truth in disguise, and she was relieved.

She glanced at the mess in the living room and frowned slightly.

"Since I can prove that these clothes belong to me, can I take them away?"

Not waiting for Ye Siyao and others to react from the sluggishness, Ye Linlang began to fold up his clothes.

However, at this time, Ye Siyao reddened his eyes and yanked Ye Linlang's wrist!

"You lied, you couldn't have so much money!"

"Did you go out and sell it?!"

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