Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Seeing that the flawless handsome face kept zooming in front of him, Ye Linlang's small heart thumped, and couldn't help but speed up the beating frequency.

Does he... want to kiss her?

A faint blush appeared on Ye Linlang's face, perhaps a shyness in her heart. She subconsciously closed her eyes slowly, her hands clenched into fists.

Just when Ye Linlang was both expecting and disturbed, he suddenly heard Jiang Qiran's cold and clear voice ringing, and he was a little bit cramped.

"You are standing on the corner of your lips."

Jiang Qiran stated lightly, while extending his hand to remove the unsightly white rice grains on Ye Linlang's cheeks.

Ye Linlang opened his eyes in shock!

He just created such a shy atmosphere, just to say that she has rice in the corner of her mouth!

Ye Linlang's eyes widened in disbelief.

She looked towards Jiang Qiran's hand, and as expected, she saw a white trace on Jiang Qiran's slender index finger.

As for it? !

In order to wipe out a rice grain so much, it hurts her...

Ye Linlang thought of his previous thoughts, and the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched, his expression awkward.

"It turns out this way, I thought what would you do..."

Ye Linlang complained softly, and suddenly heard Jiang Qiran's smiling voice ring in his ear.

"Why? Thinking I want to kiss you?!"

Ye Linlang was shy and embarrassed, and then stared at Jiang Qiran suddenly.

"certainly not!"

She denies it!

However, in Jiang Qiran's view, Ye Linlang's cheeks were stained with a pale crimson color, and his eyes were sullen, and he seemed to be coquettish with his sweetheart.

Rarely seeing Ye Linlang's demure attitude as a young daughter, Jiang Qiran's lips curled, making Ye Linlang's mind thicker.

He lifted his foot around Ye Linlang, and used a trap like movement to stretch his hand around Ye Linlang's thin body, which was not to be violated. He was overbearing and ambiguous.

"Not what? If you didn't want me to kiss you just now, why close your eyes?"

Ye Linlang was even more ashamed and angry by Jiang Qiran's jokes, but his lips opened and he didn't know how to refute!

"Look, your face is red!"

Without giving Ye Linlang the time to deny, Jiang Qiran suddenly lowered his head, pressed down the thin lips, and grabbed all the breath between Ye Linlang's lips!

Ye Linlang's eyes glared round and looked at Jiang Qiran's face in disbelief!

He really meant to kiss just to kiss without giving anyone a little time to prepare!


The food was not delicious, kiss her!

Ye Linlang was imprisoned on the seat. Jiang Qiran's kiss was different from his cold and dusty appearance. Instead, it was like a flame. With all the domineering power and strength that swept all over, she attacked the city in her lips and tossed and turned.

Ye Linlang used to hammer Jiang Qiran twice with both hands, but in the end she was no match for Jiang Qiran's powerful offensive. She quickly defeated and was dragged into this sweet kiss.

Her eyes were a bit confusing. A pair of clear Lingling's water eyes seemed to be foggy, and Jiang Qiran's throat tightened.

Jiang Qiran had an inexplicable current in his heart, realizing his changes, and he loosened Ye Linlang impatiently.

When I spoke again, the voice was a little dumb and very sexual.

"Don't look at me like that! It's a foul, you close your eyes!"

Ye Linlang was crying and laughing.

How childish is Jiang Qiran!

She is wrong to close her eyes, and it is wrong not to close her eyes.


The two little lovers spent a long time in the dining room. After a meal, they also ate sweetly.

Probably young is the biggest capital, don't worry too much, always feel that having a lover by your side is the brightest future.


When Ye Linlang and Jiang Qiran set off, it was almost afternoon.

In fact, City S and City A are neighboring cities. Su Wan watched his son and his young girlfriend be late, and nervously called Jiang Qiran.

Ye Linlang received it.

"Pure, you and Lin Lang did not have anything on the road? How come you haven't arrived yet..."

After all, Jiang Qiran said that he wanted to drive to City A himself, and his mother was worried, and Su Wan was a little worried for them.

Ye Linlang was embarrassed and embarrassed at the time, and finally quickly clarified.

"Auntie, I'm sorry, we came out late, there was no traffic jam or anything, you can rest assured that we will arrive soon!"


After hanging up the phone, Ye Linlang was still ashamed.

The first time I went to Jiang to pray for my parents' appointment, I was actually late, really...

Do you think your son and girlfriend are particularly unreliable?

Ye Linlang felt awkward in her heart, and arrived at S City in her messy thoughts.

The lantern was at the beginning. Ye Linlang saw the pair of men and women standing side by side at the door of Fontainebleau.

Jiang Qiran's parents, Jiang Xuecheng and Su Wan.

Years seem to be extremely tolerant to these couples, leaving no traces, but just giving them more charm.

The two of them stood under the street lamp, and it was really like the same painting. It was not only a description of handsome men and women, but also a sense of existence that could not be ignored.

It seems that the two men and women should be one. If they are separated, they will be torn in half, which makes people feel regretful.

Ye Linlang looked at Jiang Qiran's parents and couldn't help but get mad.

"Your parents look so beautiful..."

Jiang Qiran glanced at Ye Linlang with an idiot.

"You said the same last time."

Ye Linlang's mouth twitched, and his expression suddenly changed.

Well, she can't be poor! Her language is the best, but Jiang Qiran’s parents can’t say anything but good-looking.

If you are with Jiang Qiran in the future, you can become as elegant as Jiang Qiran's mother!

That's right, this is her lifelong dream!


"Pray, Linlang, you are here."

Su Wan's lips and lips smiled, and a pair of apricot eyes made people's hearts swell, and they didn't need to do anything to make them beautiful.

Different from Su Wan's enthusiasm, Jiang Xuecheng just nodded his head to Jiang Ran and Ye Linlang lightly. He took Su Wan's hand and his eyes quickly fell on Su Wan.

As if Su Wan was his world.

"Good uncle and aunt!"

Ye Linlang looked at Jiang Qiran's parents and did not mind Jiang Xuecheng's indifference. Having had the last experience at the A City Golf Course, she already knew that Jiang Qiran's father had this character!

Even the person who wouldn’t say two words to Jiang Qiran’s son, nodded at her, even if she didn’t like it, she obviously didn’t reject her!

What's more, how honored it is to be able to pick up President Dichen and President's wife in this world!

Anyway, Ye Linlang was very happy!

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