The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1357: Grab someone else's boyfriend

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

There was a lot of noise, and even a few people who hurried towards the school ran past.

"That's it! It's so beautiful!"

"How do you feel like you have never seen this girl in school?"

"She looks so good too! If it is really from our school, how come there is no leader list? This is definitely the first level!"

"Yeah, I also think that Xia Qianqian Xiaohua in class A needs a sense of crisis! That girl is really beautiful!"

"No, no, I think I still like Jiang Miaomiao's appearance in Class F."

"Jiang Miaomiao is a female man. If you don't speak to the goddess a little bit, look at that girl, and the smile is obviously the goddess."


Ye Linlang was shocked when he heard those comments.

They said, shouldn't it be Shen Xi'er?

Was it such a big battle the first time you came to school?

She immediately walked towards the roadster that was already surrounded by water.

As soon as she approached, Ye Linlang saw a familiar Qianying.

Sure enough, Shen Xi'er.

Unlike the people around them who put on the school uniforms of Lingyun High School, Shen Xi'er was a custom lotus-colored princess dress. Now the weather is warm and cold at first glance, but the skirt is light and thin, which outlines the girl's good body curve.

Long hair shawl, gently held with a crystal hair clip, the smile on his face is generous and decent, holding a pure white style handbag in his hand.

Everything seems simple, but anyone who knows the goods understands that this line of business may not be able to take down the six digits.

Standing in the middle of a group of people wearing white and blue school uniforms, Shen Xi'er appeared so tall and so tall.

She was surrounded by new admirers, but her face was not half annoyed or impatient, and she didn't even let the bodyguard expel them.

"Can everyone make a concession? Sorry, I just transferred to Lingyun High School, but I didn't expect my classmates to be so enthusiastic."

Shen Xi'er had the right smile on her face. She looked around the boys and girls in the surroundings. Many people looked at her like this and suddenly blushed.

"We, Da Lingyun, are most welcoming beautiful women!"

"Goddess! What's your name! Which grade department are you in? Which class are you in!"

"I also want to have a class with the goddess."

Seeing Shen Xi'er surrounded by people, Ye Linlang stood not far away and sighed.

Some people really don't need to do anything, and can be regarded as a goddess in three words.

Probably this kind of magic can also be applied to Jiang Qiran.

No matter which aspect he and Shen Xi'er are, they are so outstanding that everyone can't help but want to hold them down.


Ye Linlang's heart evoked an unprecedented sense of crisis.

Forget it, she should always come, and she cannot prevent Shen Xi'er from transferring to Lingyun High School, nor can she prevent Shen Xi'er's family business from cooperating with the Ye Family.

Wait for it to become better.

Just when Ye Linlang raised her feet and was about to leave, suddenly, she saw Shen Xi'er's gaze sweeping towards her with a deep intention.

Facing Shen Xi'er's eyes, Ye Linlang jumped in his heart, and quickly stepped away, but heard a breezy female voice.

"Miss Ye, we will be classmates in the future, will we leave without saying hello?"

Miss Ye...

Ye Linlang heard that Shen Xi'er was obviously stopping herself, took a deep breath, and finally narrowed her lips.

"Then... good morning?"

Ye Linlang's face was a little embarrassed, and anyone could tell.

Whispering around suddenly.

"The goddess actually knew Ye Linlang?"

"Yeah... Isn't Ye Linlang a redneck from the country? But the goddess is obviously not the kind of small place!"


When everyone was in the clouds, Ye Siyao didn't know where it came from, and immediately grabbed Shen Xi'er's arm.

"Xi'er, you are here!"

Shen Xi'er has always disliked other people's soaring, she glanced at the warm Ye Siyao, a slight disgust in her beautiful eyes.

If it weren’t Ye Siyao who was Ye Linlang’s sister, she could help her monitor the development of Ye Linlang and Jiang Qiran!

Shen Xi'er had a smile on her face. She nodded to Ye Siyao, and then pulled Ye Siyao's hand a little bit without a trace, and walked directly to Ye Linlang.

"Ye Linlang, you will be a classmate in the future, why not shake your hand?"

Ye Linlang looked at the perfect smile on the dummy of Shen Xi'er's face, and her expression was slightly sluggish.

And Shen Xi'er reached out first.

Ye Linlang didn't see the meaning of a little handshake, but instead it was more like a kind of provocation or a prelude to declaring war.

The people around them looked at Ye Linlang's delay in reaching out, so indifferent to the newest beauties in their hearts, they immediately couldn't help but sneer at Ye Linlang.

"Ye Linlang! Do you have any tutors! You didn't reach out!"

"Yes! The country comes from the country, there is no upbringing!"


Ye Linlang didn't do anything, but Shen Xier poured all the winds on herself between three times.

Ye Linlang only felt that heavy lead had been poured on his feet and could not walk.

Those sentence by sentence fixed Ye Linlang directly on the definition of the uncultivated villager who came from the mountain village. As if in this way, Ye Linlang could be flogged 10,000 times on the column of shame.


Ye Linlang pursed her lips, and of course she understood that no matter what she did, from the day she became Jiang Qiran's girlfriend, it was impossible for many people to like herself.

After hesitating for a moment, Ye Linlang finally stretched out his hand with a faint expression.

"Classmate Shen, hello."

Ye Linlang felt that the moment she stretched out her hand, Shen Xi'er approached suddenly and spoke with the voice that only she and Ye Linlang heard.

"Ye Linlang, you wait, pray that it will definitely be mine."

With a jump in Ye Linlang's heart, she looked at Shen Xi'er's impeccable perfect smile and yanked her hand back from Shen Xi'er.

"You think you can do it, you go!"

Would it be glorious to rob someone else’s boyfriend and declare war so grandly? !

Ye Linlang glanced at Shen Xi'er disgustedly, and then turned away without hesitation.

The classmates could not understand what Ye Linlang and Shen Xi'er were talking about, and they all accused Ye Linlang of not knowing what to do. Why did they leave with such a shame?

Sure enough, it came from the country, it's too low quality!


In the classroom of Class A, the bell of the class has already sounded.

The head teacher with Shen Xi'er arrived late.

When the boys in the class saw such a big beauty, they made a lot of awkward noises.

"This is the new goddess that caused a sensation this morning? It's actually Class A! God!"

At this moment, Shen Xi'er, who introduced herself on the podium, suddenly said amazingly!

"Hello everyone, my name is Shen Xi'er. Everyone must be curious why I want to transfer to school halfway through the school year. The reason is very simple, for one person!"

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