The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1362: Jiang Qiran's proposal

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When Jiang Miaomiao thought of the lines he wanted to read, he suddenly felt a little pain in his stomach.

Seeing her like this, Ye Linlang couldn't bear it anymore and had to walk aside and start reading the script.

A crowd of people looked at her helplessly, and the girl in charge of props came up, treated Jiang Miaomiao's hair, and smoothed the wrinkles on the cheongsam.

"Don't laugh, it's hard to get into the drama."

Jiang Miaomiao embarrassedly shook his tongue slightly, and the whole person was as lively as a cat.

"Ah, sorry, I promise I won't laugh again."


After waiting for Jiang Miaomiao to rest for five minutes, everyone started playing again.

Still the scene just now, Ye Linlang played the scum boy young master Zhou Ping.

Ye Linlang looked at Jiang Miaomiao, who was wearing a red cheongsam, and tried to imagine the pretty young girl in front of her as a stern stepmother. She pursed her lips and looked bitter.

"I regret it. Those things I did before were wrong. Let's both end this mistake. I'm sorry for many people, sorry for my brother, and even more for my father."

As a son, he was unclear with his stepmother.

This is the biggest stain in his life.

Every time I saw Zhou Chong, the younger brother of stepmother Fan Yi, and watched Zhou Chong also deeply rooted in Sifeng, Zhou Ping decided to leave this chaotic family.

He likes his maid like a pretty little yellow bird, and the light and heat from her body are not found by her stepmother Fan Yi.

Fan Yi is too yin bird of prey, like a canna that grows under the moon, although it is beautiful, but when you approached her, you felt the tide in your heart.

Zhou Ping is determined to end this paradoxical relationship with his stepmother Fan Yi, to prevent his brother from falling in love with his little yellowbird, he will leave here with Sifeng, yes, leave here.

As long as you leave this family, everything will be fine.


Fan Yi was only a few years older than Zhou Ping's step-son. When I knew Zhou Ping was going to abandon himself and leave, what a discomfort and despair in his heart!

Jiang Miaomiao thought of this, the look on his face was no longer so smiling.

She took a deep breath, making her voice as low as possible.

"Ping! Are you the most sorry person, have you forgotten?!"

When Fan Yi married Zhou Ping, Zhou Ping's father, Zhou Puyuan tortured her so much. She was young, but like a piece of dead wood with no vitality.

It was Zhou Ping who brought Fan Yi into this flower world,

However, now Zhou Ping saw the maid Sifeng, saw a brand-new world, and even wanted to leave her!

How can this be!


Ye Linlang looked at Jiang Miaomiao's serious face with a serious face, but still felt strange in his heart.

I always feel that Miao Miao and Fan Yi don't fit at all.

But the drama always has to continue.

Ye Linlang knows that Zhou Ping is a little afraid of Fan Yi. This undesirable evil is his head, but Fan Yi is a soul character. She controls the direction of this love.

Zhou Ping was tired, not only tired of Fan Yi, but also scared. This time, he was so cruel to leave her that no one could stop him.

Ye Linlang looked at Jiang Miaomiao's youthful face, and she backed away with a pretence of faint fear, trying to get herself into the drama.

"I do have the most sorry person, but that person will definitely not be you!"

Jiang Miaomiao glanced at the lines behind, and then went to the place where she laughed before.

"It's me! It's the stepmother you once tempted! You even thought about letting your father die! You've already turned your back on you, how can you want to leave me halfway!...hahahaha..."

Miao Miao didn't hold back for a while, but she thumped again and laughed!

She swept the staff present with big, round eyes and looked very innocent.

"I think the plot of "Thunderstorm" is too tangled! I can't stand it anymore, let me laugh for a while..."

Ye Linlang was really helpless.

Miao Miao couldn't hold back her laughs one after another.

Ye Linlang suddenly felt that the acting stars in the TV series were actually not easy.

After all, it's really difficult to play a good role, and people who play against each other all the time have a laugh, which also affects their performance.

Ye Linlang rubbed her eyebrows, and she scanned the script carefully.

The more I watched, the more I felt that Zhou Ping was a character she hated.

On the contrary, a woman who dares to love and hate like Fan Yi makes Ye Linlang feel very pitiful.


Ye Linlang looked back at the script and felt more shocked.

Scanned that Zhou Ping, the scum master, committed suicide with a gun, and Sifeng fled because he could not accept Zhou Ping as a blood-related sibling.

Fan Chong's son Zhou Chong also liked Sifeng. When chasing Sifeng, the two of them were electrocuted and killed in a thunderstorm night.

Fan Yi couldn't accept this ending. The most attached lover and the most distressed son all disappeared in one night, and finally Fan Yi collapsed and went crazy.

With such a complex set of people, Ye Linlang felt that Miao Miao might really not be suitable for acting.

She glanced at Jiang Miaomiao tangled, and finally couldn't help but propose.

"Miao Miao, why don't you still play Sifeng, youthful and lively, simple and unfamiliar with the world, I think this is more suitable for you, as long as you just rush out, there is no too complicated mental journey."

When Jiang Miaomiao heard Ye Linlang's words, he was suddenly entangled.

In fact, she also knows that Sifeng, the innocent and simple sister, is better to perform, but Fan Yi, the stepmother, is more difficult to describe.

But the more challenging the role, the more she wanted to try!


When Jiang Miaomiao hesitated, Jiang Qiran came over.

Of course, he has also read the text of "Thunderstorm", and now he has scanned the scripts prepared by Ye Linlang, and his voice is softly proposed.

"The girl who played Sifeng just played well, there is no need to change with Miao Miao."

The main reason is that Fan Yi from Jiang Miaomiao's acting is too embarrassing. All her acting skills are qualified except her.

The girl who played Sifeng in Class F was so praised by Jiang Qiran that she blushed suddenly.

She seemed to be flattered and humble.

"Cough, Jiang Shao, in fact, I am average."

However, Jiang Qiran didn't take a look at the girl who played Sifeng. When the girl was lost, she stared at Jiang Qiran with Ye Linlang's script.

It was all about Zhou Ping, the scumbag master.

Ye Linlang is unknown.

"What do you do with my script? We are the all-female version of "Thunderstorm". You are a man and can't act."

Jiang Qiran refused to say anything, but took Jiang Miaomiao's Fan Yi script again.

Then they exchanged them and handed them to Ye Linlang and Miao Miao respectively.

Ye Linlang looked startled.

Suddenly something seemed to come to mind.

Jiang Miaomiao also frowned.

"Brother, would you want me and Lin Lang to swap roles?"

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