Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Jiang Qiran was so nonsense that Ye Linlang's disease was not the first time he saw it.

She looked at Jiang Qiran's thin lips, and of course knew in her heart that Jiang Qiran was just jealous.

Just thinking of the scene before Shen Xi'er holding Jiang Qiran, she felt a pantothenic feeling in her heart.

So I had no choice but to say nothing.

On the other side, Yin Zihan has quarreled with Jiang Qiran.

"Jiang Qiran, wouldn't you have a problem with comprehension? I obviously want to dedicate flowers to Ye Linlang..."

Jiang Qiran was so angry that Yin Zihan was so angry that Qi Ziqi was a smoker. In the basketball game between the two, Yin Zihan had promised not to be entangled with Ye Linlang!

In today's gathering of the whole school, Yin Zihan actually presented flowers to Ye Linlang in public!

Isn't this openly provoking yourself? !

Jiang Qiran's expression was a bit gloomy. He didn't pay any attention to Yin Zihan, but looked directly at Ye Linlang.

"Lin Lang, who do you say this flower should be dedicated to?"

Between his speeches, his phoenix eyes picked slightly, and a pair of cold eyes shone with a dreadful radiance.

Ye Linlang bit her lip, and the bunch of red roses in front of her made her face paler with makeup.

This little hesitation made Jiang Qiran sink.

But in the next second, Ye Linlang finally followed Jiang Qiran's meaning and handed the flower to Jiang Miaomiao beside him.

"Qiran was right, I performed well this time, and a large part of it was also because our "Thunderstorm" crew worked superbly. Thank you, Yin, for loving our drama."

Her attitude of avoiding weight and making it light makes Yin Zihan extremely upset.

Where does he like the whole crew of "Thunderstorm"! Almost all the world knows his thoughts? !

Yin Zihan knew that Ye Linlang was doing this for Jiang Qiran's sake. He stared at Jiang Qiran with hate, then looked at Ye Linlang, his voice was a little unpleasant.

"I know you said that for Jiang Qiran, even this time, Ye Linlang, such a man with strong control, do you really like it?"

After striking this sentence, Yin Zihan walked away uncomfortably.

The quarrelsome drama on the stage made the people on the stage dumbfounded. What shocked them most was that the teacher did not step forward to stop!

Isn't that too bad?

Everyone glanced subtly at the headmasters who were still in the front row. They all said that Lingyun High School was the most opposed to early love, but this time they were blatantly arguing about the relationship between men and women. The principal was so calm!

However, some smart people already have speculations in their minds. Apart from Ye Linlang, what other family background is irritating?

Yin Zihan is the son of the school's largest school director, so I don't mention it. Everyone is familiar with it, and Jiang Qiran's identity is mysterious. Everyone knows that it shouldn't be a troublesome person.

The most worthwhile is the identity of Miss Shen Xi'er Miss Shen! According to informed sources, she is the gold of Huanya Group!

As a giant of the imperial chaebol, Huanya Group, such a big Buddha, is really not something that ordinary gentry can cause.


After the farce, several presenters on the stage responded in a timely manner and quickly started the round.

The senior high school sister wearing a navy blue dress smiled slowly, joking at Ye Linlang and her party.

"It seems that the crew of "Thunderstorm" is very united, and it must be regarded as a collective credit for such things as offering flowers. This quality is also praised by our Lingyun High School."

After a few jokes, I finally reached the end of this celebration.

The male host in the white tuxedo picked up the microphone and instantly raised the curiosity of everyone.

"Okay, then comes the award ceremony of our school celebration event, and the voting results have come out! Everyone guess, which program can win the first place of this school celebration?"

The hostess in the light red dress next to him was also full of smiles.

"Everyone can answer!"

With that said, the hostess in the red skirt walked down the performance stage and handed the microphone to the audience.

At first I raised my hand and answered a boy with a Chinese character face.

He glanced confidently at the girl in the white veil on the stage, his voice very loud.

"I think it must be Shen Xi'er's "Reproduced Yesterday"! The song sung by the goddess is too nice! I think it is no less than the original song! Even better."

Ye Linlang, who was listening on the stage, heard this sentence, and suddenly the corner of his mouth twitched.

Although she also admits that Shen Xi'er sings pretty well, so she will applaud, but compared to the slightly hoarse and story-like voice of Carpenter, Shen Xi'er is really worse than ten streets!

The fan filter of Yankong is terrible!

Ye Linlang shook his head with emotion, the move was suddenly seen by the hostess in the red skirt under the stage.

Because she was somewhat jealous that Ye Linlang was Jiang Qiran's girlfriend, not to mention, the hostess also saw Ye Linlang almost let the two school grass tear it up for her today, and she felt a little uncomfortable.

The hostess withdrew the microphone and looked seriously.

"Student Ye, why did you shake your head? Do you think your "Thunderstorm" crew will definitely be the champion? Or do you not approve of Shen Xi'er's singing voice?"

Named Ye Linlang deliberately, all of them looked towards Ye Linlang in a flash.

If Ye Linlang didn't answer well, I'm afraid it would make the audience's impression plummet.

After all, no matter who wins or loses, it is a taboo to belittle opponents on stage.

Ye Linlang took the microphone in the hand of Jiang Miaomiao next to her, and she looked calm.

"I admit that Shen Xi'er's singing is pretty good, but I prefer the original singing of the Carpenter band. I have no other ideas."

The boy who had just praised Shen Xi's children's song was not inferior to the Carpenter band, his face suddenly turned red.

He angrily grabbed the microphone in the hands of the female host.

"I think Ye Linlang is a jealous goddess!"

The hostess in the red skirt did not expect that the boy would be so crazy, and quickly grabbed the microphone back.

And such a goddess male fan took the lead, and indeed aroused the hostility of many people to Ye Linlang.

In their view, Ye Linlang just wanted to live with Shen Xi'er!


After such an embarrassing dispute, the school celebration event quickly became a real farce.

Even the principal can't stand it anymore.

Whether it offended Shen Xi'er, or offended Ye Linlang and Jiang Qiran, it was unfavorable for Lingyun High School.

So the old headmaster coughed twice quickly and picked up the megaphone to remind him.

"Don't sell the host, just announce who will be the winner this time!"

The male host in the white tuxedo on the stage heard the order and immediately began to orderly announce the championship.

"The first place in the school celebration competition is the drama, "Thunderstorm"!"

As soon as this phrase came out, many people in the audience immediately widened their pupils and even wondered if they had heard it wrong!

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