The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1376: Even if you make her a dog!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

In the evening of City A, the cars flowed, the pedestrians hurriedly, and the lights on the side of the road lit up one after another.

Ye Linlang went to the Imperial Hotel with Ye Siyao.

She didn't really want to go with her sister, but Ye Haifeng said that it was safe, so she took the Audi driver's car together.

Because the relationship between the two sisters is not very good, Ye Linlang is not even clear whether Ye Siyao is still in Class A.

After all, Ye Siyao's grades are only moderately low, and it is still very difficult to stay in class A, which has now become a key science class.

In the future, it is better not to be in a class. Ye Siyao sometimes comes to her in front of her from time to time.

Although they are all pediatric tricks, Ye Linlang disdains to fight back, but listening too much makes people very upset.


When Ye Linlang looked out the window from the window, suddenly, he heard Ye Siyao's arrogant voice.

"Ye Linlang, should you stay in Class A?"

Ye Linlang saw Ye Siyao take the initiative to mention the stubble, and suddenly there was a trace of surprise in his eyes.

Looking at Ye Siyao's smiling face with arrogance, she suddenly had a bad hunch in her heart.

"You... do you want to stay in class A?"

But it shouldn't be! Ye Siyao's grades simply don't meet the threshold of class A!

And Lingyun High School is full of children from wealthy families. Unless there is a special relationship like Yin Zihan, there is no chance to open the back door!

Ye Siyao raised his chin and gave Ye Linlang a provocative glance.

"Of course! Ye Linlang, you must not think of it! Xi'er has already agreed to me, and will help me do the things to stay in Class A!"


Ye Linlang heard nothing, and was speechless.

I suddenly remembered that Ye Siyao had been at the same table with Shen Xi'er for a semester, and Ye Siyao had been pleasing the eldest lady of Huanyu Group, and had once been like a fart.

Although Ye Linlang could clearly see it, that Shen Xi'er obviously ignored her sister's love. Unexpectedly, Shen Xi'er actually deliberately helped Ye Siyao!

This busy talk is not big, but small is not too small.

Seeing Ye Linlang frowning thoughtfully, Ye Siyao was very happy, thinking that Ye Linlang had envied envy and hatred.

"How? You worked so hard for so long. You worked hard to do your homework and do test papers until late at night, and then you barely stayed in Class A, but I was different, as long as Miss Xi'er said...

Just as Ye Siyao said with a frown.

Ye Linlang frowned and interrupted her coldly.

"Is it fun to do follow-up for others?"

"Ye Linlang, what do you mean! You dare to laugh at me--"

Ye Siyao was spotted by Ye Linlang. She suddenly felt that she could not hold her face. She looked at Ye Linlang angrily and almost wanted to slap Ye Linlang on her face!

Yes, she almost became a pug in front of Shen Xi'er.

However, what's wrong with Shen Xi'er doing follow-ups!

Like Ye Linlang herself, don't you just follow Jiang Qiran all over the world licking her face every day?

Ye Siyao feels much brighter than Ye Linlang's shameless men who live by men before they are still alive!


Just when Ye Linlang and Ye Siyao saw a physical conflict, the car stopped suddenly.

An embarrassing voice came from the driver.

"Two ladies, the Imperial Hotel is here."

Ye Siyao's hand that he just raised suddenly closed back.

She swept coldly across Ye Linlang, her voice with obvious anger.

"Ye Linlang, you are obviously jealous that I can stay in Class A without any effort!"

"It's good luck today, if I'm not afraid that my classmates will see it, I can't spare you!"

There are many people at the door of the Royal Palace Hotel, and it is now evening. The classmates who come to the banquet may not be too much. In case of encountering their sisters, they may ruin their reputation.

And Ye Linlang's expression was so calm that she opened the side door lightly.

"Ye Siyao, if you are free to ask Shen Xi'er for two sentences at the time of your college entrance examination, you will be admitted to a famous domestic school. At that time, I was jealous of you."

In fact, Ye Linlang did not doubt that with Shen Xi'er's family, he could have the ability to open a back door to enter a famous school.

However, it also depends on whether Shen Xi'er helps Ye Siyao.


Ye Linlang dropped this sentence and walked away immediately. She took a calm posture and could not see that she had just had a quarrel with someone.

Ye Siyao stared at Ye Linlang's far back, her hands clenched tightly, and her eyes were almost bleeding!

Ye Linlang, she is clearly provoking her relationship with Shen Xi'er!

This **** woman!

Obviously jealous of her, but also make yourself unhappy!

Seeing the almost stretched green muscles on Ye Siyao's face, the Ye family drivers in the front row were all startled.

He coughed twice and reminded him as gently as possible.

"That... Miss Siyao, should you get off the train, lest the class party be late."

"Got it! Why do you talk so much!"

Ye Siyao said this almost roaringly, and then pulled the door open with anger, and got out of the car as soon as he slipped away.

It happened to meet a boy from Class A who was also going to the banquet. The boy was stunned and looked at Ye Siyao's exit as dirty. The whole person was almost illusory!

Ye Siyao is usually in class A, but he will never be rude!

Ye Siyao was already angry. When he saw the rich second-generation boy in the same class, he suddenly calmed down his arrogant arrogance.

She smiled softly at the other person and twitched her hair, and her pretentious expression immediately became charming.

"That... Classmate Wang, didn't you scare you just now? If we don't mind, can we go together?"

Classmate Wang looked at Ye Siyao wakingly.

When a beautiful woman invited him, he immediately left behind the previous scene!

"Of course! Of course!"

He hurriedly approached Ye Siyao and kept getting close to Ye Siyao.

Ye Siyao was very bored in his heart, but he was afraid that this second generation of rich surnamed Wang would explode his previous ugliness.


The Royal Hotel has been completely taken by class A students today.

A waiter in a tuxedo is guiding Ye Linlang to the box in a good manner.

Ye Linlang followed him lightly and looked at the hotel, which was hailed as rich but not necessarily accessible, from time to time.

Whether it is an elegant European crystal chandelier on the head, or those famous oil paintings on the wall that are obviously authentic, they are of great value.

Ye Linlang even felt that instead of entering a hotel, he entered a palace by mistake.

If she did not come to Lingyun High School, she would not have the opportunity to witness how luxurious the upper class society is.


Just when Ye Linlang sighed in his heart, suddenly, he heard a male voice of Dang Erlang.

"Yo, isn't this our Ye Linlang learning bully?"

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