The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1383: Jiang Qiran's birthday present

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The next day, Jiang Qiran woke up very early, opened the phone, and read a dozen text messages from Ye Linlang.

He looked at the text messages and frowned.

When I was about to reply, a completely strange number appeared on the phone screen.

No contact has been marked, but the address shows that it is local to city A.

Jiang Qiran stunned, few people knew his number, who would call him.

Jiang Qiran directly chose to refuse.

What I didn't expect was that, in just a minute or two, the unknown phone suddenly rang again.


Jiang Qiran was very annoyed, and originally intended to black the number.

However, his heart shattered, and he always felt that he would miss something if he couldn't answer it.

So Jiang Qiran finally chose to answer.

"Hello, you are—"

Jiang Qiran's words did not fall, and suddenly heard a soft and soft female voice coming from the receiver, like a spring lark, soft and sweet.

"Pray, it's me, did you black out my original phone number? Pray, did I bother you so much?"

It turned out to be Shen Xi'er.

Jiang Qiran frowned deeper.

He sneered.

"Shen Xi'er, you know why I blacked you, I'm not interested in chatting with you."

Just when Jiang Qiran wanted to hang up, there was an urgent voice from Shen Xi'er over there.

"Pray! Don't hang up, OK! I have something very important to tell you, it's about your little girlfriend Ye Linlang, and it's also about Yin Zihan!

Shen Xi'er was really anxious, almost yelling the names of Ye Linlang and Yin Zihan just like the Lianzhu artillery shell.

Jiang Qiran's movement to hang up the phone suddenly lingered for a moment.

"What do you want to say?"

Jiang Qiran took a deep breath and spoke leisurely.

When Shen Xi'er saw Jiang Qiran didn't hang up, the nervousness in his heart eased and became clear.

——Sure enough, as long as it is about Ye Linlang, Jiang Qiran will be so concerned!

Except for Ye Linlang, she had seen Jiang Qiran so much attention!

Thinking about this, Shen Xi'er hated Ye Linlang even deeper.

Jiang Qiran is hers! Even if it is not now, it must be in the future!

Shen Xi'er suppressed the jealousy that was almost surging in his heart, and spoke to Jiang Qiran as softly as possible.

"Purely, I haven't seen you in a long time. This matter is a bit complicated to say. It is not very clear on the phone. And I am afraid that you will be sad when you hear it. How about we have an afternoon tea and talk?"

The photos of the two shameless people Ye Linlang and Yin Zihan are, of course, her cards, and she won't give Jiang Qiran so easily now!

Let's coax Jiang Qiran to meet him a few more times before talking!

She can also take the opportunity to take a few pictures and send them to Ye Linlang, let Ye Linlang try the taste of jealousy.


Shen Xi'er's abacus is very precise.

However, what shocked Shen Xi'er was that Jiang Qiran's voice became calmer after listening to her.

"Are you saying that Ye Linlang and Yin Zihan are entangled? Sorry, I'm not interested."

After uttering this sentence, Jiang Qiran hung up the phone involuntarily.

Shen Xi'er listened to the busy tone on the phone and almost shattered her silver teeth!

Jiang Qiran is not interested? !

Ghost only believes!

Shen Xi'er didn't pay much attention for a while, and immediately edited a text message to Jiang Qiran.

——Purely, I have photos of Ye Linlang and Yin Zihan. If you have an afternoon tea with me, I will give it to you. Isn’t this a bargain? !

——Pray, I’m all for your sake! Don't deceive yourself for Ye Linlang's shameless woman!


Jiang Qiran saw the few hysterical text messages, and the cold light in his eyes became more shocking.

Shen Xi'er said, are there photos of Ye Linlang and Yin Zihan? !

Jiang Qiran thought that it was the scene of Ye Linlang and Yin Zihan pulling on the side of the road, and he was even more bored. He directly pulled the new phone number Shen Xi'er back.

He rubbed his eyebrows.

I found a few more text messages from Ye Linlang in the phone.

——Pray, are you still angry? Don’t be angry, okay, I heard those songs in the cake shop that day, I didn’t mean to laugh.

Looking at the words one by one, Jiang Qiran had a pitiful look on Ye Linlang's mind.


Jiang Qiran looked cold, he was angry, not Ye Linlang's thing at the cake shop at all, but she was entangled with Yin Zihan.

If Ye Linlang does not understand this cause and effect relationship, Jiang Qiran does not intend to ignore her during this time.


On the other side, in a western restaurant.

Ye Linlang, who had a uniform pleated skirt in the store, was very annoyed to see Jiang Qiran not returning his text messages.

Jiang Qiran really ignored himself.

As for it? !

A boy is so stingy.

Ye Linlang deflated her lips, but she still worked so hard at the Western restaurant so hard that she was going to buy Jiang Qiran a gift.

Jiang Qiran's birthday is just over a week later.

And she has been working here for some time. As long as she saves another 2,000 yuan, she can afford the capsule massage chair, which is better for the shoulder, neck and spine!

The store's price is eight thousand eighty, and she cut the price to eight thousand, so as long as she works for a few more days, she will be paid!

Ye Linlang cheered for herself, but Jiang prayed to ignore herself anyway, and she was also very busy working.

And to buy the capsule massage chair, Ye Linlang did not want to uncover the surprise, I hope Jiang Qiran would like it.

On Jiang Qiran's birthday, she will definitely go to Jiang Qiran, not in a hurry!


I don't know why. At first, he was very confused and didn't want to return Ye Linlang's text message at all.

But after five or six days of indifference to each other, Ye Linlang didn't send any more, and Jiang Qi's turn was breathless!

He has never been in contact with Ye Linlang for such a long time, and he has not even sent a communication!

Ye Linlang doesn't want to take care of himself?

Jiang Qiran thought of the scene where Yin Zihan and Ye Linlang were pulling, and their self-esteem was at a loss.

Jiang Qiran thought about it, so he adopted a roundabout strategy and called Jiang Miaomiao.

"Eh, pray, why are you so free to call me today?"

At the moment, Jiang Miaomiao and Gu Yichen were sitting in the cold drink shop, digging a spoonful of ice cream.

Her elder brother, but the most disliked type of actively contacting others, a whole oil bottle.

While Jiang Miaomiao was fighting ice cream, he suddenly heard Jiang Qiran's low voice.

"Miao Miao, what do you mean if you have never contacted your boyfriend?"

Hearing this, Jiang Miaomiao almost spouted the ice cream in his mouth.

"Eh?! Brother, won't you quarrel with Lin Lang?"


Jiang Qiran's voice was awkward.

"Don't deny it! As soon as I heard it, I know that Lin Lang recently worked at the Jinhu Western Restaurant, you can go find her!"

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