The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 1395: Jiang Qiran is crazy!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Jiang Qiran was shocked, his fingertips in his fingers were white, and he almost had no strength to hold the phone.

The blood on the soles of the feet spread on the floor, and sharp stings kept coming.

But Jiang Qiran didn't pay any attention to it, not even the idea of ​​bandaging.

He never knew that some people, without using a knife, a gun, or even any weapons, can completely hurt others!

Does this woman's heart exist? !


Jiang Qiran was holding the sofa in his hand, and his voice almost squeezed out of the throat, word by word, and even brought a hint of humbleness.

"Ye Linlang, if you tell me now, you are all kidding, or someone is forcing you, I can say nothing before you."

This was probably the only time Jiang Qiran had been in his life, so pleadingly with others in a low voice.

Almost humiliating his dignity, just to let Ye Linlang not break up with him.

It's a pity that you can't wait for a desired result.


Ye Linlang's eyes were almost desperate, and she clasped the wall with one hand, even pulling out blood.

The tears that finally forced back came out at this moment.

On the TV screen, Shen Xi'er sitting on the sofa smiled and smiled, staring at himself.


Ye Linlang took a breath, her teeth bit her lip for a long time, and all blood oozed out, but Ye Linlang didn't realize it.

She made up for Jiang Qiran again.

"No one forced me, Jiang Qiran, let's end, get together and get together. When we were together, didn't we have to be sloppy?"

"Don't you say that the legendary arrogant of heaven will worry about not finding a girlfriend? Jiang Qiran, just break up and be happier! Don't let me look down on you!"

"Bomei High School in Dongchen State has already sent me an invitation letter. I will leave here at the beginning of the next semester. In the future, let's get together!"

When I said these words, my heart seemed to be dug out.


Jiang Qiran's eyes were sullen, his thin lips began to tremble because his emotions were too excited.

"At that time... you clearly told me that although you are very interested in that foreign exchange program, but you want to follow me to Zhaohua University, have you forgotten all this?!"

"Or, you were planning these things behind you? Are you going to leave me?"

It has been a month since the application for the exchange student program.

If it is, it is undoubtedly proved that Ye Linlang is a man with a superficial set and a set behind him.


Ye Linlang's eyes were full of tears, and she warned herself not to choke in front of Jiang Qiran.

Otherwise, it's not just yourself.

Now that everything has been decided, what's the use of dragging mud and water? !


"Yes, at that time, I had already secretly registered online to register. It just happened that you asked me to prepare the materials for Zhaohua University's early entrance exam. I have copied all of them and translated them to the exchange program."

Ye Linlang's eyes were astringent, and his voice was a bit dull.

No one knows better than her, and acknowledging this matter will make her impression in Jiang Qiran fall directly to the bottom.

But what's the use of not admitting it?

Someone had arranged all the traps for her, just waiting for her to jump.

With a clatter, Ye Linlang heard a loud noise from the phone!

Ye Linlang's nerves twitched, and her heart was suddenly lifted into her throat, and she finally couldn't help but worry.

"Pray, are you okay--"


"Can something keep you from breaking up?"

At the other end of the phone, Jiang Qiran's face was clouded, and his emotions were too violent, he even broke a vase at hand!

It was a big bottle with blue and white twigs and printed peonies during the Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty. It was almost worth the price. However, Jiang Qiran didn't look at it and broke it directly.

The glass fragments of the teacup, and the fragments of the celadon bottle, are messed up together, and the blood of the foot of Jiang Qiran pierces more.

He didn't care. The pain was nowhere near the pain in his heart.

In the face of Ye Linlang, all his calmness has long collapsed!

All lost to this person!


But Ye Linlang looked sad, her eyes were full of tears, and finally reached her lips, but only said a few words.

"Pure, I have nothing to say, no matter if you hate me or like me, let's break up, and we won't see you again after school."

"Wish you find someone who is really good to you."

Before waiting for Jiang Qiran to say half a word, Ye Linlang directly pressed the phone.

The last blessing almost exhausted all her strength.

Her face was as pale as paper, and she finally fell to the ground weakly, sorrowfully and sadly.

Seeing Ye Linlang hang up, the sound that was turned off on the TV screen is finally turned on now.

Shen Xi'er suddenly stood up, and on the TV screen, the smile on the beautiful face was flying like a flower.

"Wonderful, really wonderful!"

"Ye Linlang, no wonder they all say that you have good acting skills, and I can finally appreciate it now."


Ye Linlang closed her eyes in pain, her body leaning against the wall, and she didn't want to ignore the devilish woman.

However, he still had to speak.

"I promised you, it has been done, then you... quickly let my father and my sister go."

Shen Xi'er smiled charmingly, she shrugged needlessly.

"Why, don't you mind that I'm not trustworthy? Don't worry, as long as your family keeps their mouths tight, I promise not to move them both!"

Seeing that Shen Xi'er still wanted to use Ye Haifeng and Ye Siyao to hold her, Ye Linlang's tears fell silently for a long time.

does it worth?

For these two people who do not love themselves at all...

Knowing that answer, Ye Linlang's tears could no longer be held back.


At this moment, a teenager wearing a white shirt and **** feet rushed out of the apartment.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, his eyes were blood red like a beast.

"Lin Lang... Ye Lin Lang!"

This name, after a thousand times in his heart, turned into extreme pain.

At the moment when Ye Linlang hung up, Jiang Qiran was crazy!

Mingming's family was on the tenth floor, and because the elevator was late, he ran down the stairs quickly.


When they came to the underground garage, everyone else went to the river to pray crazy.

I saw that the teenager didn't know where he came from, and then took out a key and went straight to the most eye-catching white Koenigsegg in the underground garage.

The onlookers were stunned.

"Is this man mad?"

Some people also noticed the blood stains oozing from Jiang Qiran's white sneakers, and then swept the face of the young and handsome demon, and there was a thrill in his heart, almost suspecting that his eyes were wrong!

And that young man, already driving Koenigsegg, walked away!

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