The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 499: Warlock's Prophecy

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

After the wedding of Lin Feier and Jiang Haoxuan was settled, the elders chatted more and more happily.

However, Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng have been acting as background boards. I don’t know how to chat, so I talked about the children’s problems, and the two of them are inevitably involved.

Luo Xiuxiu looked at Lin Feier's white shirt, and her eyes fell straight on her stomach.

"I don't know what Mayer is pregnant with is a man or a woman."

When Luo Xiuxiu said this, Xu Ziyao turned his head, and the clear, watery eyes showed an inexplicable glare.

"B ultrasound will be available in a few months, don't you know by then?"

Mother Lin heard the words, and her face was also full of smiles. She looked at Lin Feier and laughed jokingly: "If only the twins would be better, the dragon and phoenix would be better, and the children would be full in one go."

There is a reason for Lin Lin to say this. Lin Feier has passed this time and most of the time there will be no more children.

Many families in Kyushu still prefer their sons. Ms. Lin is afraid that Lin Feier will eventually give birth to a daughter, which will make her elders unhappy.

Fortunately, the Jiang family is not the only child. The mission of Jiang Haoxuan's succession should not be so heavy. After all, there are Jiang Xuecheng and Su Wan.

"Mom... what are you talking about..."

Lin Feier glanced at Lin's mother, and shouted a little shyly: "Where there is such an easy birth, a pair of dragons and phoenixes are born."

Luo Xiuxiu's old face smiled happily and took over the words.

"Dragon and Phoenix tires are good! If they are really Dragon and Phoenix tires, how auspicious!"

Mum Lin rubbed Lin Feier's hair with a smile, and then turned her gaze to Jiang Haoxuan, asking questions tentatively.

"Hao Xuan, do you like boys or girls?

Jiang Haoxuan naturally didn't understand Mom's careful thinking. He frowned slightly. He had never considered these things before, but now he suddenly mentioned it, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

Jiang Haoxuan thought for a few seconds, and finally said honestly: "Both boys and girls are good, but if you have to choose one, it is still a girl."

Mother Lin heard Jiang Haoxuan's answer and asked curiously, "Why?"

"Mom, you don’t know. The rule of the Jiang family is that boys are raised as iron men. Since childhood, I have suffered more from my brother, but girls are like princesses. You don’t know how envious I was when I was a kid... My cousin!"

Jiang Haoxuan originally wanted to say Sheng An Ning, but those three words hadn't spoken yet, he immediately realized that it was wrong and changed his mouth to become a cousin.

But he did have a cousin who was cared for as a flower since he was a child.

This is the tradition of the Jiang family. Boys must stand up to protect their wives and children, and girls must have broad knowledge, so that they will not be confused by scumbags who are not in the future because of their shallow eyelids.

Luo Xiuxiu laughed loudly and sniffed Jiang Haoxuan's back.

"You, when you grow up so big, you are still as coquettish as a girl. I used to say that I was going to send you to the barracks, but you didn't go to the army."

Jiang Haoxuan pouted, complaining to Lin Lin.

"Mom, look, it's better to be a girl."

Seeing Jiang Haoxuan like this, everyone in the audience couldn't help but raised his lips, thinking that Jiang Haoxuan was still a child who hadn't grown up.

"It's all about being a dad. Why are you still such a child?"

Luo Xiuxiu glanced at Jiang Haoxuan somewhat helplessly. She turned her head and suddenly noticed Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng on the opposite side.

Today, the two of them are so quiet that they occasionally have a dish with each other, and they seem to have a sweet sense of self-respect.

Luo Xiuxiu's eyes were on Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng, and suddenly there was a trace of melancholy in his eyes.

Jiang Haoxuan saw Luo Xiuxiu no longer squeak, a little strange, he put aside the goblet in his hand and asked Luo Xiuxiu with concern.

"Grandma, why are you suddenly unhappy?"

Luo Xiuxiu looked in the direction of Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng, seeming to complain and looking forward to it: "I am not unhappy, I am just thinking, when will your brother and sister-in-law have a child."

In the coming year, the children of Jiang Haoxuan and Lin Feier fell to the ground. Luo Xiuxiu was afraid that Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng would delay this important event.

People are always greedy. In the past, Luo Xiuxiu's goal was to find a wife for Jiang Xuecheng, so that he would no longer live alone in Fontainebleau.

Now that Jiang Xuecheng was married, Luo Xiuxiu immediately shifted his life goals and resolutely marched in the direction of embracing his grandson.

But Jiang Xuecheng and Su Wan have been married for several months. Why is there always no good news?

The so-called emperor is not in a hurry, the **** is in a hurry, which is probably the case.

When Su Wan heard Luo Xiuxiu's words, he was about to pass the sea fish just caught on the chopsticks into the entrance.

Because of Luo Xiuxiu's words, her hand was stagnant, and the pure white fish fillet suddenly fell into the bowl.

A little embarrassment appeared on Su Wan's face, which was so good, how could it bother her and Jiang Xuecheng again.

Su Wanchao Jiang Xuecheng stared at each other for two seconds, only to see an indifference in the eyes of his man.

Compared with Jiang Xuecheng's calmness, Su Wan was not so calm, she smiled pretendingly, and brushed the bangs of her temples.

"Grandma, don't worry so much. The child's affairs still depend on fate. Rest assured, Syracuse and I will have children sooner or later."

Luo Xiuxiu bit her lip bitterly. She was an old man, and she was a little cute when doing this.

"How efficient you look at Haoxuan and Mayfair. On the other hand, the two of you really disappointed your grandma. Would you like to go to the hospital and find a doctor?"

Su Wan heard a word of embarrassment and almost spouted the water that had just been drunk into her mouth.

They just went to the doctor the other day!

But Su Yan mentioned this topic at home dinner, and Lin Feier's family were present, Su Wan really felt so embarrassed.

Su Wan feels that if there is no news in his stomach for a long time, Luo Xiuxiu's nagging can annoy her and Jiang Xuecheng.

I'm afraid I will hear a cocoon in my ear...

Su Wan can understand Luo Xiuxiu's mood, but for the children, they can only do their best to obey the destiny.

Ever since she married Jiang Xuecheng, has she been working hard? !

Jiang Xuecheng put down the cup in his hand and glanced Luo Xiuxiu casually.

"Grandma, I went to see a doctor late in the evening, both Chinese and Western doctors have seen it."

Luo Xiuxiu's old eyes glared instantaneously, and she asked anxiously, "So what happened?"

Jiang Xuecheng replied Xu Xuran: "The doctor said that I have no problem with the evening. Grandma, you should do less dim sum. This kind of thing will happen sometimes."

The low-pitched male voice fell into his ears, Luo Xiuxiu nodded, but he was not comforted.

She even secretly speculated whether it was Jiang Xuecheng's problem...

Since Jiang Xuecheng was unconscious again last time, Luo Xiuxiu had a knot in his heart.

In the past, a river and lake warlock decided that Jiang Xuecheng would definitely not be able to live until he was thirty years old. Luo Xiuxiu felt more and more afraid when he wanted to, so he wanted him and Su Wan to have a child.

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