Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Su Wan had a terrible dream. She dreamed that she and Jiang Xuecheng were bombed together and her body was torn apart.

"Syracuse! No!"

Su Wan gasped in a hurry, and she suddenly opened her eyes, suddenly a strange face reflected in her eyes.

It was a boy who looked only twelve or three years old. He was thin and small, and his skin was black and rough. Only his black and white eyes were amazingly bright.

The childish eyebrows also revealed some vicissitudes that should not belong to this age.

From Su Wan's point of view, the child was a little exaggerated. Isn't it enough nutrition?

Su Wan quickly waved at the little boy: "Did you save me?"

The boy was distracted. He saw Su Wan waking up, his pupils suddenly dilated, and a stern smile appeared on his lips.

This smile, but to get rid of the kind of old-fashioned boy's eyebrows, showing a somewhat childlike naive.

The boy squawked at Su Wanji for a while, and Su Wan couldn't understand half a word, only to squint at him.

what's going on!

Su Wan originally wanted to ask where Jiang Xuecheng was, but in the case of language barrier, she didn't know what to say!

Roy was shocked to see that Su Wan didn't actually speak Interstellar, and he quickly found a screen board and a pen to signal Su Wan to write on it.

Su Wan frowned at Xiu Mei, and she saw the screen board and pen that she didn't know what to use, and she secretly wondered.

After writing a few Chinese characters, I saw that the boy still had a confused expression, and the whole person was very frustrated.

In desperation, Su Wan had to paint on the screen board with a pen. You have to know that Su Wan had no talent at all, so it was really difficult for her to paint Jiang Xuecheng.

She barely outlined the outline of a man on the screen, and after drawing it, supplemented with body language, asked Roy if he had seen the man when he was at the dump.

After some extremely laborious communication, Roy understood Su Wan's meaning, and he shook his head decisively.

Roy pressed a button, and suddenly the screen board was empty again, and he reached out to signal Su Wan if he would ask anything else.

Su Wan looked at the rudimentary layout here, and was very strange in his heart. He always felt something was wrong.

But where is the specific thing wrong, Su could not say for a while.

At this moment, the curtain of the back room was suddenly lifted.

Su Wan heard light and heavy footsteps, and she looked up instantly. A 40-year-old woman's face was reflected in her eyes. Her legs and feet were not good, and her left leg seemed to be slightly lame.

This woman, like the previous boy, had dark and rough skin, but from the facial features, it was clearly Asian.

When the other party saw Su Wan, he immediately ran over with excitement, his eyes showing a bit of excitement and respect.

The middle-aged woman said a lot of anxious words to Su Wan. Su Wan still couldn't understand a sentence and could only smile and nod embarrassedly to her.

Roy quickly grabbed his mother and whispered to her.

"Mom, she doesn't seem to speak Interstellar."

When Mother Luo heard Roy's words, the whole person was dull!

She had previously figured out how to get Su Wan to make a sum of money, and take advantage of their mother and son, so that Roy could have a good future. But what is happening now? !

Mother Luo swallowed hard. She stared at Roy and pointed her finger at Su Wan.

"Is the brain shaken, this woman suddenly has amnesia?"

Roy shook his head, and according to his previous observations, and also communicated with Su Wan's paintings, he felt that Su Wan was clearly sober and rational.

"It looks like there should be no amnesia."

It took Mother Luo a while to digest this matter.

The daughter of a noble family, who can’t speak Interstellar, would you like to laugh at the big teeth? !

Mother Luo looked at Su Wan with some annoyance. All the previous respects had dissipated, leaving only a lot of unwillingness.

Then this woman has become a troublemaker, and she won't be able to save money, but also let them keep it in vain? !


After a day of recuperation, Su Wan's body was finally able to come down and walk around. Su Wan was fed a reagent by unknown to Roy, and the whole person's hunger was greatly reduced.

Su Wan realized that the people here didn't need to eat, but survived by eating nutrients.

Later, Su Wan realized that not all people in all places do not eat, but Allenstar supplies are scarce, and even fresh water is rarely supplied. They can only live on nutrient solution and some compressed food.

Like that rich, high-level planet, there are also many people who can afford natural food and live a life more relaxed than on earth.

Su Wan is not a stupid person. On the contrary, she is quite smart. When she realizes that she is not right, she immediately looks at the surrounding environment.

Then Su Wan faintly accepted an incredible news.

She seems to have crossed, and it seems that she has also crossed the interstellar age only in movies or novels, which is a very distant future.

Even if shocked, this fact has to be digested.

There are two most serious problems now. One is about Jiang Xuecheng. Su Wan doesn't know if Jiang Xuecheng crossed with her. The other is about herself. How can she survive here? !

She, who had received tertiary education on the earth, is here now, but she doesn't know one big character, and she can't even speak basic language, which is equivalent to becoming illiterate!

Su Wan can see that the mother and son can temporarily take care of themselves for a while, so Su Wan thought, the most pressing question is whether Jiang Xuecheng is still alive!

As long as you live, there is hope.

She kept her life well, and the man who made her deeply attached to it shouldn't be ok?

Su Wan silently prayed for Jiang Xuecheng in heart, and then begged Roy to take herself back to the place where she was saved to let her find Jiang Xuecheng's presence.

After arriving at the dump, Su Wan saw the hill-like metal garbage dumps and immediately rummaged like crazy, but she was quickly disappointed.

There is no trace of Jiang Xuecheng at all.

If Jiang Xuecheng was buried in the bottom of those metal garbage, I am afraid it would not survive.

Su Wan looked around blankly and suddenly collapsed and sat down, and soon she burst into tears.

Seeing that Su Wan couldn't bear it, Roy finally persuaded Su Wan to go back.

Su Wanmu sat on the stool in a daze, and suddenly felt like he had a big dream and was very tired.

Su Wan bit his lip, and his mind trance reflected Jiang Xuecheng's deep face. How could a person like the arrogant of heaven die?

Maybe he was just saved by someone like himself...

Somehow Su Wan had a certain belief in her heart: how big the universe is, how insignificant she is, she will definitely find Jiangxuecheng again on an unknown planet.

After Su Wan confirmed this thought, the whole person cheered up. She looked at Roy and gestured to him with her hand.

——I want to learn your language, is it okay?

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