The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 520: Miss in reincarnation

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Su Wan took out the crystal ID card of the middle-aged examiner and inserted it directly into the groove.

Soon, a bunch of characters that Su Wan did not recognize appeared on the screen. Fortunately, there was the Encyclopedia of Nono. Su Wan chose to fly automatically according to the instructions on the aircraft.

After setting the target on Rock Planet, the aircraft will automatically ascend after a little start.

Su Wan had previously stolen two nutritional reagents from Roy's house, fearing he would not have any food if he was hungry, but he wandered around the aircraft only to find out that there was everything in it.

Most of them are quick-frozen foods, and the variety is very rich. Some Su Wan didn't even know what it was.

Su Wan took a few pieces of exquisite pastries, and she put them in her mouth, and her taste buds were fully satisfied.

I don't know what these pastries are made of, glutinous glutinous and fragrant, kind of like a dumpling that Su Wan had eaten on earth.

Many days have been full of nutritional reagents without any taste. Now that I have eaten this food, I have an indescribable touch!

Just thinking about it, I can’t help but feel sad, too. Based on Su Wan’s feelings over the past few days, I can see that the class here is too clear.

The poor really can’t even afford to eat and live on compressed food and nutritional reagents, but the rich, the Chinese food, and even the business of buying and selling people!

I really don't know how to evaluate...

Su Wan sighed lowly. She put down the remaining pieces of cakes in the dish, and the eyes that were as clean as lake water gradually became sentimental.

Where is Jiang Xuecheng now?

Now that she was accompanied by Nono, she barely escaped the fate of being controlled. Then, is he alone?

The missed taste is sour, and Su Wan's eyes are a bit sad. She lowered her head and buried her head on her knees.

I don't know when to find him.

In any case, she has to learn Interlingua as soon as possible. If she doesn't master the language, she can't integrate into it, and there is no way to find Jiang Xuecheng.

After arriving at Rock Planet, Su Wan realized that it was really more prosperous than Planet Allen!

Even if you look down from the sky, you can find a lot of houses, all kinds of tall buildings straight through the sky.

Su Wan found an empty lawn to land, collected a lot of things that could be used, and then prepared to completely discard this luxurious aircraft here.

There is no way. After all, the aircraft was robbed and there was a locator on it. If expected, she might have been the target of pursuit.

There are also crystal identity cards and money cards. Su Wan didn't know the password, so he threw the card away, leaving hundreds of interstellar cash.


Su Wan messed up her hair, smeared black powder on her exposed skin, and wore a large body of clothes. The whole person looked thin and small, like a 16 or 7 year old, who had not yet fully opened juvenile.

Such Su Wan, hidden in the crowd, was insignificant at all.

Su Wan walked through the streets. When he saw someone selling steamed dumplings and steamed buns on the street, he couldn't help being greedy, so he took out his wallet and bought a basket of crystal bags from his boss.

Su Wan just paid for it. She took the bag with a crystal bag, immediately reached out, picked up a crystal bag and stuffed it into her mouth.

God knows, she hasn’t eaten meat for a long time!

As a carnivist, life without meat is simply living in hell!

Su Wan chewed the buns happily, and her lips curled into a pleasant smile.

And this scene happened to be noticed by the man facing the window opposite the teahouse.

Is it so delicious?

Why can she eat so happy?

A young man stared at Su Wan silently. His expression was cold, and his deep eyes seemed to melt into the night, so deep.

There was a trace of indescribable emotion in the eyes of the young man. It seemed that a long time ago, some people used to like to eat.

Whether it's an ordinary snack on the street or a hot bowl of noodles, for her, she can have the taste of Shanzhenhai.

The man stood in front of the spotless glass window. The expressionless face suddenly appeared a little trance, softening the cold silhouette a lot.

The young man reached out his hand unconsciously and rubbed his left ring finger. After feeling that there was nothing there, his eyes dimmed.

"Your Highness, what are you looking at?"

The maid standing aside gave the young man a careful look and couldn't help asking a word.

Since she was appointed to serve His Royal Highness, this expression has never been seen on his face. Although he did not smile, it felt like the corner of her mouth would be bent in the next second.

However, it seems that your Highness has never laughed...

The maid's face turned slightly red when she thought of it-even if Her Royal Highness was as cold as a glacier, could it not contain the obsession of others?

But everyone knows that love belongs to love, and no one but Miss Diya, daughter of the Duke of Sisville, can't think of His Highness's marriage.

Suddenly interrupted by the maid's thoughts, the young man turned his head, his cold eyes swept toward her like an arrow.

The maid shuddered suddenly, probably because she misunderstood her. His Highness was always cold and proud, how could he laugh?

The young man turned around without a word, and walked out of the door.

The maid suddenly saw him like this, and immediately chased him out: "Your Highness, Master Fiennes is going to see you, you can't just leave!"

However, the young man who was called as His Royal Highness didn't look back, he just took the next sentence.

"Don't follow me."

His voice sounded softly, like jade suddenly fell to the ground, but with an unavoidable momentum.

The chasing his maid gritted her teeth, still afraid to let him leave.

Just as the maid stepped forward, she seemed to encounter an invisible air wall in front of her, so that she could no longer move half a step!

The maid froze abruptly, with a shock on her face—it was so fast that His Royal Highness could control his ability!

It’s terrible that Your Highness only spent a few days in the training room!

But ten seconds later, the air wall supported by the maid suddenly dissipated. She leaned forward and suddenly fell on the cold floor.

The maid didn't care about rubbing her cruel knee, quickly stood up, strode forward and chased out!

But where can I see the cold figure just in the long corridor?

The maid looked around blankly and suddenly panicked.

How should she explain to Miss Tia?

Finally, in the name of Miss Tiya's brother Fiennes, he made an appointment with His Highness, and now His Highness is gone!


Su Wan ate the bag of meat buns in sevens, eights, and when only the last one remained, Su Wan thought about it and handed it into her mouth.

Suddenly, she felt someone hit her waist hard, and then ran forward.

Now there is not much traffic on the street and the road is very spacious. Why did she hit her so easily?

Su Wan's alarm bell masterpiece, she touched her pocket and found that her wallet is gone!

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