Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Seeing Fiennes and Tiya sing in harmony in front of him, the young Emperor Lord's eyes were deep, he hooked his lips, and the expression was full of irony.

"Then your brothers and sisters mean that there is nothing in that glass of red wine?"

A sneering male voice passed through his ears, Ti Yamingli's face instantly became stiff, her face was pale, and her expression was a little soft and innocent.

"His Royal Highness, is there anything in that glass of wine? My brother and I really don't know. We thought that His Highness fainted just because he was overwhelmed by the alcoholic power. He brought His Highness to the lounge."

Seeing Tia's faint tears, the irony of the lips of the young Emperor's Lord deepened.

Being watched so coldly by the sweetheart, Tiya's heart jumped faster and faster, and her heart was like drums, panic and fear.

"Your Highness, do you doubt me? At the time, Your Highness was in the lounge. Did Tiya do anything more to you besides taking care of you?"

Diya dare to say so eloquently that she has nothing bad, just because she did nothing at that time!

She wanted to do something to the prince, but at the time, the prince awakened so fast, and the audience was dark, she was too late to do anything!

When the reaction came, Lord Dizi had ran out of the lounge!

The glass of red wine had been swallowed up by the emperor Zizi, and those who had participated in these things midway were already wiped away by her and her brother.

Even if your Highness wants to check, what can you find out?

At the beginning, the person who handled the glass of red wine was more than one person. If someone really took the medicine, could the emperor be directly placed on himself and his brother?

She doesn't believe it!

If your Highness wants to convict her, then you have to ask for evidence. Now that the evidence is gone, what is your fear? !

Seeing Lord Emperor staring at him coldly, the whole body was still shrouded in cold air, and Tiya felt a pain in his heart. Why did Lord Emperor hate himself so much? !

Tiya bit her teeth slightly, and a tear ran across her face just right, making her look more pitiful.

"Your Highness, you clearly know what Tiya has to say to you. Your Highness, do you really not believe Tiya?"

Tiya's expression was extremely fragile, and her eyes were faint with water, as if as long as the other party said one more heavy word, those tears would burst out.

The young emperor's face was pale and cold. He looked at the delicate and pitiful girl in front of him, and his eyes were heavy, like the dark sea in the middle of the night, which made people unable to discern what was lurking in it...

"Oh, do you want me to believe you? Miss Tiya, how do you prove your innocence?"

A deep voice emerged in the empty corridor, and when Tiya heard this, her little hand shook suddenly.

How does she prove her innocence?

Tiya's amber eyes showed a hint of fragility. Bean-sized teardrops slid down her beautiful cheeks, and a slap-sized face suddenly paled.

"His Royal Highness, how do you want Tia to prove it? Your Highness, Tiya doesn't even know what happened to you. Has that glass of wine caused you any harm?"

The young emperor looked down at the girl in front of him, his eyes were still, his voice was like a sword that had just been sheathed, and he was glowing with cold light.

"Why, what do you want me to do?"

Seeing the other party looking at himself coldly, the kind of outgoing king's momentum made Tiya feel deeply oppressed.

Her heart jumped suddenly, almost standing unsteady.

Faced with that gloomy gaze, Tiya even thought for a moment that this man would want to kill her next moment!

Did Lord Emperor use mental power against her? !

That's why I felt so uncomfortable. It felt like someone was suddenly choking her throat, making her feel difficult to breathe.

So sad……

Although Lord Emperor didn't move, there was a cold hair standing on Tiya's spine. She staggered back and shook her head subconsciously.

As if forced to collapse, Tija shook his head so hard that his eyes lost focus and became loose.

"No, no! Highness, how could I mean that! I absolutely don't want you to do anything..."

Tiya's voice murmured, her tears and whirling look so pitiful.

Fiennes saw his sister's appearance, but Lord Emperor had been indifferent, and his heart was angry and helpless.

It has long been said that the emperor is cold and indifferent, and who is not good for his sister, but he has been in love with him!

Now that people haven't captured it, they have made both parties so unhappy.

Fiennes quickly reached out to support Tiya. He frowned and reached out to wipe off the mottled tears on Tiya's face.

"Tiya, are you okay?"

Tiya shook her head weakly, she grabbed her brother's dress, and her delicate fingertips were slightly white because she was too hard.

"Brother, I'm fine, but Your Highness doesn't believe me, I'm so sad..."

As if he finally found his way, Tiya's delicate voice suddenly burst into tears, and her red eyes made people feel worried.

Fiennes looked at Tiya with a bit of hatred, and then raised his head, arguing loudly towards the emperor.

"His Royal Highness, you have to doubt Tiya’s words, why don’t you go to monitor and search for evidence? The glass of red wine used to be handled by more than Tiya, and you said that something was added to the wine, what is your body now? Question?"

"Surveillance monitoring...searching for personal evidence...he..."

The young emperor paused, and his deep eyes looked coldly at the pair of siblings in front of him.

"The surveillance of Shengshi Hotel, or the sommelier who handles that glass of red wine, I am afraid that you will deal with it before you come?"

A low, cold voice, with unabashed sarcasm.

Tiya and Fiennes are very tight-hearted. Although both of them open their eyes and talk nonsense, they are still cold in the face of such implacable faces of the emperor!

For a moment, no one spoke, and the air around them seemed to be frozen, cold and ice-like, oppressing the person a little bit out of breath.

Tiya broke away from Fiennes's hand, her eyebrows curled slightly, as if she could hardly hold herself, and tears shed,

"Your Highness, do you want me to take my heart out before you believe it?"

Her red eyes and butterfly-like eyelashes were already wet with tears. The kind of forbearance and painful expression changed into a normal man, and she already could not bear Tiya.

But the emperor is not an ordinary man.

Seeing that the man on the apex was still expressionless, Tiya felt a sharp pain in her heart. She didn't think about it, and suddenly rushed towards the pillar next to it!

Regardless of whether your Highness does not believe her, the matter of adding medicine to the wine this time must be turned over.

Therefore, she is betting.

It is not the sympathy of the prince, but the proportion of the prince.

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