Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Hearing this, Su Wan suddenly recovered.

Jiang Xuecheng leaned on her to the utmost. He was slender and nearly one meter nine, which made Su Wan shorter than half.

Covered by the tall shadows, Su Wan's cheeks were instantly hot, and her original porcelain-white face had been stained with a rouge color.

Who is it that she was dressed upside down?

Even if there are any more reasons to complain about the order pitmen under Jiang Xuecheng, they cannot argue with him.

And she was almost dying and almost fell. If it wasn't the air wall that Jiang Xuecheng's spiritual strength set, she might have fallen into a bite.

Su Wan nodded slightly and almost didn't dare to raise his head to look directly at each other's eyes.

"Let your highness laugh."

Not waiting for Jiang Xuecheng to answer, Su Wan immediately ran out of the door, hurriedly walking, just like some flooded beasts in the study, causing her to have to flee.

The man looked at Su Wan's back as he grabbed the door lightly. He bent his lips, somehow feeling happy.


Su Wan lowered his head and ran forward in a frustrated manner, his cheeks were slightly hot, and he felt helpless for a while.

It was so shameful just now, she must replace this white skirt as soon as she goes back!

Although she knows that she can't blame a skirt for every mistake, but when she sees it on her body, Su Wan will immediately think of Jiang Xuecheng's ridicule.

Isn't it okay? !

Just around the corner, Su Wan probably walked too fast, and she ran into someone in front.

Su Wan's face hit the other person's shoulder, only to feel a redness in his nose, a spicy pain.

it hurts!

Is this person's body a copper wall or an iron wall?

Su Wan lowered her head and rubbed her nose, her eyes suddenly burst into tears.

Suddenly, Su Wan heard a somewhat familiar male voice, with a clear surprise in his tone.

"Su Wan, why are you?"

Hearing this sound, Su Wan couldn't remember who the other party was for a moment, but only felt familiar.

Su Wan raised his head subconsciously, a handsome face suddenly appeared in his eyes.

The other person's face was extremely Europeanized, with deep cheek contours, straight nose bridges, and a pair of azure blue eyes like two sapphires, staring at Su Wan scorchingly, with a hidden interest.

It turned out to be Fiennes.

Today Fiennes wore a black uniform, which appeared to be taller and taller. It looked a little lazy and a little more rigorous than usual.

After seeing each other's face clearly, Su Wan could not help frowning Xiumei.

She had noticed since last time in the cafe that Fiennes seemed to mean something to her.

This is definitely not Su Wan's self-assured passion, but a near-natural vigilance.

Probably because of her good looks, Su Wan has been attracted by many people of the opposite **** since she was a child. Even after graduation, she heard that some girls liked her.

It was just on the earth, because of the Su family's power, plus everyone knew that Su Wan and Gu Zihang were a pair, and no one dared to express Su Wan's face.

But the situation is different now. She has no power and no power. The order of the world is hierarchical, and it is particularly chaotic underneath.

Su Wankong has a beautiful skin bag. In fact, it is the easiest to cause trouble. Last time on the Allen planet, she originally thought that the mother and son who stayed with her were kindhearted. Who thought that she would plot to sell her to the inspector later!

If it wasn't because she just met Nono, I'm afraid she is now living like hell!

Since then, Su Wan’s vigilance has increased, and the guardianship is indispensable. Even a seemingly amiable civilian mother and child are not credible, let alone this noble child?

People like Fiennes mostly traveled through Fang Cong, but they were happy to see her, and were interested in her appearance.

Feinz's eyes followed Su Wan's eyes for a moment, and she saw her nose bridge reddened, and the eyes of a pair of stars seemed to be covered with the rain of Jiangnan, and she felt a little distressed.

"Did I hurt you? I'm sorry, I'll help you to see it?"

Obviously, Su Wan went too anxiously, but Fiennes obviously did not mean to blame Su Wan, but instead took the fault all over himself.

Fiennes said and immediately reached out his hand, as if he wanted to touch Su Wan's nose.

Su Wan's pupils suddenly widened, and before waiting for Fiennes to come closer, he took two or three steps back in a row. Shengsheng separated himself from Fiennes by a large distance.

"Uh, I should say I'm sorry, Master Fiennes, I was just too anxious to go, and I'm sorry to hit you."

Fiennes saw Su Wan retreating again and again, and looked at him like a beast of water, suddenly a little helpless.

He opened his lips and was about to speak, but he didn't wait for him to speak, but Su Wan pre-emptively said goodbye.

"Master Fiennes, I still have something to do, so I will take a step first. I hope you don't remember the previous things."

As soon as the words fell, Su Wan fled as if he had fled, and ran towards the corner, and soon saw no figure.

Seeing Su Wan so eager to run out of his sight, Fiennes twitched his lips, unable to help questioning his charm.

It doesn’t make any sense. Whatever he says, he is also handsome and has an extraordinary family background. Why does Su Wan look forward to ending the topic every time he sees him?

Could it be that he just reached out unconsciously and scared Su late?

God knows that he was really just anxious just now, and he didn't mean to take advantage of it.

If it was really misunderstood by Su Wan, did his image in Su Wan's mind become even lower?

Fiennes stretched out his hand and stroked his forehead, then sighed silently, and then walked towards the study room of Jiang Xuecheng.

Forget it, I hope to save my image in Su Wan's mind in the future.


Su Wan trot all the way to his bedroom, and at a glance he saw a bunch of keys hanging on the door, with two keys, one red and one blue, hanging on it, just like the previous ones.

Jiang Xuecheng told people to do things very neatly.

Su Wan felt a sigh of emotion in her heart, and immediately picked up the key and pushed the door in. She picked up a lilac turtleneck skirt in the closet and ran to the bathroom to change it.

Because he was really afraid of making such a bad thing as before, Su Wan looked at it three times in the mirror in the bathroom. After confirming that the dress was correct, Su Wan opened the door and ran towards the kitchen.

What to do?

Jiang Xuecheng did not have a limited time this time, but Su Wan was exhausted physically and mentally. He had no intention of tinkering with any nutritious breakfast and directly repeated the old routine of last night!

She branded a crispy potato quiche, divided the quiche into four pieces and put them in the dishes, and then served an extra glass of fresh milk on the plate.

Get it done!

Su Wan carried the dinner plate and walked slowly towards the study room of Jiang Xuecheng.

She thought she would continue to press the button, but did not expect the door of the study to be opened directly!

Su Wan was startled, and simply walked towards it.

Hearing footsteps, the two men inside looked at her in unison.

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