The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 704: Jiang Xuecheng's sin

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Normally after night, due to the management system of the Holy See, the robot like Nono will be taken out of the energy box directly, cutting off all possibilities of contact with the outside world.

But today, it was actually installed with an energy box at this point. Nono has extremely high artificial intelligence and was very curious why he was woken up in the middle of the night.

He looked at the staff in front of him, and once wanted to open the door to ask about the situation, but when he saw the other person's impatient appearance, he swallowed it back as soon as he reached his mouth.

Nono crooked her little silver head, thinking about who would see herself in the middle of the night.

-Will it be the owner?

In the shrine, the only person who can communicate with it is the owner!

Thinking of Su Wan, Nuo Nuo's round pupil suddenly radiated light, and his heart jumped, and immediately followed the staff.


Two minutes later, Su Wan saw a small silver figure.

Su Wan's eyes lit up and immediately waved to Nono.

"the host--"

Nono was also very excited, almost three steps and two steps ran towards Su Wan, and immediately tightened Su Wan's legs.

Jiang Xuecheng frowned immediately when he saw this scene. He didn't know why. When he saw someone so intimate with Su Wan, there was a sense of discomfort that the toy was taken away.

Even if he looked at Nono, he knew that the other party was just a robot.

Su Wan didn't notice Jiang Xuecheng's discomfort, she smiled slightly and reached out to stroke Fu Nuo's round head.

Because the prince is here, several staff members next to him lowered their eyebrows, and only dare to sweep Su Wan and others with the afterglow of their eyes.

When Nono hugged Su Wan's legs as soon as he appeared, he also whispered a bunch of unintelligible words, and the staff at the scene couldn't help but twitched his mouth.

——What kind of world is this, but it’s just a robot, how do you feel Su Wan’s intimacy with that robot?

But although this robot looks old, it is not as intelligent as expected.

At least, Nuo Nuo ran from jump to jump, and held Su's series of expressions when he was very vivid.

Just as the staff were slaughtered, Su Wan bent over and attached to Nono's ear, whispering softly.

"Nono, we are leaving here."

Su Wan speaks Chinese and is not afraid that others will understand.

Leave... leave here? !

Nono listened to Su Wan's words, and immediately froze in place. It looked up at Su Wan with a puzzled look, and immediately received Jiang Xuecheng's cannibal gaze.

Because of Su Wan's request, Jiang Xuecheng had to play a cold role along the way, as if everyone owed him 5 million between his eyes.

Nono was somewhat inexplicable. He took Su Wan's arm and pointed Jiang Xuecheng with another finger.

"What about him? Will you also come with us?"

When the surrounding staff saw that Nono dare to point the finger at Lord Emperor, they suddenly changed color, but Jiang Xuecheng didn't say anything, and these people were even more afraid of them.

The guns hit the birds, and they watched their eyes and noses, trying to evolve themselves into transparent people.

Hearing Nuo's question, Su Wan pursed her lips, and her smile disappeared instantly.

She glanced at Jiang Xuecheng and spoke awkwardly.

"We will tell you later, let's leave first."

In half an hour, the airship to Lan Hexing was about to set sail, and they could not stay here again.

Seeing Su Wan's reticent attitude, Nuo Nuo nodded, understanding what he was in a trance.

After confirming that there is nothing missing from Nono, Su Wan, with Jiang Xuecheng on the side, immediately began to order the staff to find a maglev for her.

The staff led by Su Wan immediately grimaced at the command.

"Miss Su, are you going to leave with Lord Emperor in the middle of the night? But this is not in compliance!"

Su Wan heard this, squeezed Jiang Xuecheng's hand, and then spoke quietly to the staff.

"This is His Highness's decision. Do you have to question His Highness?"

Jiang Xuecheng immediately realized that he set up the kind of arrogant posture that Su Wan had taught him before, and threw a sharp knife directly at the speaking staff member.

Such a big hat was buckled by Su Wan, and Jiang Xuecheng's gas field was too strong, and the staff was silent for a moment.

He groaned a lot in his heart, his fingertips began to whitish, and a few drops of virtual sweat came out of his forehead.

The divine court was distinguished and humble, and with his 100,000 guts, he did not dare to question the decision of the emperor.

The staff did not dare to talk, he quickly wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and turned his head to the person nearby to call out the maglev vehicle that Jiang Xuecheng used on weekdays.

Seeing the staff slacken the maglev to come out, Su Wan instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

——If this worker is stubborn, he has to argue a few more words, and Jiang Xuecheng will only say the same sentence, anyone will be suspicious?

Without waiting, Su Wan immediately took Nono up, and then let Jiang Xuecheng pretend to be sitting on the main driver, and he was sitting beside him.

With one hatch closed, those outside could not see Su Wan and others.

Because there were no outsiders, Su Wan was relieved, and the whole world seemed to have a peaceful atmosphere.

Su Wan immediately shifted his focus to the operation of the maglev.

She has been riding this maglev several times before, knowing that it is not only large and luxurious, but also has automatic navigation, automatic driving, and self-protection systems.

According to past memories, Su Wan began to tinker with those red, red, and green buttons.

What are you doing in the evening?

Jiang Xuecheng saw Su Wan staring intently at the operation panel. He felt like a cat was scratching him, and he was very curious.

But thinking of Su Wan's previous orders, Jiang Xuecheng still had a face of ice, and he was as majestic as a mountain.

Su Wan noticed Jiang Xuecheng's eyes and finally looked up at him.

Seeing Jiang Xuecheng sitting precariously, a cold look that no one was close to, Su Wan pulsed and laughed.

"Okay, they can't see us anymore, you don't need to pretend."

She waved her hand at Jiang Xuecheng, and she couldn't help looking. In fact, Jiang Xuecheng's grim momentum that she had put on the shelf was really alive, and he couldn't tell the difference from the daytime one.

The premise is that Jiang Xuecheng can't talk much, otherwise his nature will be exposed.


Jiang Xuecheng nodded ignorantly, leaned quickly on Su Wan's arm, and his handsome face was full of curiosity.

"Late tonight, this is so amazing, it will still blink, and we are still rising!"

Nono stayed behind and almost rolled his eyes when he heard Jiang Xuecheng's words "innocent and innocent".

Previously, Jiang Xuecheng was so cold, he didn't even think of it. Su Wan told himself that Jiang Xuecheng would be finely divided, with different personalities during the day and most of the night.

Now it looks really like a silly kid...

Because Nono knew about Jiang Xuecheng and Su Wan's past and present, so he couldn't wait to see this man.

From Nono's point of view, those who bullied its master are blameless!

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