The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 708: Su Wan sees what he does

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

What if she was really chased by the gods? !

Su Wan was shocked in her heart. She was in a state of restlessness, and her face gradually became pale.

Others in the same cabin were also extremely irritable. Previously it was said that the weather was bad and the sailing time had to be delayed. Now they are almost at their destination. They actually said that the spacecraft has a problem!

Isn't this a joke about their safety? !

A restlessness, like a pot of boiling hot water, has reached its climax!

After Guangbo repeated the news of the forced landing twice, a girl in a work uniform began to appease.

Whereas the passengers can persuade in a few words, because the heart is dissatisfied, the people who originally sat on the seat in peace, all stood up!

At this time, the atmosphere on the scene was extremely chaotic!

There were even a few courageous people who started working with the female staff in this cabin!

Scolding and screaming, noisy and loud voices, Su Wan was already upset, and it was even more difficult to clean up at the moment.

Regardless of whether the spacecraft's failure was artificial or accidental, she didn't want to see others hitting the staff.

After all, it is too innocent, who would like to do such a thing, but also be treated as a pump!

And it was a little girl with no help, and looked only in her twenties.

The little girl was surrounded by a group of men. The little girl was obviously frightened. She wanted to send a message for help, but someone immediately grabbed her communicator.

Someone even slapped her!

The little girl covered her face in disbelief, and her slap imprint was very vivid on her beautiful face, and she looked very pitiful.

Dare to hit a woman, it's really wrong!

Su Wanteng stood up abruptly, and her heart was messed up, hesitating if she wanted to persuade her.

But seeing this posture, she was unable to persuade, so Su Wan immediately sat back again, and immediately rang the alarm bell.

In an instant, the bell rang, and everyone looked at Su Wan.

There are only a dozen people in this cabin, but all eyes are on Su Wan's face. The strange feeling still makes Su Wan frown.

"Who dares to call the police!"

The hands-on man was angry on the spot, but after seeing Su Wan's appearance, a pair of triangular eyes struck a fierce surprise.

My anger subsided a bit, but it was still uncomfortable.

The man with big five and big three, a pair of triangle eyes stared at Su Wan and snorted coldly.

"Okay! We are all stuck here today, do you still want to be a heroine right?"

Su Wan looked back at him without fear, Su Wan stood upright, with an undisguised sigh on his face.

"Aren't you ashamed to be a big man and hit a little girl? What's the matter with her when the spacecraft breaks down?!"

When the waitress saw Su Wan defending herself, her eyes were tearful, and she was grateful and scared.

The triangle-eyed man blushed and he grinned twice, carrying the waiter's collar in one hand.

"She's a staff member! If something like this happens, don't take her out of the way!"

The triangle-eyed man raised his chin and gave Su Wan a provocative look.

"Big beauty, I think your temperament likes to be brave enough, or you will come and replace her! If you change it to you, I will absolutely be reluctant to fan your face, just touch it at most, like this."

With that, the Triangle-eyed man squeezed the waitress' face like a demonstration, and the waitress was about to cry!

When the triangle-eyed man touched the waitress' face, the eyes of the pair of thieves stared at Su Wan slowly, as if thinking that Su Wan was the one who was insulted by him.


Su Wan heard the greasy grin of the Triangle-eyed man, she was sickened for a while, and she almost didn't vomit the overnight meal!

An unnamed fire sprang up in my heart, and spread directly to all limbs.

She didn't think about it, immediately picked up a bottle of mineral water on the small square table, directly opened the lid and splashed at the triangle-eyed man!

People around suddenly froze!

They stared at Su Wan with dumbfounded eyes. They didn't expect Su Wan to dare to splash the triangle-eyed man besides raising the alarm!

After all, Su Wanchang is a boudoir-like girl in the Jiangnan water town.

Triangle-eyed male stared at his eyes, he swept his wet clothes, almost staring at Su Wan with dizzying eyes!

"You dare to splash me, do you know who I am--"

Su Wan rolled his eyes in disdain when he heard the triangulation of his self-identification.

She did not book the VIP cabin. Su Wan dared to make this appearance, naturally under the premise of life-saving.

Seeing Su Wanli ignores himself, he loses face like this in a large audience, and the triangle-eyed man is suddenly angry!

He suddenly loosened the waitress he was carrying, and ran directly to Su Wan, as if to find Su Wan desperately!

"Be careful--"

The waitress grateful for Su Wan's early appearance for herself, promptly promptly reminded.

However, Su Wan was not too scared in his heart, but evaded aside calmly.

——Because she has heard a rapid footstep behind her.

Sure enough, after three seconds, someone blocked himself.

It was four or five uniformed guards, all carrying laser guns in their hands. Seeing the weapons in the guards' hands, the chaotic voice at the scene suddenly disappeared!

Everyone was silent for a while, even if the guns weren't aimed at themselves, they were all in shock.

The triangle-eyed man dissipated his arrogance and hid in the crowd, trying to narrow his sense of existence.

But the triangle-eyed man was no use hiding anymore. After the guard carrying the laser gun came out, no one dared to stand with him. The waitress pointed him directly.

"It was this passenger who caused trouble and disrupted flight attendant order."

Several guards nodded, then quickly captured the troubled man.

Seeing that the troublemaker was caught, the waitress was relieved, and she hurried to Su Wan with a gracious face.

"thank you."

Su Wan shook her head lightly, beckoning her not to worry, she just did what she could.

If today's situation is so serious that she can't solve it, Su Wan won't make it out of the crowd. After all, people are selfish and life-saving first.

The lead guard glanced at the passenger in this cabin.

"I can understand everyone's restless emotions, but I hope everyone can stay sensible, and we will soon arrive at the forced landing site, and we will properly arrange your travels."

After all, there are weapons in hand, and the original troublesome passengers suddenly looked like rabbits.

While the guards were about to leave with the troublemaker, Su Wan stepped forward and stopped the man who had spoken.

"Excuse me, shouldn't the general spacecraft undergo close inspection before departure? Why does this spacecraft break down suddenly? What is the problem?"

Su Wan asked closely, because she wanted to determine whether it was the hand of the Holy See, or it was just an accident.

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