The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 710: Su Wan's alertness

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The staff stiffened their bodies like this, the whole portrait was taken away from their souls, and they looked so stupid.

And the man with the emerald demon pupil looked extremely cold, he did not look at the staff, and took a big step towards the gangway of the spaceship.

It's undoubtedly a dark night.

His expression was arrogant, and the lines on his cheeks were tight and strong, but the heroic eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, as if he was enduring some pain.

——The overwhelming use of his power, the most direct consequence is that his body becomes weak.

However, this man was stubborn, and only from his neat steps, outsiders could not see that Ming Ye was injured.

After walking up the gangway at midnight, the male staff finally woke up.

He patted his head hard, always feeling that he had forgotten something.

It was like a bag of paste was filled in my head. Everything was unclear. The whole person was dizzy and had a feeling of hangover.

The staff turned his head suspiciously. He glanced at the unclosed hatch, where a few people occasionally walked around, but everything seemed normal.

What's wrong with yourself?

He was under forty years old, wouldn't he get Alzheimer's disease?

While the staff was full of suspiciousness, he suddenly saw the laser communication circuit on his waist lit up.

"Hey, Lao Zhang, why haven't you reported? All the transfer personnel are on board? Is it possible to go?"

Hearing the voice from the communicator, the staff cleared his throat quickly.

"Yes, the passengers who have transferred are already on board and can start sailing."

As soon as his voice fell, the gangway of the spaceship was automatically retracted, and the doors began to close slowly.

What followed was a long whistle.

Su Wan heard the sound of the whistle, his heart loosened, and he settled slowly.

-This small and medium spacecraft has finally started.

In this way, the previous large spacecraft would fail, which was really just an accident.

Su Wan smiled slightly, she reached out and stroked Nono's round head.

Seeing that Nono did not give a little expression, Su Wan remembered that Nono had not installed an energy box.

Su Wanli smiled, she rummaged through her own duffel bag, and then quickly found a small black square from it, that is Nono's energy box.

Don't look at this energy box, it looks small and compact, but it is really expensive to buy.

Fortunately, she still has some balance on hand, and it is not a problem to feed herself and Nono within a year and a half.

Su Wan took out the energy box. She had just opened the steel block on Nono's back and was ready to install it.

However, Su Wan raised his eyes, but a familiar figure suddenly appeared in his sight.

That is--

I saw a tall man with a height of 1.8 meters walked over.

He wore a black shirt made with great precision, and the buttons were meticulously tied to the top one. There was a cold atmosphere just looking at the walking posture.

However, the most worth mentioning is the man's eyes.

It was a pair of emerald-colored enchanting pupils, the purest emerald green, and his eyes were indistinct, even if he was swept invisible by this man, he would be involuntarily frightened.

Because the night dragon, the dragon, did not see the end, and the interstellar vastness, Su Wan originally thought that it would be difficult to see this man in the future, but he did not expect to meet on a small spaceship that was transferred!

What kind of fate is this?

Su Wan's pupils shrunk, her mouth widened in surprise, and her beautiful face was shock that was hard to conceal.

A click, the dark black energy box in her hand slipped and fell directly to the ground.

The sound of things falling down was not light, but it just overshadowed the voices of people talking around.

Only a moment later, Su Wan saw Ming Ye looking in his own direction.

Between the four eyes, Ming Ye raised her eyebrows, the same consternation in the Emerald Demon pupil.

Obviously, he did not expect to meet Su Wan here.

Su Wan's thoughts twisted, she suppressed the curiosity in her heart and showed a friendly smile towards Mingye.

Since they were all seen, Su Wan still waved his hand and motioned him to come.

Fortunately, the two are considered "over-life" relationships, although the experience is not very pleasant.

Su Wan didn't want to go through the experience of being held a knife on his neck.

Ningye didn't mean politely with Su Wan. He came over very naturally, his eyes still cold and cold, he walked quickly to Su Wan and then sat down.

Although this spaceship is not large in scale, it still has a unified standard for seats.

Because of Nono, Su Wan bought a two-seater, but the seat is very spacious, more than three people.

Midnight glanced at the robot lying between himself and Su Wan, his lips as thin as a knife splayed, and his voice was low and sweet, very similar to Jiang Xuecheng's voice.

"You haven't thrown away this robot, is it nostalgia?"

During the night talk, a pair of emerald demon pupils lightly locked Su Wan, making people dare not look straight.

His eyes were deep, as if the seemingly calm but treacherous sea water in the middle of the night seemed to be swallowed.

And Su Wan was stunned directly!

She didn't expect that the first sentence that Ming Ye said was actually this, and it coincided with the previous proposal of the staff member!

Does Nono look so broken?

Should she find a mechanic to beautify Nono's appearance?

Su Wan's forehead twitched, she stared at Nono's rusty shell and fell into hesitation.

——After waiting for Nono to regain consciousness, she asks Nono her own thoughts.

Su Wan was thinking wildly, but Midnight leaned down and picked up the energy box that fell to the ground.

He stretched out his hand, and a thin black square appeared in the palm of his hand with a thin layer of cocoon.


Passing the sound of Midnight by the ear, Su Wan suddenly broke away from the idea, and then nodded faintly at Midnight.

"Thank you."

Just when Su Wan wanted to take back the energy box from Ming Ye's hand, she stared at Ming Ye's palm, her brows could not help but wrinkle.

This is a pair of quite pleasing hands, with distinct joints and slender fingers.

But these are not the key points. The most important thing is that they look like Jiang Xuecheng's hands!

Realizing this, Su Wan couldn't care about politeness and rudeness anymore. She raised her head in a hurry and looked at Ming Yezai carefully.

Yes, when she first met Midnight, she felt that Midnight looked very similar to Jiang Xuecheng!

In addition to the difference in facial features, the two are very similar to Jiang Xuecheng in body shape, height, cheek contour, and even sound.

Being stared by Su Wan momentarily, Ming Ye pursed her lips, her voice low and cold.

"what happened to you?"

Su Wan was about to speak, but he saw a group of people in police uniforms coming from the front, and it was fierce. It seemed that something had happened...

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