The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 713: Threading and peeling cocoons, heavy fog

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Midnight glanced at Su Wan indifferently, and then leaned back on the back of the chair leisurely, closing his eyes and resting.

The lazy and casual posture is like a cheetah lying in sleep, although it has conquered the murderous, but it still makes people feel terrified.

Because you will always feel that in the next second, this cheetah will open its eyes.

At the same time, it rushes up at the most unexpected speed and bites off your neck!

Seeing that Ming Ye was injured and bleeding, it didn't matter, Su Wan frowned, and then could not help bowing her head, looking at Ming Ye's **** abdomen.

Midnight is wearing a pure black shirt today, and the material of this shirt is very heavy. Although there is blood staining, if you don’t stare at it seriously, you can’t really see it.

Do you need medicine?

Su Wan's eyebrows tightened even more, but the parties were hung up.

--Forget it, there is no medicine here. In order not to arouse suspicion, she cannot ask the flight attendant for medicine.

Su Wan's lips twitched, and finally gave up the idea of ​​medicine for Midnight.

The man was very talented. At that time, he didn't complain about pulling a bullet. Since he said it was okay, he, an outsider, didn't need to worry about him.

Su Wan saw that Midnight was sleeping, she couldn't help but let go of her courage, and looked at Midnight a few more times.

Previously, she had always felt that Ming Ye and Jiang Xuecheng were very similar in appearance except for the facial features.

Now take a closer look. When Midnight closed his eyes, Su Wan seemed to find more common grounds between Midnight and Jiang Xuecheng.

Before meeting Jiang Xuecheng again, Su Wan could say that he hadn't seen Jiang Xuecheng in too long before this illusion occurred, but now he takes a closer look and it seems really a bit wrong...

Jiang Xuecheng's cheek contours are deep, his nose is straight, his lips are thin, and his cheekbones are very high.

In these traits, Mingye completely coincides with Jiang Xuecheng!

It's just that when the eyes are open at midnight, the jade-colored eyes are so dazzling that they suppress the other facial features.

Su Wan realized this, his fingers were tightly grasped, and his fingertips began to blush.

It's really like it!

The similarity between Midnight and Jiang Xuecheng is even more exaggerated than that of Jiang Xuecheng and Jiang Haoxuan!

If these are coincidences, is it possible?

Unexpectedly, Su Wan's mind burst out with a strange idea.

——Ming Ye is so similar to Jiang Xuecheng, will it not be the illegitimate child of Jiang Wei and which foreign girl?

Su Wan was shocked by this thought, her fingers clenched harder.

According to Su Wan, when on earth, the relationship between Xu Ziyao and Jiang Wei was very good, not like having an affair...

Guilty, she just thought that, I was really sorry for the two, and offended her father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Suddenly, Su Wan jumped out of the high priest's face in his mind, which was very similar to Xu Ziyao, except that there were more tears on the right corner of the eye, which were magnificent.

Had Midnight been the illegitimate child of the high priest?

Su Wan felt more and more bizarre, but she quickly denied the idea.

The high priest is an outright woman, and she is still unmarried. If Midnight is her illegitimate child, no matter what she does, she is better than the outsider Jiang Xuecheng?

Why should the position of the imperial prince be left to an outsider to inherit? !

If this hypothesis holds true, even if Midnight is not good, it is also the biological son connected to the blood of the high priest. Who has seen the mother send someone to hunt down the biological son?

Thinking of these points, Su Wan couldn't help but sigh in his heart, feeling that his head was about to explode!

She vaguely felt like she had caught a clue, but when she thought about it, nothing happened.

Su Wan sighed again, feeling as if she had stepped into a dazed mystery.

There was fog in front of and behind me, and I couldn't see anything clearly.

Just as Su Wan was about to look away, Suddenly, Ming Ye opened his eyes.

His face is still beautiful and majestic, but the eyes of the pair of colored glass beads reveal a little strangeness.

Midnight's eyes directly locked Su Wan's face, and had to admit that Su Wan looked good, but these were not the reasons to attract him.

"What are you staring at me for?"

Was found...

Su Wan knew that he had just been watching impolitely, and his face turned red.

"Why, care about me? Rest assured, I said I was a minor injury, and I can't die yet..."

Midnight sound was low and cold, and a pair of jadeite demon pupils refracted the light above, gloomy and merciless.

"Midnight, can I ask you a question?"

Su Wan took a light breath, her long lashes flickered slightly, but her expression was extremely serious.

It was a wonderful feeling to see Su Wan's clear eyes showing himself.

People can't help but want to reflect their figure forever in these apricot eyes.

Realizing this, Mingye couldn't help frowning.

what happened to him?

Because Su Wan paid a little attention, he seemed to be prone to mood swings...

Was it because Su Wan rescued him twice in a row, or was it because of the person who had a significant relationship with him?

Either way, he doesn’t want to accept any emotions.

People like him are simply not suitable for feelings.

Midnight night's thin lips squeezed, he did not look away, as if looking casually out of the window, looking at the magnificent star field outside the glass window,

Ming Ye calmed his good attitude, but still didn't look at Su Wan. He opened his lips lightly and asked Yun Danfeng lightly.

"Su Wan, what are you asking?"

Su Wan looked at Midnight and frowned and looked away. She thought that the man was in a bad mood and didn't want to take care of herself, but since Midnight had this attitude, she was relieved.

In the late Soviet period, Ai Ai Di stared at the night of Ming Ye, and always felt that from the back, Ming Ye and Jiang Xuecheng were almost carved out of a mold.

It's just that the temperaments of the two people are slightly different. Although they are both arrogant, Jiang Xuecheng is proud as a deity, while Midnight is more lonely, like a lone soul hidden in the darkness.

"Midnight, I listened to what you said before, should you have a lot of contact with the Holy Court? Then you must have seen Jiang...The Emperor of the Holy Court, right?"

Hearing Su Wan's mention of Jiang Xuecheng, Ming Ye's face sank instantly, beautiful and gloomy.

He has indeed seen Jiang Xuecheng.

But it was only one side, and I saw it on the day Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng left the hotel.

His purpose at the time was very simple. He wanted to see who was the source of all suffering.

Midnight had thought about killing the man, but later Su Wan begged him not to be implicated in Jiang Xuecheng.

Why did he promise obsessively at that time-if Jiang Xuecheng did not shoot him, he would not do it?

Recalling the past, Ming Ye was shocked.

Su Wan seems to have said that the man is her husband? !

Why is she here now?

[Thank you for your continuous support. This time, the 515 Fan Festival writer Glory Hall and the general election of the works, I hope they can support one. In addition, there are some red envelopes and gift packs for the fan festival. Get one and continue the subscription! 】

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