The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 716: Give her "please" back!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Hearing the news of Su Wan, Fan in charge of the forehead jumped suddenly, he raised his eyes subconsciously, and looked at the emperor on the main seat.

In a cold tone of light, the man sat quietly. He pressed his lips tightly, his eyes gloomy like a sky about to rain, with a lot of depression.

Manager Fan frowned, completely ignorant of the thoughts of the emperor.

He had originally thought that if the emperor heard the news of Miss Su, no matter how cold, he should express surprise or anger.

However, these two extreme emotions, Manager Fan failed to find Jiang Xuecheng.

It's as if I didn't hear it at all.

However, if Lord Emperor has no mood swings, it is absolutely impossible!

Seeing Jiang Xuecheng not giving instructions, the man who reported in the holographic screen had no choice but to abandon the surprise, his head was lowered for unknown reasons, and he looked trembling.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and the air was occupied by a strange atmosphere, which moved the fear in my heart.

It's not a problem to just consume it!

The man who reported in the holographic screen had to look at Director Fan with his eyes. The meaning of asking for help was very obvious.

What do you ask him to do? !

He is not the celebrity in front of the emperor and the emperor now, can't he guess the mind of the adult?

Fan had a bitter cry in his heart, he thought for a while, or suppressed the anxiety in his heart, and looked to Jiang Xuecheng.

"Your Highness, now that Miss Su has news, don't you ask where?"

When he spoke, Mr. Fan hung his head respectfully, his tone was neither humble nor overbearing, and he looked completely like Jiang Xuecheng.

Seeing Jiang Xuecheng was still nonchalant, Mr. Fan gave a stern look, and finally asked for constructive opinions with a stubborn head.

"Your Highness, do you want Miss Su to come back? Or let Miss Su go? You are like that, we don't know how to deal with this matter..."

Fan really thought he was wronged. Yesterday, Jiang Xuecheng had taken Su Wan with him, and later he came back alone. As a result, when he came together this morning, he began to look for Su Wan with great fanfare!

This is simply playing them like monkeys!

Fan Fan is an exquisite elite. Although Jiang Xuecheng's attitude is not clear, at least Fan Fan understands that Su Wan is more or less important in the heart of the emperor.

So he did not dare to make Su Wan rash.

"Your Highness..."

Just when Manager Fan was thinking about it for the third time, the man sitting on the throne stood up suddenly, and was shocked by Manager Fan and the middle-aged man who reported on Su Wan's whereabouts.

Is this about to start issuing specific orders? !

Fan is in charge of his heart, but on the surface, he still looks at his eyes and noses, and he looks serious and respectful.

Jiang Xuecheng's handsome face was indifferent, his phoenix eyes circulated, and his gaze swept over Fan Fan, who stood beside him, and finally landed on the middle-aged man in the holographic screen.

"Where is she now?"

Jiang Xuecheng's voice sounded careless, but with a kind of unpredictable deep.

"His Royal Highness asked us to collect all the spaceships that were sent out in the middle of the night. After our review, after excluding many possibilities, we suddenly discovered..."

In fact, the Su Evening Party was discovered, which was a bit of a twist.

A previous search of Ming Ye, Su Wan came forward, but concealed the identity of Ming Ye, but after the secret news of the hunt for people from the Holy See was released, he immediately implicated himself.

After all, those guards had good memory, and Su Wan was so eye-catching that he escaped without modification.

The middle-aged man in a uniform uniform frowned slightly and reported very humbly.

Jiang Xuecheng's thoughts were tumbling, and he had no patience to listen to the man's detailed explanation.

The young emperor's phoenix swept diagonally, and his slender eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

"Just talk about the point!"

Although separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, the middle-aged man in the holographic screen couldn't help shivering when he suddenly heard Jiang Xuecheng's scolding.

After all, the incident happened suddenly, and it was rare that he could show his face in front of the emperor. In fact, he was preparing to carefully shove the search to show the emperor how hard he was.

Unexpectedly, I didn't even please the new emperor!

The middle-aged man felt a little depressed, but he didn't dare to show it on the surface.

He quickly converged on the original careful thought and reported the final result directly to Jiang Xuecheng.

"Miss Su is now on a transfer spaceship, and you can arrive at Lan Hexing's airport transfer station in about 15 minutes."

Seeing Jiang Xuecheng still did not speak, the middle-aged man became brave and began to elaborate on his layout.

"According to your previous command, Your Highness was supposed to bring Miss Su back directly, but we were afraid of playing grass and scared the snake, so I wanted to simply wait for Miss Su to arrive at the station before acting, Your Highness..."

Jiang Xuecheng nodded indifferently, his eyes flashed slightly, and quickly passed a cold light.

"Before Su Wan's disembarkation, you should seal your way directly and be sure to bring her back in one fell swoop."

After watching the surveillance videos, the woman seemed to have concealed too many things from him, one by one, he had to settle with Su Wan!

For example, Su Wan shouted that Chinese name, who is it? !

Jiang Xuecheng stood straight, his eyes gloomy, his eyes cold as a deity, and he couldn't help but knelt to worship.

Listening to Jiang Xuecheng's instructions, the middle-aged man still couldn't grasp well, and simply began to test.

"His Royal Highness, is that allowed to use force?..."

Jiang Xuecheng's face sank when he heard this question.

"Su Wan is a weak woman. If you can't even bring her back, then what's the use of leaving me?"

Those dark, dark eyes suddenly burst into a sword-like cold light!

The middle-aged man naturally heard Jiang Xuecheng's anger in his voice, but what does this mean? !

Manager Fan quickly looked at the holographic screen, and drew a wink towards the middle-aged man, instructing him not to die anymore.

Fan Fan stayed in the Holy Palace for a long time, and his attitude towards Su Wan was too special. It can be seen from the fact that His Royal Highness Liu Su stayed in the same building.

Manager Fan coughed softly, he speculated on Jiang Xuecheng's thoughts, and then smiled at the middle-aged man.

"Miss Su must come back, but there must be no damage, you know?"

Manager Fan emphasized the word "please", the meaning of which is self-evident.

The middle-aged man in the holographic screen was dumbfounded when he heard this sentence!


After cutting off the laser communication, the middle-aged man returned to the restroom in despair.

Seeing the boss coming back, a group of uniformed guards suddenly gathered around, and the leader was the young man who had previously rescued Su Wan.

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