The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 723: Who cares if he hurts!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Chief Li said that he was full of promises, but when he saw the tattered robot on the ground, his heart fell into endless confusion...

Can he really find a master to repair this robot?

But what can I do if I don’t make such a promise, and let the emperor remove him now?

Mr. Li gritted his teeth and decided that no matter how much money and resources he spent, he had to repair the robot first.

Previously, he thought that Nono was a piece of scrap iron, and wanted to send Nono to smelt. Now he has to ask the Buddha to protect the key chip of Nono.

As long as the key chip is not broken, there will be no problem with all the memory and the robot, and the repair of the body surface is only a trivial matter.

When Governor Li comforted himself in this way, he didn't understand how precious Nuo Nuo was. After waiting to know that a large part of Nuo Nuo was the Silver Tears, he had no more tears to cry.

Silver Tears, a rare ore that is hard to find, has long known that he will never let people use guns to hit this robot.


I'm afraid he has to go bankrupt, and he will continue to find someone to support the Siswell family!

Chief Li sighed, knowing that he had been killed, but when he woke up, he had no choice.

Now I hope that this robot can recover, and then Su Wan and Midnight will catch the case early!


Lan Hexing, a remote suburb.

At this moment, it was the evening, when the sun went down, passing the endless glory across the sky. Although it was not as dazzling as the noon sun, it also had a charm.

Su Wan found it difficult to breathe because of a lot of water in his lungs, but the most uncomfortable thing was not this heavy body, but the heart full of holes.

Su Wan didn't know how she floated up, because of Nuo's affairs, she even sapped her desire to survive.

If it wasn't for Midnight that dragged her all the way, there might not be Su Wan now.

She should be a dead body floating under the water.

Su Wan's heart suffocated when she thought of Nono, whose life and death were unclear.

——In fact, what's the point of living like this?

Is she really a disaster star?

All the likes and loves will eventually leave her, whether it is a person or a thing.

Mom and Dad passed away in a car accident; Jiang Xuecheng also encountered car accidents and was in constant danger after being with her; and Nono died because of her...

Su Wan was already stunned. She fell into this strange circle of thinking, and felt more and more hopeless.

Perhaps it is right to leave Jiang Xuecheng by yourself, at least not let Jiang Xuecheng take risks for himself.


Ming Ye frowned when she saw Su Wanqiang holding her tears.

Woman is trouble.

Even Su Wan is no exception. Looking at the strong, in fact, his bones are very weak.

A person like Su Wan looked good from a young age. He should have stayed in the greenhouse for a lifetime, but he did not expect to run with him now...

Ming Ye stood up and walked into Su Wan and said something.

"Are you OK?"

Su Ye suddenly heard this low voice, Su Wan's heart jumped violently!

If she didn't look up to see the emerald eyes of Ming Ye, she mistakenly thought that Jiang Xuecheng was beside her!

Su Wan’s self-esteem is a little bit strong. She doesn’t like to expose her fragile side in front of less familiar people, but when she thinks of Nono, her tears can't stop.

Su Wan can only keep looking up, restraining them not to fall from their eyes.

"Sorry, let you read the joke."

Su Wan reached out and wiped her eyes, her throat was dry, and her original voice became sobbing.

Mingye heard Su Wan forcibly suppressing his emotions, and somehow he was irritated by the apex of his heart.

He has lived to the present and has not had much experience with women alone. The only time before was to escape on the bottom of the ship.

It's funny, every time he meets Su Wan is not romantic, but full of blood and murder.

Midnight looked at Su Wan directly, and could easily interpret the haze of Su Wan's heart from Su Wan's expression.

"Don't you think we are all embarrassed now?"

Ming Ye didn't understand how to talk about the words of joy to comfort Su Wan, and she could only rely on her own way to try to divert Su Wan's attention.

Su Wan was surprised for a moment, and she looked up blankly.

I saw water traces on Midnight, and there was a little silt on that handsome face.

Indeed, both of them are embarrassed now.

Suddenly, Su Wan saw the cracked rotator cuff on Ming Ye's shoulder, where blood was still dripping.

Su Wan's pupils contracted, and she stood up sharply, looking towards Ming Ye's shoulder.

She didn't even notice before, and Ming Ye was actually shot! Just on the left shoulder!

"Are you shot?!"

Su Wan looked at Midnight in disbelief and didn't understand exactly what the man grew up eating!

It was so smooth even when it was shot, and it dragged her all the way before!

Seeing Su Wan's expression of consternation and worry, Ming Ye shrugged needlessly, then looked down at her shoulder.

"This time it's really a minor injury. Those people probably didn't let the bullets even kill them because they were afraid of hurting you by mistake. They were just used to pull down their strength."

"It's okay to deal with ordinary people, like my physique... I just dug that bullet out..."

How to dig it out?

Su Wan did not dare to ask in detail.

When she heard the words of Midnight, she was trembling with fear, and felt a pain in her body, so dug it out, wouldn't this man bandage?

Su Wan glared at Midnight angrily.

"You are waiting here. I'll find some herbs for you to apply. I remember when I just floated up, I saw that there was a river, not far from here!"

Before waiting for the midnight squeak, Su Wan ran out on his own, like a smoke, when the wind blew away.


Midnight stood staring blankly.

Probably the less you can get, the more you desire.

As soon as he was born, he stayed in that cold laboratory, reduced to humanoid machines where people analyzed data, no human dignity at all, and no one cared about him like Su Wan.

Oh, those stray dogs that were cultivated by the high priest one by one can't wait to use his body to do various experiments. Who cares if he hurts?

When Midnight thought of this, he immediately clenched his palms, and the eyes of the emerald flashed cold, extremely bloodthirsty!

If anyone sees it, I'm afraid they will be scared down on the spot.

Midnight swears that one day, he will kill those people with his own hands!

Midnight looked at Su Wan who was not far away squatting down to gather herbs. His eyes were murderous.

The long eyelashes covered the eyes, and the emerald pupils also converged a bit of demon sensation, becoming more peaceful, but extremely sparse.

If it is not of such origin, he may also want to live for himself, but that is no longer possible.

People like him are totally unworthy of happiness.

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