Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Su Wan was stunned, and could hardly believe it was what Ming Ye would say.

She has always felt that people like Midnight are cold and gloomy, but she never expected to care about people.

Su Wan turned his head subconsciously, but the man had already lowered his head and began to fish.

Beside the shallow water beach, the residual sun is like blood.

Ming Ye's figure was against the light, half bright and half dark, and his sleeves flew slightly in the wind. He looked like Jiang Xuecheng, but only more lonely.

Su Wan suddenly stunned, she looked at the figure of Ming Ye, and suddenly remembered the time she was with Jiang Xuecheng on the evening island.

At the time when he was at the beach, Jiang Xuecheng went alone to catch fish, and he also caught a few lobsters of great size.

Su Wan still remembers that Jiang Xuecheng was caught by langoustines

That man... how is it now?

Jiang Xuecheng's dignified and noble face glanced across his mind, and Su Wan's expression couldn't help but feel trance.

Even if Su Wan was determined to leave Jiang Xuecheng at the beginning, he found out that when he really was not together, in fact, life was full of Jiang Xuecheng's shadow.

Even if we never meet again in this life, I am afraid it will be difficult to erase Jiang Xuecheng's trace in her life.

Just like that man has taken root in her flesh and blood, you think you can forget, but those memory fragments can jump out at any time, and you can never forget.

She didn't love Jiang Xuecheng, she was too tired to love this man. After she and Jiang Xuecheng's children passed away, Su Wan couldn't bear the pain with Jiang Xuecheng.

There is a saying how to say, it is better to miss each other, she and Jiang Xuecheng are probably in this situation now.

Su Wan thought of this and couldn't help but laughed at himself.

She took a light breath, slowly wading through some cold shallow water beaches, and gradually walked back to the shore.


According to Ming Ye's instructions, Su Wan began to collect firewood very seriously.

I don't know if it had just rained here two days ago. Many firewood was half wet and half dry. Su Wan had no choice but to walk a few steps deeper into the trees.

Finally, Su Wan found some relatively dry branches.

When Su Wan was looking for branches, he suddenly saw an unknown fruit tree, followed by red fruits.

The fruit tree is not tall. The fruit produced looks like an apple, but it is not an apple.

Su Wan thought of it, and suddenly thought it would be some kind of edible fruit.

After all, she and Midnight are now in the wilderness and wilderness, and they are not as inferior to seasoning and cooking tools as on the evening island. The grilled fish may not have delicious fruit.

Su Wan stared at the fruit that fell from the branch, because she hadn't eaten for most of the day and swallowed unconsciously.

——The fruit that looks pleasing, but not exaggerated, should not be poisonous?

Su Wan saw several fruits with traces of being pecked by flying birds, but there were no bird corpses under the fruit trees, so Su Wanxian decided not to be poisonous.

Su Wan put down the firewood he had picked up and tried to find the branches and began to shoot fruits.

She is not like Jiang Xuecheng, who has such a superb tree-climbing skill, so Su Wan chose to tap the branches.

Those red fruits were almost ripe already. In Su Wan's attack with no mercy and pity, those fruits fell into response and rolled round Su Wan's legs.

Su Wanxin was overjoyed and quickly picked them up. Several birds were pecked at them by flying birds. Su Yue felt more at ease when he thought about it.

Holding those fruits and firewood, she felt that she had brought a lot of loot, and she was finally very happy.


Ming Ye heard a sound of light and heavy footsteps, turned her head in an instant, and a slender figure was quickly reflected in her eyes.

Midnight frowned, and he stared at Su Wan, who was slowly coming, and quickly stepped forward.

"How did you go for so long?"

Su Wan smiled and raised the red fruit in her hand, her eyebrows stretched out for a day, and she was quite complacent.

"Look what I found? Should this be eaten?"

Midnight glanced at the fruit in Su Wan's hands and nodded lightly.

"This red cloud fruit is indeed edible, but the taste is a bit strange."

Su Wan burst into a sudden realization, but he was inevitably disappointed when he heard the second sentence.

——It turns out that the so-called red cloud fruit is not tasty. No wonder there is so much fruit in the whole tree, and no one has picked it.

But thinking of having something to eat is better than nothing.

Midnight's voice was backward, and he reached out his hand very consciously, and embraced the large pile of dry branches in Su Wan's arms.

"I'll get it."

Su Wan nodded, and her arms were sour when she embraced those branches, so she didn't politely talk to Mingye.


The two walked one after the other and walked to a sheltered boulder to sit down.

Midnight didn't know where to find two flints that could be burned. He tinkered for a while, and soon the stone began to smoke, and the flames were easily rubbed out.

Su Wan saw the flickering flames and felt that her chin would be shocked.

While marveling at the superb field survival ability of Midnight, she was a little ashamed.

If Su Wan stays alone in this wilderness, I am afraid that survival is really a big problem.

Then at midnight, he was very skilled at piercing the river fish with branches, and cleaned the internal organs of the river fish very carefully.

Then, Midnight took a string of twigs and walked the whole fish through his throat.

These movements were done in one night, and they were almost like clouds and flowing water.

Of course Su Wan was not idle, she rolled up her sleeves and began to add firewood to the erected stove.

She leaned over to take the fish that had been forked in Midnight and carefully placed them over the fire to turn them over.

Midnight turned his head slightly and looked at Su Wan from the corner of his eye, probably because he was too close to the fire, and Su Wanbaijing's face slightly exuded a few sweat beads.

But even so, Ning Ye thought Su Wan couldn't say it was good-looking.

The clear eyes reflected the fire, retreated from the original gloomy look, like the river with the afterglow of the sunset, sparkling and vivid.

Such a beautiful girl...

He thought Su Wan was squeamish, but at least Su Wan had not complained, and his adaptability was not bad...

Ming Ye realized the deviation of his thoughts, he sighed in his heart, and quickly moved his eyes away from Su Wan.

Midnight pursed her lips, and spoke lightly to Su Wan.

"I'm going to see if there are any plants nearby that can be used as seasonings. You can grill the fish here first."

what? !

Ming Ye actually understands this kind of thing?

Su Wan was stunned, but he saw that Ming Ye had stood up and moved away.

Seeing that these fish were roasted yellowish, the aroma of cooked food continued to float between the nose wings, Su Wan swallowed her throat, fearing that she had burnt the fish.

Su Wan stared at her washed red cloud fruit, she had a whimsy, would you like to try roasted fruit?

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