Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Su Wan was wearing a gray-red suit, a woolen cap on her head, a sallow face, a lot of wrinkles around her eyes, a bloated body, and a little rickety back.

She bent over halfway, carrying a large bag with some effort, and the whole person looked like a middle-aged woman with some haggardness, where there is still half the usual elegance.

No one will look at Su Wan again. Also, people are all visual animals. With this image of Su Wan, no one would be willing to spend half of their attention.

Perhaps it was because the makeup was too successful, or Jiang Xuecheng did not guess that the Su party was alone, and the security check went smoothly.

The ID card given by Midnight is also very suitable, just pass it.

Su Wan didn't know what to say except to sigh.

She always doubted whether Mingye had worked in a place like Qingqing-Baoju, and because of the leak, she had a hatred with the high priest.

Otherwise, there are too many things in the night party, it is simply too unscientific.


When he boarded the spacecraft, Su Wan didn't see the kind of guards who were patrolling with great fanfare.

Not to mention sticking out the faces of her and Ming Ye, the whole world is hyped.

Su Wan was curious, and couldn't help but pushed a little girl next to him, trying to ask her if there had been any fun or rare things happening recently.

The little girl couldn't say anything.

Su Wan was speechless for a while, and at the same time he was thankful that Jiang Xuecheng was low-key, at least the man did not poke her message directly.

If it's really noisy, Su Wan is still thinking about what she wants to do. She doesn't have the sophisticated makeup skills like Midnight. She can smear herself very well.


Su Wan suddenly awakened when she heard the whistle of the spacecraft. She looked out of the translucent glass window, and she could only see several spacecraft parked on a stable orbit.

Midnight should also be subject to security screening, I do not know which spaceship he is on.

Su Wan meditation in his heart wished him a safe journey, and then leaned his head against the back of the chair very calmly, and slowly took a nap.

Yesterday I had a good rest, but these two days were too tired. Su Wan wanted to sleep all the time.

Soon, Su Wan fell into a dream.

Su Wanmeng saw many people and many things. For a while, Jiang Xuecheng's relentless face, and for a while, the small town looked pitifully pulling her sleeves.

"Late tonight, I want to go with you, don't leave the small town, OK, the small town will be very good..."

Su Wan's closed eyes tremble, and her eyelashes tremble slightly.

Soon, the picture turned and Jiang Xuecheng's face disappeared.

Changed to the bright lights in the operating room, the **** flowers spread all over the body, shocked...

Su Wan's hands clenched tightly. She was half awake and half awake. She knew she was having a nightmare, but she couldn't struggle.

The scenes passed by like a horse and a flower, and quickly turned into a picture of Nono falling down.

Nono lay stiffly on the ground, and he looked sideways at Su Wan. The sorrowful eyes looked sad, and the robot could neither cry nor cry, but Su Wan felt that Nono was crying at himself.

Sorry, Nono...

Su Wan only felt that his heart was tightly gripped, bloody, and painful.

Just as Su Wan was tangled in pain, he suddenly heard an anxious whisper in his ear, who was pulling her arm.

"Auntie, why are you crying?"

Su Wan slowly opened her eyes, and saw the little girl next to her blinking her eyes, looking at herself with some worry.

"Auntie, are you okay? Why are you crying, wipe it."

The little girl said that she reached out and handed Su Wan a tissue.

She really didn't understand why Su Wan looked so sad, as if the whole person was empty and unbelievable.

"Thank you."

Su Wan sniffed her nose, smiled reluctantly at the little girl, and then wiped the tears around her eyes with a tissue.

She is most fortunate that this makeup is waterproof, otherwise it will be scary.

Su Wan wiped away the tears from her face. She gently threw the tissue into the trash bin, and suddenly heard a cry from the girl next to him.

"Auntie, didn't you just ask me what's interesting recently? I just suddenly thought of an interesting thing!"

The girl mainly sympathized with Su Wan's age and crying so embarrassedly, so she racked her brains and wanted to divert attention from Su Wan so that Su Wan would not be so sad.

Su Wan heard that the girl who was a few years younger than herself had always called her aunt, and she couldn't help but smoke, and at the same time she admired Midnight even more.

This just illustrates the success of the night makeup!

Su Wan nodded at the other party and pretended to be interested in asking questions.

"What do you think."

The little girl lifted her chin in complacency, blinking at Su Wan several times.

"The executive officer in our district didn't know what happened and suddenly made a sudden announcement last night, saying that he would pay a lot of money to hire a mechanic!"

Machine, repair, division...

Su Wan was stunned, almost thinking of Nono in the next moment.

Su Wanling gave a cold look and hurriedly spoke to the little girl.

"Is it for repairing robots?"

"How do you know! Auntie, how smart you are!"

Hearing Su Wan's words, the girl about sixteen or seventeen raised her eyebrows, her eyes filled with worship.

Su Wan smiled faintly and explained it indifferently.

"Since it is a mechanic, if it is not to build a robot, it is to repair a robot. Is this 50% probability still necessary to praise smart?"

When the girl heard the words, she froze.

It is really strange that this aunt is very rustic and her face is not well maintained. When she first came up, she saw some rickets.

But when Su Wan spoke, there was a special temperament, indifferent, confident, and elegant.

People involuntarily want to be convinced.

The girl glanced at Su Wan more, but she didn't see anything strange.

She was next to Su Wan, and mysteriously leaned into Su Wan's ear and broke a shocking news.

"Auntie, let me tell you a little gossip, don't tell me."

Su Wan saw the other party's mysterious attitude and jumped in his heart, but did not have much hope.

After all, this girl is too young, it really does not seem to know the inside.

Su Wan nodded slightly, throwing a questioning and gossip look at the other party.

"You say, I must keep my mouth shut"

The girl seemed familiar, she smiled close to Su Wan, and her voice was deliberately low.

"It happened that my brother was a mechanic, and he was well-known, so I applied for it. Guess what?"

"what happened?"

Su Wan frowned slightly and motioned for her to continue.

The girl grinned and her lips bent deeper. She was obviously proud of her brother.

"My brother told me that they had just seen the robot, and hadn't had time to renovate, they were going to board the spaceship with their colleagues, and they set off in the morning to go to Rock Planet! So we are all guessing, is that the robot? It has something to do with the Holy See."

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