Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

PS. With today's update, by the way, please give a ticket to the "Starting Point" 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 tickets. The vote also gives starting point coins. Please pray for your support and appreciation!

A water-red figure glanced past Su Wan's eyes, rushing toward the corner of the street as if he was hiding from someone.

The girl's cheeks were rosy like peach blossoms, her long black hair spread over her shoulders, and the bow under the dress quivered with her pace.

Soon, the girl disappeared into Su Wan's eyes.

Su Wan blinked twice in disbelief, and immediately suspected that he missed Lin Feier so much that he had an illusion.

Must be yourself... wrong?

Mayfair, she should be married to Jiang Haoxuan now, and live a good life on earth. How could she appear on this less prosperous new immigrant star?


After all, Su Wan knew Lin Feier when she was very young, and had known each other for more than ten years.

Su Wan squeezed her lips, thinking that she had just seen the half of her profile, and finally stepped forward, quickly catching up.


Judging from the girl's anxious expression just now, she seemed to be hiding someone, just a slip of smoke, and Su Wan couldn't see the figure when she passed by.

Why have people disappeared?

Su Wan was puzzled. She looked around the street corner, only to see a worn bamboo braided cage not far away.

The cage is huge, and if a girl with a slim figure curled up inside, it should barely fit.

Su Wanling gave a cold look, and did not know where the courage came from. She walked slowly towards the bamboo braided cage.

Su Wan's pace was very light, almost overwhelmed by the clamor of street noise.

Su Wan's heart kept picking.

The afternoon wind was slightly cold, blowing Su Wan's long skirt hunting.

And the sun in the sky dimmed, and dark clouds enveloped half the city, and it was gray all over.

Su Wan suddenly felt that this scene was a bit scary, but the steps under her feet had not stopped.

Su Wan finally approached the dilapidated bamboo braided cage. She took a deep breath, not knowing how much she wanted or how.

She always felt that the bamboo braided cage should be the girl just now...

Will it be Mayfair?

Knowing that the idea was extremely absurd, Su Wan couldn't help but bend down and stretched out her slim fingers and tapped on it.

"Hello, is there anyone in there?"

Su Wan's knocking on the cage was extremely light, and his voice was gentle to the extreme.

But what happened next was beyond Su Wan's expectations.

The bamboo braided cage was violently opened from inside, and a water-red figure emerged from the inside.

"No, don't catch me! Don't catch me away!"

The girl's head was lowered, her eyes were faintly red, and there were one or two withered grass leaves on her head. The temples were scattered and unscathed. It was probably that she had just hid in a bamboo braided cage and was caught in the hair by bamboo sticks.

Su Wan looked closely, his heart suddenly missed half a beat!

This little girl in water red really looks like Lin Feier.

Those eyebrows are really similar, with big watery eyes, cute and lovely face, and skin as white as lotus.

It's just that the other person's stature has not yet been fully unfolded, and the timid look is a little weak. The estimated age is about fifteen or sixty years old.

After this head-to-head confrontation, Su Wan determined that the opponent was not Lin Feier in the next second.

Su Wan sighed secretly, knowing that she had admitted the wrong person.

She saw the other party's panic and panicked, and she couldn't help but clutched at the other's arm, wanting to inquire about the other's situation carefully.

Su Wan is out of good intentions.

Although Su Wan thought that she was not a saint for poverty alleviation, she would always be willing to reach out under her circumstance, without jeopardizing her own safety.

Just like she was on the spaceship bound for Lan Hexing, she saw that the waitress was bullied, and Su Wan did not choose to stand by.

"I'm not a bad guy, little sister, what's wrong with you..."

Before Su Wan finished, the girl who jumped out of the cage seemed to be frightened, her body shivered like an electric shock!

The girl didn't run away anymore, but the emotion was obviously very excited.

The girl in Shuihong's clothes puffed out, leaning tremblingly to the ground and kneeling like a slave to Su Wan's feet.

Su Wan has been playing big since childhood, and has not been kneeled like this before, and he does not want to see others kneel to her!

Su Wanxiuli's eyes widened wide, only to feel that he was severely cleaved by thunder, and even his mind was hacked!

"Please, please, please let me go, I don’t want to go back again, that is really not a life of people, please let me go."

Hearing the other party crying and begging for mercy, Su Wan's expression was even stiff, and he didn't even know where to put his hands.

And the other party lowered his eyes and dared not look at Su Wan’s face,

The girl murmured her mouth, her profile was very pale.

Her kneeling posture was so lowly that she was more pitiful than the cubs abandoned.

Because she was really afraid, the girl’s body was still trembling, her throat was suppressing crying, and the broken crying and begging were overflowing from time to time.

"Please, please...please let me..."

Su Wan frowned, and she returned to her mind, finally reflecting what she was in.

"Don’t be afraid, little girl, I’m really not a bad person, have you made a mistake?"

Su Wan said while holding out her hand quickly, trying to pull up the girl in the water-red dress.

Su Wan always felt that she was about to die her life because of the gift of kneeling down, she could not bear it.

However, the girl seemed to be terrified, and even took a bite on Su Wan's arm.

Then he rushed towards the other side of the street corner without looking back, and the speed was as fast as a flood beast behind him, lest he could avoid it!

Su Wan was stunned, her black arm was bitten by death, and soon blood oozed out.

A strong **** gas emanated from the wrist, and the bite was painful.

Su Wan's brows were extremely deep, but he couldn't care about looking at his bitten arm, and took a big step to chase it forward.

She really doesn't understand what kind of encounters are necessary to make this young girl who is just a young age afraid of this?

Maybe it was because the girl looked like Lin Feier, or maybe it was because the girl looked too helpless and pitiful, so Su Wan moved her heart.

In short, Su Wan couldn't leave the other side.

Su Wan ran faster and faster, probably because of anxiety, Su Wan’s unused legs turned out to be too long, and he ran faster than the 800-meter campus test.

Su Wan saw the girl curled up in a small ball beside a garbage dump.

The other person's eyes were empty, tears were flowing across his face, and his big face was full of fear.

found it!

Su Wan was relieved in her heart. She walked carefully towards the girl, slowly extended her hand, and picked off the leaves of the girl's head.

The other party suddenly raised his face, looking alert like a cub, but couldn't scare Su Wan.

[It is about 515 soon, I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list. By May 15th, the red envelope rain will give back to readers and publicity works. One piece is also love, definitely better! 】

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