The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 736: Lead the wolf into the room

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

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Su Wan heard Xiaomeng's explanation and looked very dignified.

And Xiaomeng saw that Su Wan did not speak, and the hand under his sleeve slowly lifted up, and he was so flustered that he didn't know what to do.

After all, Su Wan is an outsider, and the other party is already very kind to give herself a foothold. If Su Wan is not willing to borrow money, she does not know what to do...

Xiaomeng gritted her teeth, and the tears on her face fell like rain.

"Sister, I beg you, I can't help it anymore, that's my brother..."

Su Wan saw Xiaomeng crying pear flowers with rain, and had no way to face this face resembling Lin Feier.

She grimaced, and quickly drew a few more tissues to wipe Xiaomeng's tears.

"Do you remember where you escaped? As long as you know where your brother is, we can also choose to call the police and let the local guards take action..."

Su Wan didn't want to borrow money. She just thought that Xiaomeng might have considered it too simple. Some traffickers might not let you redeem it if she gave it money.

Xiaomeng stunned, her body shrank suddenly, and nodded slowly.

"I know, in a loft near here, there are a lot of women and children who are trafficked, and some characters like drug lords. It looks terrible..."

Xiaomeng saw Su Wan's serious face and unconsciously shook out everything she knew.

"And... I am confused to hear them say that they will be transferred by us in about four days, and now... it is estimated that it is only four days at most. My brother is so young, what should I do?"

Xiaomeng felt more and more afraid when she thought about it. Her younger brother, Huzi, was only five years old this year.

If something goes wrong with his brother, Xiaomeng cannot forgive himself.

There are four days left...

When Su Wan heard this, he was relieved, and then his heart tightened again. After all, Xiaomeng had just sneaked out. Generally, such criminal gangs might step up to abscond directly.

Since Xiaomeng remembers the location, things will turn around.

Su Wan reached out and stroked Xiaomeng's head, comforting slowly.

"Since you are not from this place, I guess those criminals may come out to find you, and if they can't find it in a day or two, they will consider transferring."

Su Wan paused, his voice slightly bleak, but the soft tone revealed an indisputable anger.

"Such people are guilty of death. I will go to the local police station to report to the police in a moment. Don't be afraid..."

Su Wan's voice fell behind, and quickly called the police station.

However, Su Wan did not use the name of a human trafficker, but said that the attic had sneaked up with a large group of people, suspecting that there was an improper transaction, which might be gathering people to sell drugs.

Su Wan said that he had his own considerations.

After all, there is a lack of evidence for such things as human traffickers, and it seems that this place does not prohibit the sale of human beings, but that it is not illegal to agree with the consent of both parties.

It proved difficult to be forced into trafficking. Since Xiaomeng said that there were people selling drugs there, Su Wan used this reason directly.

After the phone hung up, he said there would be an immediate investigation and tracking.


Su Wan was also relieved, she reached out and rubbed the hair on Xiaomeng's head.

"Relax, the police station said that they will investigate this evening, and your brother will definitely be saved."

Xiaomeng nodded timidly when he heard Su Wan's comfort.

She remembered that she bit Su Wan twice before, and she could not help feeling guilty.

She pulled Su Wan's arm anxiously and suddenly saw the arm of Su Yeyao's arm, which was surprisingly white, which was extremely disproportionate to the skin color around her.

"this is--"

Xiao Meng looked stunned, and Su Wan smiled slightly, slinging his sleeve over his arm.

Above the elbow, the skin is white and delicate.

Seeing Xiaomeng's mouth wide open in surprise, Su Wan burst out laughing.

"It's inconvenient for girls to go out alone, so I moved a little more. Do you need to be careful when you go out?"

Xiaomeng nodded stunnedly, and there was still some doubt in his eyes. Obviously, he still didn't quite understand Su Wan.

The fifteen-six-year-old girl twisted her fingers and looked at Su Wan in the future.

"Sister, can I see what you look like?"

Su Wan's whole body is mediocre after makeup, only those eyes are the most eye-catching. When you look closely, it is like the autumn waves, making people feel that the soul must be sucked into it.

At the beginning, Xiaomeng would follow Su Wan, a big reason is that Su Wan's eyes were very clean, and there was a special charm between his eyes, so Xiaomeng couldn't help but wanted to believe her.

Su Wan was shocked when he heard Xiaomeng's request.

Just because Xiaomeng's facial features looked too much like Lin Feier, Su Wan suddenly didn't want to refuse her request.

"Okay, but you are not allowed to tell others that you have seen me. If someone asks me, you should not know."

Seeing Xiaomeng's chickens nodded like rice, Su Wan felt relieved.

She took a pot of warm water and unloaded the boring makeup on her face in the simplest way.

Seeing Su Wan's clear face, Xiao Meng was dumbfounded, and the whole person suddenly lost his mind.

Xiaomeng has always boasted that she looks young and beautiful, far better than the girls she knows, but she did not expect Su Wan to be so beautiful.

But after washing his face, Fan Dai didn't touch it at all, but it gave people a feeling of surprise!

The distant mountains flutter their brows, the stars are in their eyes, their hair is like ink, and their thin lips are as beautiful as cinnabar.

Su Ming was wearing an extremely plain long dress, but as soon as she sat there, Xiaomeng felt that her eyes could no longer be moved.

They are obviously girls too, but when they saw Su Wan, they knew what beauty was so swaying.


Su Wan looked dumbfounded and shook his head with a smile.

——It’s good to be young. Every move is so clear, so bright, so that she is also in a good mood.

Su Wan sighed faintly, and then she put a layer of black powder on her face again, and also deliberately emphasized some unpleasant effects.

Xiaomeng blushed bashfully, and when she saw Su Wan "destroyed" her face again, she couldn't help but speak.

"Sister, you look so beautiful, what a shame to hide like this."

Su Wan stunned, then shook his head.

"Unfortunately, this saves a lot of trouble."


While the two girls were talking in the room, they suddenly heard a rough knock on the door.

Then the door knocked again, as if to crack the door panel!

Su Wanxianxiu's brow suddenly wrinkled, and Xiaomeng shook his head in fright, even saying nothing.

"Isn't it... that group of bad guys chased over?"

Su Wanchao cast a soothing look on Xiaomeng.

"You hide it, I'll go over and see it first."

Su Wan said, and quickly walked outside.

From the electronic eyes, Kankan could see two men in guard uniforms, but they just looked a little bit eye-catching.

[It is about 515 soon, I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list. By May 15th, the red envelope rain will give back to readers and publicity works. One piece is also love, definitely better! 】

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