The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 741: Cheeky to the extreme!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Xiaomeng promised, while lowering her eyes.

When He Gu saw Xiaomeng's smart and harmless look, he couldn't help but snorted.

"Don't you dare! What did you do this morning?"

This little girl looked at her young age. In fact, she had a lot of flowers and intestines, otherwise she would not let Xiaomeng run away.

It was because Xiaomeng had escaped before that he was afraid of floating people's hearts. Not only did he increase his thugs, he also specially hired several local mercenaries.

It may not be a big deal, but it is still the most suitable for catching this kind of escaped girl.

If everyone ran away in every possible way like Xiaomeng, how could her business go on!

Seeing the ridiculed look on He Gu's face, Xiaomeng's forehead gradually exuded a drop of cold sweat.

She had been very dissatisfied with the old lady in her heart. She burst into a curse in her heart, but she still had to maintain her respect.

"Auntie He, you laughed. I couldn't think of it in the morning."

If you and your younger brother were not in the hands of the old lady, Xiaomeng would never be so low-key!

Seeing Xiaomeng constantly losing smiles on his face, He Gu was finally satisfied.

She looked away and saw Su Wan sitting on the ground with her eyes downcast.

Despite being in a dangerous situation, Su Wan was peaceful and peaceful, as if there were no people around him, so calm and unreasonable.

He Gu just looked a little more beautiful, and suddenly became dark again.

It seems that Su Wan is a tall man, and seems to have received a good education, otherwise he cannot be so calm...

He Gu thought secretly.

She didn't know the origin of Su Wan, but seeing that Su Wan did not scream like the men and women who were usually caught, but sat on the side with great calm, He Gu understood that this young woman was probably not a good stubborn.

Oh, but who is her aunt? !

Not only are you well-informed, but the way is wild!

Su Wan, who has some temperament, she is not afraid, as long as she can sell a good price, she will find someone to adjust it-just teach it.

Even the sharp minions, she also grinded Su Wan!

"Remember! My aunt He speaks! If you dare to run, I will let someone break your leg, and then directly throw it to the pile of slum bugs who don’t know how much they desire women. You two should weigh yourself!"

He Gu sneered at Su Wan and after snatching this sentence, they took the door away!


In the not-so-wide storage room, Su Wan and Xiaomeng were left in an instant.

Xiaomeng looked at Su Wan embarrassingly, her lips biting tightly and her eyes flushed red.

"Su...Sister Su..."

Hearing Xiaomeng whispering to herself, Su Wan gave her a bad look, with deep displeasure and disgust.

"Don't call me sister!"

Seeing Xiaomeng's pear blossoms with rain, especially Xiaomeng's resemblance to Lin Feier, Su Wan's heart swelled with a nausea!

Su Wan's mocking voice passed through his ears, and the little girl with the pestle suddenly turned pale, not knowing what to do.

Her teardrops fell, and her mouth choked with broken words.

"I'm sorry...Sister Su, I know I'm sorry for you."

People who do not understand the details before and after may think that Su Wan bullied this little girl.

Su Wan was too lazy to look at Xiaomeng's eyes for a while, her lips slightly tickled, with a sneer of a little self-deprecation.

Before looking at Xiaomeng's face that looked like Lin Feier, Su Wan also felt very kind and treated Xiaomeng like his own little sister.

Now... only disgusting unspeakable.

I don’t know well, it hurts others!

Su Wanban leaned on the coarse burlap sack next to him, and his slender but black fingers gripped the floor tightly. This barely controlled his emotions, and he didn't slap him.

In fact, Su Wan didn't have that much energy. She might be able to climb up now, but it's still very difficult to tear up with others.

Not to mention running away.

Su Wan felt hungry, very hungry.

Blunt pain came from time to time in the stomach.

Su Wan usually doesn't like sports very much, and her physique is not too good. She also has mild stomach problems and low blood sugar. If she doesn't eat on time, she will feel uncomfortable.

Hey, it really is the truth to keep fit and healthy. You can get a black belt by training a taekwondo or something like this.

Thinking of He Gu's threat, Su Wan's hands were tightened a little, and his fingertips went white for a while.

-Without physical strength, you can only outsmart.

And since He Gu mentioned any mercenaries, it must have been her thin arms and thin legs. She hadn't ran out of two or three meters, but was brought back by others?

So she is too late to save herself now, where there will be time to ignore the small dream!

Revenge can wait slowly, self-help is imminent.


Seeing that Su Wan ignored her completely, Xiaomeng bite her pale pink lips violently. Apart from guilt, she also resented why Su Wan didn't understand herself at all.

Anyway, Su Wan was already struck by her, and her appearance was sooner or later. Instead of both of them and her younger brother, it would be better to carry it alone!

I am only fifteen years old this year. Her brother Huzi is only five years old and two minors. Is it going to be destroyed by traffickers and become a tool for others to let off fire?

Su Wan's salvation by himself can be regarded as a great merit, right?

By the time of the afterlife, she and her younger brother are doing a good job as a cow and a horse!

Fortunately, Su Wan didn't know Xiaomeng's thoughts at this moment, otherwise she would have gotten mad to death.

At this moment, Xiaomeng couldn't bear to be treated as air by one. She puffed up and fell to her knees suddenly.

Come again? !

Su Wan's brows were extremely deep. When she saw Xiao Meng's motion, she knelt down. Su Wan no longer had pity, but she was full of disgust in her heart.

Seeing Su Wan don't open her face, Xiaomeng gritted her teeth and knocked **** the ground several times.

"Sister Su, I know I'm sorry for you. When I go out with my brother, I will be grateful for your kindness..."

After I went out, I didn't say to find someone to rescue her. I also said that I am grateful.

Su Wan's heart was hot, she resisted the anger and spoke out to Xiaomeng coldly.

"So, is it enough for you to be sorry? You and your younger brother can get out of it. Should I jump into the fire pit?"

Xiaomeng wiped the tears on her face, she ignored Su Wan's question completely, but continued to sympathize with choking.

"I know we are sorry for you, but my younger brother is too young. He can't live without me and needs my care."

"Sister Su, you are so good-looking, the buyer must be reluctant to give it away, and will be treated favorably by the other party."

Su Wan heard such brazen words, her forehead jumped suddenly.

Without thinking about it, she picked up an item next to her and smashed it into Xiaomeng!

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