The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 750: Why did His Highness repent? !

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

The hostess's voice just fell, and there was boos everywhere.

At the previous auction, the person with the highest cumulative bid was a "famous" figure.

But this famous name is derogatory, because it is not a good reputation.

——It is the direct young master Keller of the De Fei family, and the famous young boy. Although he has poor ability since childhood, he has won a good fetus and has never done things like bullying men and women.

I don’t know how many people have been angered. If the De Fei family, who is not one of the four major families, has been sheltering him, I am afraid that it will have been thrown out to feed the dog.

Although Master Keller did nothing evil, but she really liked beauty first. Several beautiful women at the previous auction were photographed by Master Keller.

Everyone grieved in their hearts, while yelling at the female host, and at the same time could not help but envy Master Keller's Yanfu.

This is to make Master Keller happy.

After all, in the past, the most willing to spend money in this area was Master Keller. The hostess would come up with such a trick, that is, when the auction began, I would like to kill Master Keller a few strokes!

Or to improve others' competitive spirit, I'm afraid it must be spent!


No matter what everyone thinks, Master Keller, who was named, is shocked and happy at the moment. If he doesn't want to, he pushes away the two girls who beat his legs and rushes out of the box!

He loved beauty the most in his life. He had long been interested in the "canary" in the golden cage, and now he can still see the true face for the first time. How can he not be excited!

Master Keller almost ran to the auction stand like a lunatic, because the speed was too fast, but it fell for a while, causing other people in the noble box to laugh.

Master Keller's face was angry, and he felt like he had just lost his face.

But looking at the slender profile not far away, he was angry now, and immediately patted his legs and stood up.

——Don't worry about him, those who laugh at him are jealous!

In the gorgeous golden cage, the girl's long black hair was scattered, and those bright ribbons bound the youthful body, which made Su Wan's skin more porcelain-white.

Master Keller swallowed, and he immediately opened the cage and looked at Su Wan inside and out with extremely wicked eyes, as if Su Wan was not wearing clothes.

Beauty, here I come!

Master Keller, like a snake finding his prey, couldn't wait to get the key from the host.

Suppressing the extremely excited mood, Master Keller tremblingly opened the cage with the key, and rushed to Su Wan in one arrow step.

He stretched out his hand and lifted Su Wan's arm, which could not exert half of his strength, and carefully raised Su Wan's face.

After seeing that shocked face, the pupil suddenly enlarged and turned into a full shock.

The magnificent chandelier cast a clear light, which outlined Su Wan's face with a touch of light, adding a bit of singular charm.

Obviously his body was bound, but Su Wan's eyebrows were condensed with a thin layer of frost, so cold and arrogant, not to be violated.

It seems that it is ice that has not melted all the year on top of the mountain, and it cannot be melted.

Those guests who failed to come on stage also widened their eyes.

However, it is not the kind of fairy in the flaming red dress that I imagined. On the contrary, Su Wan's face is very beautiful, like a slim lotus with a lot of flowers, to be picked by others.


When Jiang Xuecheng saw the man stretching his salty pig's hand toward Su Wan's waist, his body suddenly burst into a terrible murderous air!

Before he could even think about it, he had unconsciously opened the door of the box and rushed out with his power.

His VIP VIP box is in a secret location, and it is also the furthest away from the auction stand.

But Jiang Xuecheng's figure was like a ghost, almost approaching the auction stage in just a few seconds.

"Your Highness--"

Fan, who has been standing side by side, has never expected Jiang Xuecheng to be so impulsive!

Don’t you have to wait? !

Why couldn't you rush out suddenly?

The VIP box portal opened wide, Jiang Xuecheng's figure was fleeting, and soon disappeared into the eyes. Manager Fan saw that the whole person was dull!

After Fan Fan responded, he had seen Jiang Xuecheng as far away as tens of meters away, Fan Fan's heart beat disorderly rhythm, and the surging came from worry.

It's finished!

I'm afraid it's hard to deal with this matter!

Fan Guanguan originally thought that he had reached the meaning of Jiang Xuecheng, no matter how much the emperor likes that Miss Su, more or less, he will not let his breath down.

When Miss Su abandons him, it is always a little awkward to give Miss Su Wan a lesson...

But now...

Manager Fan sighed and couldn't help lighting a candle to Master Keller in his heart.

It was just a little uneasy in my heart.

After all, the other party is the grandfather of the De Fei family. Although his ability is like a straw bag, it is really a real son-in-law and extremely favored!

If your Highness does not handle well, I am afraid something will happen.


On the auction stand, Master Keller did not anticipate a dangerous approach.

He was fascinated by Su Wan. He couldn't help swallowing his throat. He wished he could take Su Wan back to the box now and "play it out".

But now, Master Keller thinks that even if he looks at Su Wan like this, it seems that he has been utterly fascinated by the ghosts, and he can no longer find three souls and seven souls.

Master Keller looked at Qing Lingling's eyes. Even though he knew that the other party was staring at him, he thought that the other party was secretly sending Qiu Bo towards him.

The women that I photographed before are obviously a bunch of vulgar powder. He only needs this one!

Seeing that disgusting face kept approaching himself, Su Wan was so angry that he wished to tear this man's to pieces.

"let me go."

Su Wan glared at him, feeling that the opponent's hand resting on his waist was extremely disgusting.

She wants to vomit!

Master Keller smiled oil and gas in the oil, and he stared at Su Wan momentarily, his heart shaking.

"Beauty, don't look at me like this, I can't help it."

He knew that he hadn't taken this beautiful prey, but Master Keller was confident that no one in the family would win more than him.

Sooner or later, will it be in his pocket? !

Otherwise, the host will not let him down!

Master Keller smiled happily, and he let himself bow his head, wanting to kiss Su late hard.

"Beast! Disgusting! Get away!"

There was fear spreading in Su Wan's heart, and she struggled to keep her face open. However, Master Keller was an anxious master, and at this moment he could not care about pity.

He sullen his face, and now clutched Su Wan's face to prevent Su Wan from breaking away.

"Beauty, you can't escape my palm..."

However, Master Keller had not finished speaking. Suddenly felt a cold back.

He turned around hesitantly, suddenly facing a pair of black eyes that were as cold as a sword, as if to swallow him!

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