The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 759: Did she misunderstand him?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Su Wan looked at Jiang Xuecheng extremely coldly. The clear apricot eyes did not show any emotion, and his expression was extremely empty.

It seems that someone with a hollowed heart doesn't even know what it is like to feel heartache.

Jiang Xuecheng was stabbed by the appearance of Su Wan. The person who scolded him was Su Wan. Why did Su Wan look wronged than himself?

Jiang Xuecheng's mouth opened, and he was shocked by Su Wan's appearance for two seconds, and he even forgot what he wanted.

Su Wan saw Jiang Xuecheng's relentless expression, and was even dull in heart.

The most ridiculous thing is, why did Jiang Xuecheng know that he might just play with himself, but still feel that he can't let him go? !

Isn't this self-important? !

If he has someone else, what else would he come to see?

Even as soon as I met, I pulled her to do such a thing...

Su Wan had a sour throat, and she tickled the corner of her mouth, showing a self-deprecating smile.

——She never knew that a person's heart was so full of holes that she could continue to stab on it.

Because no one spoke, there was silence around.

Without warning, Su Wan heard Jiang Xuecheng speak.

Jiang Xuecheng's voice was low and distant, but after being ridiculed mercilessly by Su Wan, he was unexpectedly not angry, but calm.

He reached out and hugged Su Wan, with great strength, so tight that Su Wanmi couldn't breathe, and his throat was even more uncomfortable.

"What do you still hold me for?"

Su Wan bowed his head aggrievedly, not wanting Jiang Xuecheng to see his tearful appearance.

She tried to suppress the choking voice in her throat, making her sound more powerful.

Drops of hot tears fell down Su Wan's cheek, directly on the palm of his hand, and a small trace of water spread out.

Those tears were so hot.

Feeling the tears in his palm, Jiang Xuecheng was shocked!

Su Wan is really crying? !

Jiang Xuecheng raised Su Wan's head irresistibly and saw Su Wan crying with a face!

Although Su Wan didn't cry out loud, she had snot and tears on her face, crying without any charm, let alone the pear flower with rain.

Su Ming was so embarrassed that Jiang Xuecheng's slender eyebrows tightened.

His thin lips flowed out of a moving voice, with less obvious concerns.

"You still say I'm dirty. Do you see your nose and tears, isn't it a dirty little cat?"

Su Wan was angry and directly treated Jiang Xuecheng's sentence as a mockery. What she didn't expect was that Jiang Xuecheng even dared to anger her!

Just when Su Wan was so angry that he wanted to fight back, he suddenly felt that he was held tighter by Jiang Xuecheng.

Jiang Xuecheng even took out a tissue and wiped the stains on Su Wan's face a little bit.

"But I don't dislike you dirty, now, please don't disgust me, do you?"

Jiang Xuecheng wiped it very seriously, and the movements on his hands were very, very gentle, as if he was a person who loves antiques and is wiping his rare treasures.

Jiang Xuecheng came close, his unique clear breath, along the action of Jiang Xuecheng flicked a little between Su Wan's nose.

This person's breath is always so good, pure and pure like ice and snow.

Su Wan red eyes, and finally choked.

"But it's different. If you have someone else, don't come to me..."

Su Wan was ruthless and finally pulled out the scar that hurt the most in his heart.

Jiang Xuecheng suddenly froze when he heard this!

What does it mean that he has someone else? !

Jiang Xuecheng didn't get angry, he hadn't complained that Su Wan and Ming Ye both had children, Su Wan actually dared to arrange directly that he was entangled with other women!

There was a dull pain in Jiang Xuecheng's heart. His figure was stiff, and he finally took a few breaths before finding his reason.

"I've never been alone, even if you..."

Jiang Xuecheng originally wanted to say that even if Su Wan and Ming Ye had a period of time, he didn't want to find someone else, but when the words came to his mouth, he swallowed it back.

He finally retrieved Su Wan. Although he was extremely angry about the old things of Midnight and Su Wan, it is not the time to mention those things.

During the days when he was separated from Su Wan, Jiang Xuecheng thought for a long time. Was it because Su Wan had other children that he couldn't get along with Su Wan?

So much that she repeatedly hurt her...

But when he really waited for Su Wan to leave, he found out that those things had actually passed, as long as Su Wan was by his side.

When two people are together, they actually have to be tolerant of each other. As long as they are loyal to each other after being together, why should they always take out and hurt others.

Su Wan's eyes widened when he heard the words, and the original sorrowful expression suddenly turned into a full of consternation!

"You said you were the only one?"

Jiang Xuecheng's expression was faint, because when he recalled Su Wan and Midnight, and the missing child, Jiang Xuecheng was still somewhat uncomfortable, but he didn't want to take Su Wan's attack.

"I don't have to lie to you, do I?"

Jiang Xuecheng's tone is casual, as if to state a simple fact.

After retrieving Su Wan, he was determined to put down the kind of rack he used to be.

Come back with Su Wan.

Since you really love someone, there is no need to hurt each other.

And Su Wan was shocked at the moment, her heart was pounding, she did not know whether it was joy that swept through her body, or whether she was shocked and her brain failed.

Su Wan pointed hesitantly to the shirt skirt on the desk case, with temptation in his voice.

"Then you are a big man, why are there girls' clothes in the maglev, there is more than one piece to listen to you?"

Jiang Xuecheng was stunned. This time it came to him that he was blamed!

He didn't know whether to be angry or to laugh, and finally glanced at Su Wan silently.

"That's all tailor-made clothes for you. It was prepared by Mr. Fan. This time it just came in handy. I didn't expect you to misunderstand!"


Su Wan exclaimed. She turned her head subconsciously and looked at Jiang Xuecheng. She didn't know how to believe it.

Jiang Xuecheng had no choice but to take the shirt skirt directly.

"I have said that it is tailor-made for you. If you don't believe it, you can try it. They are all the sizes you wear. They are absolutely correct. You still have to change them first."

Jiang Xuecheng said, and went out consciously, leaving Su Wan to look at the shirt skirt.

Su Wan stretched out his hand in amazement, and picked up the shirt skirt with slender fingers.

Is it true that she has too much brain filling and directly misunderstood Jiang Xuecheng? !


Su Wan shook his head diligently, and finally replaced the light blue shirt skirt.

After wearing the skirt, Su Wan pretended to whisper outside.

"I changed my clothes, you come in."

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