Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

The two bodyguards apparently did not expect this little girl to be so sturdy, and looked only fifteen or sixteen years old!

Not only the words are amazing, but the work is so terrifying...


This girl looks at the age of flowers, but in fact it is an unreasonable lunatic!

In the exclamation of the guard, Xiaomeng slammed into the pillar in the front hall of the interrogation room!

Just heard a loud bang!

That youthful and beautiful face was quickly knocked out of the blood by the pillar.


Su Wan's pupils widened suddenly. All this happened so fast that she couldn't even react, and she could only see the blood oozing from Xiaomeng's forehead.

Those blood stained Xiaomeng's clean and beautiful face, winding down the neck continuously, beautiful and terrifying!

Can only be described in four words-unexpected!

Although Su Wan hated Xiaomeng, she never thought about it, and asked Xiaomeng to fetch her life.

I am afraid this kind of child is most in need of education. Su Wan intended to close her to the youth management office and educate him for a few years.

If she has regretted her new life, she can start her own life again.

It turned out that this girl was not only cruel to strangers like her, but also able to deal with herself!

Su Wan seemed to have been struck by thunder, his buzzing in his ears, and everything turned into shock!

Su Wan shivered slightly, and she shivered and stepped forward,

And Xiaomeng had fallen down like a whirlwind, and she didn't seem to expect Su Wan to come over, reached out her pale hand, and grabbed Su Wan's sleeve.

"Sister Su, I know you hate me and hate me, and now I am destined to pay you, will you let my brother go? I beg you, please beg..."

Her youthful face was mournful. At the moment, there didn't seem to be so many calculations that didn't belong to this age. Only one sister remained humble and sorry for her brother.

Xiao Meng's voice gradually weakened, and blood spilled over her face, looking startled.

Su Wan reached out and held Xiaomeng's slender wrist, and his heart was cold and sad.

——She never said, what about Xiaomeng’s brother!

She hadn't even seen the five-year-old child in Xiaomeng's mouth.

Su Wan glared at Xiaomeng forcefully, and there was a very complicated feeling between his looks!

"If you really want your brother to have a good life, you will live well!"

Su Wan said while shouting to the bodyguard: "Go and call the doctor!"

The two guards glanced at Su Wan hesitantly, and then looked back at Jiang Xuecheng, who was standing beside him.

"Sir Emperor..."

Obviously, Lord Emperor doesn't like the girl just now. Are you really going to call the doctor?

Jiang Xuecheng threw a glance at them and nodded gently.

The two bodyguards were granted amnesty, and immediately rushed out to find communication tools.

Before leaving, a bodyguard glanced at the **** dream in his head, and he couldn't help but pump it.

It hurts when I look at it. If there is bleeding in the skull, I really don’t know what the chance of saving is.

At such a young age, he is so cruel to himself!


Su Wan was not the first to face such problems as life and death.

Only every time, I felt terrified, even if the one lying in front of her was a grudge against her.

Xiaomeng looked at Su Wan obsessively, like a dying man, and his words were also good. Suddenly he said to Su Wan with great effort.

"Yes... right... starting."

Su Wan stared blankly at Xiaomeng, she could smell the **** smell coming from Xiaomeng's face.

It was so uncomfortable in my heart.

"Shut up, don't tell me sorry! The person you are most sorry for is yourself!"

Su Wan's heart was anxious as if a fire was burning, and even the words of reprimanding Xiaomeng were powerful and amazing.

She didn't dare to move Xiaomeng's position, but watching Xiaomeng's face was still bleeding was not a way.

Xiaomeng coughed a few times, and the blood at the corners of her mouth meandered. She suddenly tilted her head, apparently falling into a temporary coma...

Why didn't the doctor come...

When Su Wan was in a hurry, he suddenly saw a medical staff rush in from the outside.

Su Wan carefully moved away from Xiaomeng, watching them lift Xiaomeng out on a stretcher.

Su Wan's hands were stained with blood, but she was in a trance, not even noticing.

She looked at the stretcher momentarily, until Xiaomeng disappeared into her eyes.

The dull pain in my heart couldn't tell the reason.

As Su Wan felt uncomfortable, he suddenly felt who took his hand and wiped it with a white square.

Jiang Xuecheng polished very carefully. He lowered his head and his long eyelashes appeared in Su Wan's sight, almost like a girl.

Su Wan looked at Jiang Xuecheng hesitantly, with some panic on his face.

"Syracuse, did I kill her? If she died..."

Su Wan's voice was very soft and light, and the momentum of the previous reprimand for Xiaomeng was not left at all, like a person who was stripped of his bones, full of fatigue.

Jiang Xuecheng looked at Su Wan, and he reached out his hand and caressed Su Wan's stunned face.

"No, she killed herself."

Jiang Xuecheng spoke decisively, and his voice was deep and distant, inexplicably convincing.

"Late, you haven't thought about it. She is afraid of her guilt. Even if she can't think about it now, will her psychology have a problem?"

Su Wan heard Jiang Xuecheng's words and his eyes slowly turned red.

"I just feel sorry, after all..."

"After all, is she still so young?"

The outlet of Jiang Xuecheng's words immediately shocked Su Wan.

Su Wan stared blankly at Jiang Xuecheng, seeing the other party indifferently, and started talking about a hypothesis.

"Late, if she wasn't caught? If you were sold? Because she is young, can you let others live as long as you want? Do you know why we can find you?"

As long as he thinks about what kind of animals might Su Su be ruined, he will have a little pity for the little girl!

That kind of person is so selfish to the extreme that it doesn't deserve sympathy at all!

Su Wan heard this and shook his head hesitantly.

Suddenly, she saw Jiang Xuecheng take out a small velvet box from her pocket.

Jiang Xuecheng opened the box, and an extremely expensive blue diamond bracelet appeared inside.

Dozens of blue diamonds are strung together, each of which is the same size, without any flaws, and in excellent condition.

The blue diamond in the middle is carved into the shape of a blue rose. The cut is perfect, like the stars arching the moon.

It was the one that Jiang Xuecheng gave to him before!

Su Wan was stunned, she thought that these things were left in that hotel.

Jiang Xuecheng reached out and stroked Su Wan's hair.

"This is the girl who immediately found the jeweller to sell this bracelet after you sold it. I think even if you like a stranger no more, you won't give such a gift at hand?"

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