The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 770: Decent appearance, clothed beasts!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

The atmosphere between the two was originally very harmonious, but Jiang Xuecheng mentioned this place, but Su Wan couldn't help but cast a shadow.

The sun was shining brightly on the head, and the river shimmered, and it was so gorgeous that people could not move their eyes.

It was along this river that her ring was rushed under the waterfall and never returned.

Su Wan's eyes narrowed, his heart stunned.

After all, it was a ring that Jiang Xuecheng personally created for her, and it was to commemorate the marriage. The meaning is somewhat different.

Some things are lost, but compared to those...

She still cares more about this man beside her.

At least at the time, it was he who jumped down the river to save her. He was willing to give up that dangerous situation, which is enough to show how much he cares about himself.

Having figured this out, Su Wan finally felt a lot better.

Su Wan didn't look too far, looked at the tall and handsome man on her right, her mouth twitched twice, and finally she made a reluctant smile.

"I'm a little tired walking, let's go back."

Su Wan did not know whether Jiang Xuecheng mentioned this place intentionally or unintentionally today, but it was more useless, rather than letting the two people continue to resent the past, it was more important to better today.

Jiang Xuecheng lowered his head. He locked Su Wan in an instant. The dark eyes were as dark as night, and they looked like the endless sea water. It seemed calm, but it was surging underneath.

"Late, I was wrong last time."

Hearing this sentence, Su Wan's body instantly stiffened.

Although Jiang Xuecheng did not directly point out what was going on, the hearts of the two parties were as bright as a mirror.

"Late night, right..."

Waiting for Jiang Xuecheng to say the last word of sorry, Su Wan suddenly stretched out his finger and blocked Jiang Xuecheng's lips.

Jiang Xuecheng froze for two seconds, his pupils slightly shrinking.

It's just that he still has time to carefully feel the warm touch on his lips, but Su Wan has already evacuated, as if it was just an illusion.

"The past is over, isn't it?"

Su Wan's tone was soft, she said that, her eyes were seriously on the sight of Shangjiang Snow City.

"I care more about you than those."

Su Wan has always felt that she was a bit awkward, but since she realized that she still loved her and Jiang Xuecheng also loved her, Su Wan decided to blame the old things less pretentiously.

This time Jiang Xuecheng was completely stunned, because he never thought that he would hear Su Wan's confession on this occasion.

There was an unspeakable throb in my heart.

Jiang Xuecheng looked at Su Wan's serious look, moved his heart, and immediately lowered his head, covering Su Wan's crimson lips with great precision.

No matter when and where, he always chooses to obey his heart.

Now, he wants to kiss Su Wan.

I want to kiss the guy who cares about him.

Su Wan was caught in the back of Jiang Xuecheng's head by surprise. Before she could react, she felt an invading breath on her lips.

The clear taste of ice and snow is a unique symbol on this person.

Su Wan's face was reddish, and she was a little dazed about Jiang Xuecheng's sudden enthusiasm.

However, Jiang Xuecheng's attitude was so overbearing that he could not resist.

His cool lip line touched her lips, and then pried open her teeth with ease, siege inside, as if the air would be looted by this man.

She could only cling to him tightly, her heart pounding non-stop, and suddenly the chaos beat again.


Su Wan's face turned red, and she reached out and threw Jiang Xuecheng twice, signaling Jiang Xuecheng to release herself!

She is breathless!

Why is it just a deep kiss, but Su Wan thinks that Jiang Xuecheng is like a hungry wolf and wants to devour himself completely!

Realizing Su Wan's little dissatisfaction, Jiang Xuecheng's eyebrows were curved, and a playful smile appeared in his dark eyes.

"Why haven't you been good at ventilating until now? Huh?"

The last ending, because of Jiangxuecheng's joking tone, actually showed some of the sensibilities that are rarely seen on weekdays.

Su Wan only felt relieved. She breathed heavily, just getting better, and suddenly felt Jiang Xuecheng buckled her face again.


Su Wan didn't know whether to be ashamed or embarrassed. This kiss was more direct and more domineering than before. The scorching deep kiss made people's cheeks keep heating up!

A current seemed to pass Jiang Xuecheng's arms around her, and gradually passed to her limbs.

Su Wan's heart beats even harder, almost coming out of her heart!

This man is simply!

In the end there is no end!

Su Wan leaned weakly against Jiang Xuecheng. She subconsciously tilted her waist, and suddenly felt something strange in Jiang Xuecheng.

That is……

Su Wan was stunned by Jiang Xuecheng's kiss. At that moment, she felt that strange, and her beautiful face was burning hot.

She finally gave Jiang Xuecheng a fierce look.

I don't know whether it was enough to get benefits, or was shocked by Su Wan's glance, Jiang Xuecheng slowly loosened Su Wan.

At the end of this kiss, Su Wan's breath was still a little messy.

In contrast, Jiang Xuecheng has a refreshing attitude, blushing and panting, as if nothing has happened!

Jiang Xuecheng stared at Su Wan with a faint smile, obviously in a good mood, but he felt that the kiss just now could not be continued.

Otherwise, Jiang Xuecheng himself did not know whether he would get out of control, so Su Wan accepted him, and it would be bad if he scared him away.

Su Wan reached out and tried to push Jiang Xuecheng away, but before she finished this action, she suddenly felt that Jiang Xuecheng suddenly stretched out her arms and hugged her directly!

Decent appearance, clothed bird-beast!

Thinking of the previously heart-warming picture, Su Wan couldn't help but slander two words in his heart.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

Su Wan's pupils glared round, and he didn't understand what the **** Jiang Xuecheng was doing!

Jiang Xuecheng saw Su Wan's embarrassed and embarrassed appearance, and there was a slight smile in his throat.

"Late, I will take you to a place!"

As Jiang Xuecheng said, he couldn't help bowing his head and pecked Su Wanguang's clean forehead.

I don't know why, he wants to kiss Su Wan every moment, not necessarily because of any desire, but simply wants to kiss her.

Want to see Su Wan's shy look, want to see Su Wan pretend to stare at him.

That's so cute, so pretty, but only you can see it by yourself.

Su Wan was tickled by Jiang Xuecheng's arrogance, so if you take her somewhere, you can directly say, why do you have to hold it away!

It's like she can't walk!

"You let me down! I have my own legs to go!"

Su Wan struggling hard to beat Jiang Xuecheng's shoulder, his heart thumped.

She was held by Jiang Xuecheng in her arms, but Jiang Xuecheng's pace was extremely fast, as if she were not affected by her weight.

This guy doesn't understand people!


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