The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 773: Wilderness, out of control

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Too much water was immersed in Jiang Xuecheng's body, and he pressed Su Wan tightly, causing Su Wan to be dripping with water.

There is no gap between each other, breathing.

Su Wan was stiff all over because she could feel Jiang Xuecheng's messy hand on her.

The light crimson color on Su Wan's face gradually stretched to her limbs, and she could even feel her heart pounding, as if she would pop out of her heart!

This man is simply a wolf in human skin!

Why do you feel messing around with her all day long, too...

The two fell on the boulders beside the water pool, next to the sound of the rumbling waterfall. Su Wan even felt small drops of water splashing on his skin from time to time.

God, she is really crazy to see Jiang Xuecheng!

Although there was no one next to them, the two of them fell too low and could not get a few rays of sunlight, but this is the daytime!

And it’s still very shameful, I feel so ashamed to think about it!

"Hurry up from me!"

Jiang Xuecheng's lips twitched slightly, and the smile on his face was extremely pleasant, as if he was satisfied with Su Wan's shameful appearance at the moment.

"I just can't get up. Later, you have the ability to get up on your own."

Jiang Xuecheng competed with Su Wan childishly on one side, and pressed Su Wan's body with his legs, but on the other side, he reached out extremely skillfully and began to pull on Su Wan's shirt button.

The slender fingers moved meticulously on Su Wan's body. After a while, I unbuttoned two buttons, revealing Su Wan's delicate and delicate collarbone.

"What are you doing in this wilderness?"

The situation turned sharply, Su Wan didn't even think Jiang Xuecheng was not talking about playing!

This man actually wants to play really!

God, this is too much to challenge the lower limit!

Although it’s a secluded place, what if someone comes over and what if someone is seen!

What will happen to their reputation in the future! !

Well, even if Jiang Xuecheng is so cheeky, she doesn't care, but she doesn't have the guts to play this "game" with him in the wilderness and wilderness...

Su Wanyue felt more and more horrified when she wanted to. She beat Jiang Xuecheng's back with her hands in anger and anxiety, but Jiang Xuecheng suddenly lowered her head and grabbed her lips very aggressively.


All of Su Wan's words were directly blocked in his lips.

This man is so shameless, even if he is shameless, he still has to shame with her!

Probably because I had been soaking in the pool for a long time, Jiang Xuecheng's lips were pale, and Su Wan felt that Jiang Xuecheng's lips were cold and cold.

Unlike Su Wan's fear of being discovered, Jiang Xuecheng was extremely excited.

It is clear that Su Wan is still wrapped tightly, but when he sees Su Wan looking at his embarrassment, there is a string in his brain completely broken.

Want her, want her here.

Want to see how Su Wan is out of control because of herself.

She looks at the quiet girl like this on weekdays, if you don't use a little means, it is impossible to persuade her to let go of her completely.

Because, Su Wan's courage is too small...

Jiang Xuecheng's smile widened, and he slightly let go of Su Wan, and then bowed his head to hang on Su Wan's collarbone.

Like kiss, like nibble, like bite.

But the strength he used was so good that he would not bite Su Wan into bleeding, but would leave some light red marks.

Su Wan's skin is thin. Even if you scratch it from small to large, it is easy to leave marks, and it will take a long time to eliminate!

Jiang Xuecheng knew this very well, so he deliberately took a few deep kisses, and he liked that Su Wanhun kept his mark on and off him.

As if those traces can directly prove that the girl named Su Wan in front of him belongs to him, and it belongs only to him!

In the sound of a waterfall, Su Wan can even hear the sound of Jiang Xuecheng kissing his collarbone.

She has never been like this, and hates her hearing too well!

Is this dog a dog? !

Also, Jiang Xuecheng is not a human at all, but a human-shaped bird-beast!

Jiang Xuecheng's lips were very bright and cool, but when he kissed the collarbone, he seemed to be trembling with warmth when he kissed his ignition skills.

This kind of stimulation that had never happened before, made Su Wan scared almost to cry!

She stared angrily at Jiang Xuecheng, but Jiang Xuecheng's lips and smiles were joking, and she was not deterred at all!

"A perverted demon who likes to bite the collarbone! Shameless!"

Jiang Xuecheng raised his head and suddenly stopped the "devastation" of Su Wan's collarbone.

He looked at Su Wan with a smile, his voice slow.

"Late tonight, your vocabulary is so poor, do you want to say me another way?"

There are people in this world who like to listen and scold!

Su Wan looked at Jiang Xuecheng in disbelief, and felt that this man's shamelessness once again broke her cognition!

Su Wan used the power of nine cows and two tigers to push Jiang Xuecheng, but this man didn't know what to grow up to eat, and his body was much taller than her, and he was still immobile!

Su Wan felt a sense of inexplicable grief, and she gave Jiang Xuecheng a stern look.

"You want to listen to me scolding you! You are shameless! You jerk! You go... Ah!"

Before the last "stream" was finished, Su Wan changed a scream.

Because she suddenly felt that Jiang Xuecheng had scratched her waist skillfully, and Su Wan was very afraid of itching. Jiang Xuecheng was really weak at this moment!

It's like a round ball, suddenly got a shot by a naughty ghost, and suddenly leaked out!

Su Wan suddenly desperate!

Why all her weaknesses feel like Jiang Xuecheng knows.

But Jiang Xuecheng seems to have no weaknesses!

In this regard, she is always eaten to death!

Jiang Xuecheng stared at Su Wan's blushing cheeks, and the blood in his body seemed to flow upstream.

"You have no new vocabulary late, but I can let you know that I can be more shameless."

Before the words fell, Jiang Xuecheng's throat overflowed with a low smile, and his voice was low and mute, as if filtering through an hourglass.

With that, Jiang Xuecheng's slightly thick fingertips unzipped the zip of Su Wan's skirt, and in a blink of an eye, Su Wan's slender legs exposed a little.

The sunlight didn't fall on this area, only the thin light and shadow floated on Su Wan's ankle.

Yingying is enough. If someone who doesn't know sees it from afar, it might be thought that a mountain female ghost has come out and wants to eat people's hearts.

Su Wan realized what Jiang Xuecheng had done, and his body suddenly shook!

Her body was cold, and cold drops of water bounced on her ankles, so cold that she was sober!

"You are not afraid that someone will see--"

Jiang Xuecheng looked at Su Wan closely, like a wolf locking his prey, ready to go.

"No, no one will come!"

He didn't wait for Su Wan to finish his speech, so he dropped this sentence very calmly, and then leaned forward, blocking all Su Wan's words...

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