The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 776: Life is at stake, blood is gone

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Su Wan's heart sank suddenly, and the unknown feeling hovered in her heart, making her uncomfortable...

But what worried Su Wan at this moment was Jiang Xuecheng's situation.

Su Wan recalled that she had taken an interest course in wild animals in college before. Recalling what the teacher said at the time, it seems that the poison needle of the poison scorpion is connected to the poison gland and will infiltrate the poison through the poison needle!

If the poison needle is not removed as soon as possible, it will cause the injured person to have difficulty breathing and even myocardial paralysis!

This is not a minor problem!

After all, it's about life safety!

Therefore, she should immediately remove the poison needle on Jiang Xuecheng's abdomen, and then squeeze out the blood from Jiang Xuecheng's abdomen?

Su Wan thought about it, she opened the drawer in her room in a panic, searched carefully, and finally found a white silk handkerchief that had never been used.

With a loud sound, Su Wan vigorously tore it into two pieces.

"Late, what are you doing?"

Jiang Xuecheng saw Su Wan tearing off the white handkerchief, and her slender eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

Su Wanxiu frowned slightly, she explained to Jiang Xuecheng, and then eagerly tried to lift Jiang Xuecheng's shirt.

"I don't know how long the doctor will be there. I will try to see if I can remove the poison needle for you, and then help you squeeze out the dirty blood..."

Jiang Xuecheng laughed when he heard Su Wan's words.

"Don't come late, you are not a professional doctor, you don't necessarily have such precise skills to pull me the poison needle, if it is counterproductive, it will not be good. Besides, this is not wild, the doctor must be coming soon."

He quickly grabbed Su Wan's hand, Qing Jun's brow filled with helplessness.

Su Wan heard Jiang Xuecheng's words, and finally realized that she was too anxious. If it was the only two of them in the wild, it was indeed an urgent task.

Now the two of them are in the Holy See, and the doctor must be there within a few minutes. She can't help.

Jiang Xuecheng knew that Su Wan was worried about himself, and he was nervously stunned. He stared at Su Wan with a smile, even the sharp pain from his belly was much relieved.

As they chatted, they suddenly heard a rapid footstep outside.

There are as many as five or six people listening to the sound.

By the way, Su Wan's door was opened.

Out of the door, four or five medical staff in white coats suddenly appeared, all with strange faces. Only Fan Guan, who took the lead, was most familiar with Su Wan.

Manager Fan stepped forward anxiously and saw Jiang Xuecheng's slightly pale face, and immediately exclaimed.

"Your Highness, are you okay--"

While Director Fan exclaimed, the four or five medical staff in white coats also walked in.

Although the layout of Su Wan’s house is exquisite, but after all, the area is not large, and suddenly so many people appear, it seems very crowded inside.

Su Wan knew that it was important to save people now. Although she was worried about Jiang Xuecheng, she silently stepped back six or seven steps to make room for those medical staff.

Seeing the worried look on Fan Fan's face, Jiang Xuecheng pursed his thin lips and shook his head to Fan Fan very simply.

"I'm fine."

The leader among the medical staff is a middle-aged man in his 30s or 40s.

"Your Highness, where is the wound?"

Before Jiang Xuecheng could speak, Su Wan took the lead and blurted out his voice.

"Poison needle stuck in his abdomen! Doctor!"

Several accompanying nurses heard Su Wan's excitement and subconsciously turned to Su Wan slightly, but they did not dare to watch Su Wan more.

In fact, in the Holy Court, Su Wan's name was counted in various places, but Su Wan rarely came out alone. This time, somehow it disappeared again for almost a month.

Who would have thought that this kind of thing happened on the first day of Su Wan's return!

None of the people present had IQ problems. Su Wan just came back and spewed a scorpion in the room. If anyone didn't say who deliberately murdered her, I'm afraid no one believed.

It's just that the person who was stung by the poisonous scorpion was not Su Wan, but Lord Emperor. This is probably a bigger issue.

The few people present at the scene thought about each other, only the middle-aged male doctor headed serious, he reached out to untie the bottom button of Jiang Xuecheng's shirt.

Immediately after seeing the wound, he asked his assistant to hand the scissors and cut a large hole under the shirt to reveal the part of Jiang Xuecheng that had been stung by the poisonous scorpion.

"His Royal Highness, then I have pulled the needle for you, it may be a bit painful, you bear with it."

With that said, the middle-aged doctor cast an inquiring look into Jiang Xuecheng.

Jiang Xuecheng nodded slightly, his expression was very indifferent and casual, as if he didn't care about this little injury.

Only Jiang Xuecheng's slightly gripped hand revealed that he was not well at the moment.

After all, that yellowish scorpion is highly toxic. Although Jiang Xuecheng's own resistance is also strong, the pain that makes the nerves tremble is still a bit unbearable.

Because Su Wan was next to him, he could only try to be more relaxed.

In any case, Jiang Xuecheng does not want Su Wan to be too worried about this.

Su Wan saw the middle-aged doctor holding a delicate knife and slowly approaching the place where Jiang Xuecheng was injured. Although she had not penetrated, she couldn't help but feel a sense of panic.

-All because of yourself.

If Jiang Xuecheng was not for protecting her before, she would not be stung by that scorpion.

However, in two or three seconds, Su Wan saw that the knife had penetrated into Jiang Xuecheng's abdomen. After all, the doctor was a professional, and his technique was sophisticated and unique.

Su Wan couldn't bear to look again. She reached out and wanted to cover her eyes, but if she didn't watch the process, Su Wan would feel more worried.

As long as she covers her mouth, she will not let her cry, so as not to affect the professional performance of the doctor.

The middle-aged doctor carefully used a tool to cut the piece of meat that had been corroded by the scorpion venom, and then took out the poison needle with a clean cloth.

Because of the step of taking the needle, Jiang Xuecheng's face was white, and his blood was gone.

He frowned sullenly, directly hitting the pain in his heart, which made Jiang Xuecheng's eyes blurred.

The middle-aged doctor saw Jiang Xuecheng not even humming, and couldn't help but admire him.

——In any case, Lord Emperor Zi is only a young man in his twenties. With such a strong will, it is hard to be commendable.

He glanced at Jiang Xuecheng respectfully, and then threw the blood-stained poison needle aside.

With a snap, the poison needle fell into the white porcelain plate carried by the assistant.

Su Wan saw that the poison needle was taken out, and he let out a slight sigh of relief. When he saw the attending physician clear his hands, he immediately began wearing gloves to squeeze Jiang Xuecheng's abdomen.

After removing the poison needle, the black and red blood must be squeezed out before the next treatment.

The chief physician whispered to Jiang Xuecheng while pressing on the wound.

"His Royal Highness, what does that poisonous scorpion look like? What are its characteristics?"

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