Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Seeing the elevator door open again, Tiya sighed with relief, and then she rushed into the elevator with the fastest speed!

Probably because of a hurry, Tiya's accidentally unstable center of gravity, the whole person could not help but lean forward.

Unexpectedly, she hit the man in the elevator hard.

The man's body was like a mountain, and it didn't move, but Tiya was out of luck, and she was knocked so that her shoulders hurt.

Who is this? !

Today, I just experienced the destruction of the marriage contract by the emperor and the emperor. Tiya felt angry. At this moment, she ran into a "human mountain" like this, and she felt that she was too lucky.

She didn't even help her, nor asked her situation!

Even if it is a waitress, is it not a gentleman's style?

Tiya lowered her head and rubbed her swollen shoulders. She couldn't help but wonder if she was crying and squandering her face. There was no advantage in taking it out.

Otherwise, in addition to the oil and salt of the emperor, he was always attentive to her!

Tiya pouted, and she looked up at the man beside her.

Follow the opponent's feet all the way up...

Well, the figure is pretty good, with wide shoulders and narrow waist, and tall legs.

The other's leather shoes are shiny, the nostalgic copper-colored buttons are meticulously tied to the top one, and the cuffs are not even half wrinkled.

Although it is an ordinary black, gray, and white waiter uniform, which is worn on this man, it has a sense of abstinence and rigor.

Because of this good figure, Tiya couldn't help but had some expectations for the waiter's looks.

But the fact disappointed her.

It was an ordinary young man's face, very unrecognizable. I'm afraid it was thrown into the sea of ​​people. Nine out of ten grew like this, and no one could recognize it.

Only a pair of green eyes are a little special.

This man is naturally the midnight after Yi Rong.


But... those jade-colored eyes are pretty good.

Tia looked at the man's eyes and involuntarily developed a feeling of deja vu.

As if I have seen such a pair of jade eyes.

Where have you seen it?

Tiya looked at each other for a long time, and the man stood upright like this, allowing Tiya's eyes to patrol her body without revealing any slight color.

Wouldn’t this man have poor eyesight, plus dumb? !

Tiya didn't believe that her charm had fallen to this point. A normal waitress just dared to ignore her like that!

Just as if I were air!

Tiya frowned at her eyebrows, she reached out and pushed the waiter, her red eyes cried slightly.

"Hello, can't you see me?"

Hearing Tiya's words, Midnight lowered her eyes indifferently and glanced at Tiya obliquely.


Seeing Midnight out loud, Tiya raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"So you are not dumb!"

Ming Ye thought the eldest lady of this aristocratic family was extremely bored and simply ignored her.

Midnight silently stood with a face on his face, waiting for the elevator to reach its destination.

Tiya was very unhappy when she saw another dead face on Midnight.

Actually ignore yourself!

When is he?

A little waitress, dare to ignore her!

Tiya wiped the remaining tears on her face, and she raised her hand and spoke angrily towards Midnight.

"Hey, how dare you ignore me?!"

Tiya's voice was as sweet as an Oriole, but when it was heard on Midnight, it was no different from a mosquito yelling in the ear.

This woman is really annoying!

Midnight pursed her thin lips, her eyes silently looked at the floor where the elevator descended, and did not want to ignore Miss Tiya's words at all.

This man!

So lawless!

Tiya was already angry, and now he was so mad to catch up with such a disregarded person, Tiya was nowhere to vent.

Tiya raised her chin arrogantly and threw a sharp eye knife to Midnight.

Huh, it must be that the male waitress is too ignorant, and she doesn’t even know which character she is!

When he reported the name of the Hissville family, Tiya did not believe that this man dared to ignore her!

"Do you know who I am, but I am the eldest lady of the Heathville family..."

However, it turned out to be counterproductive. Before Tiya had brought out her complete name and threatened the night, the whole enclosed elevator was shocked!

What happened to the elevator? !

Before Tiya had thought about it, she heard a sharp tear from her ear!

Could it be that the elevator suddenly broke down? !


Tiya's body stiffened, and before she could stand up, she felt the elevator shake again violently.

Then the elevator suddenly began to fall!

That feeling is like doing extreme sports, and the whole person is full of weightlessness!

""what! what--"

Turning around in circles, Tiya was scared that the whole person was pale. She didn't have time to stand still before she fell towards the front of the elevator.

The sharp female voice across the quiet space is a kind of torture for Midnight.

Midnight was a little irritated when he saw the elevator crash, and there was a woman so annoying with him. He felt like he was out of the house today.

"Shut up, noisy!"

Midnight squinted Tiya coldly, his eyes silent as the lake water.

Tiya was scared out of her body, and now she was yelled by Midnight, and all the blood was faded from her face.

He dare to shout at her!

A little waitress, dare to yell at the eldest lady of the Sethville family!

Tiya didn't forget her noble identity by this time. She looked up and wanted to stare at Nye at night.

However, in an instant, the entire elevator stopped suddenly, it seemed to be stuck in one place!

With a snap, the lights in the elevator were turned off.

There was no light everywhere, and it became a dark space.

The darkness magnifies fear.

The arrogance that Tiya's heart stretched out was like being held tightly by one hand at the moment, and there was no more left!

No fingers reached!

She was so scared!

Tiya's heartbeat quivered suddenly, and it was so quiet that Tiya could even hear her breath!

It was too dull all around, as if the air had stopped flowing. At this time, Tiya wished she could speak a few more words at night, even if she scolded her!

What if the elevator crashes again? !

Is she going to live and die here with a waiter? !

She was still so young, there were so many things she didn’t do, she didn’t even get married...

"I'm so scared. I'm really scared. Are you talking to me?"

Tiya sobbed sobbingly, she choke up and stood up, waving her hand consciously forward.

Suddenly, she seemed to grab a hand...

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