The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 833: She wants to see Jiang Xuecheng

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Su Wan looked at the self in Jiang Xuecheng's pupils in shock, empty like a puppet, without any vitality.

Is this... really her? !

Such a thin body, such a tired and bloodless face, and that half of the hair that was bald...

Was it because of the outbreak of CHK3 virus?

Su Wan blinked in disbelief.

No, it must be an illusion.

Su Wan bit her teeth fiercely, until a rusty smell of rust appeared in her mouth, but nothing changed, and there were devil-like laughter all around.

"Hah, it's so funny! Isn't this the ugly monster who was expelled from the Holy Court?!"

"In such a terrible way, she dare to say that it is His Highness' wife!"

"Toad wants to eat!"

"His Royal Highness and Miss Tiya have been in a bad luck for eight lifetimes, and they have encountered such people at a wedding ceremony to stir things up!"

"It's disgusting!"

Su Wan listened stunned, her lips trembling twice, and almost fatal pain came from her heart.

No no no...

How could this be!

Su Wan is like a traveler who unfortunately fell into the sea, she stumbled and reached out, trying to grab her driftwood-Jiang Xuecheng.

"Syracuse, don't scare me..."

But Jiang Xuecheng shook Su Wan's hand fiercely. He glanced proudly at Su Wan. His beautiful face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost.

"Don't touch me! You are so dirty!"

It was as if she was disgusting when she glued it on.

Su Wan's hand trembled violently. She stared at the still handsome man like a god, feeling a cold immersion in the bone marrow.

The sun is shining, but she feels so cold...

My body is freezing...

With a victorious posture, Tiya squinted Su Wan with a smile, and then snuggled tenderly on Jiang Xuecheng's shoulder.

"Okay, Your Highness, today is a good day for us to get married. Ignore this woman who doesn't know where it came out. She seems to have a virus on her body. Don't be infected by her."

"Yeah, Tiya, you must be careful."

As soon as the two words fell, Jiang Xuecheng smiled and embraced Tiya's shoulders.

Jiang Xuecheng and Tiya went away together, even if they looked at the back, they were as heartbreaking as they were.

And Su Wan's eyes turned black, and a burst of pain came from her heart, making her almost suffocated.

"Syracuse, don't go, I beg you...don't go..."

Su Wan was sweating all over her body. She seemed to be irritated and rushed towards Jiang Xuecheng like crazy.

But Su Wan didn't even touch the clothing corner of Jiang Xuecheng.

A tall bodyguard stopped her, and left and right, holding Su Wan's shoulder.

She could only watch Jiang Xuecheng and Tiya holding hands and walked the beautiful flower stand along the red carpet with affection.

Su Wan's eyes were flushed.

"Tiya, will you marry me?"

"I do."

With the sweet female voice like Huang Ying, Su Wan finally broke her heart completely.

She laughed sorrowfully, the tone between her throats was dumb, the laughter was desolate, revealing despair.

Jiang Xuecheng doesn't want her...

This thought made Su Wan sore all over.

Her eyes were hot, and large drops of tears fell down Su Wan's eyes, burning to the heart.


In the afternoon the sun was just right, and a light wind blew down the open window, blowing the gauze curtain into a chaotic tremor.

Su Wan lay on the soft couch. Although her eyes were closed, the situation of the whole person was extremely restless.

Probably had a terrible nightmare. Su Wan's eyelashes were trembling. She bit her teeth fiercely, and tears kept seeping from her cheeks into the pillow.

"Syracuse, don't... don't leave me..."

With a scream coming, Su Wan suddenly woke up.

Su Wan blinked her eyes full of tears, looked closely, and found that there was still a shrine here, she was lying in her room.

The breeze was slight, and the wind chimes in front of the desk made a fine sound.

Was the scene just now a dream?

Jiang Xuecheng did not marry Tiya, nor did he become so weak and terrible.

It's a dream...

Su Wan was shocked with cold sweat all over her body.

Her eyes were flushed, but the tears that came out of the nightmare did not stop.

There were salty tears sliding down the cheeks into the mouth, bitterly bitter.

It is said that dreams are real-world reactions. Why is she so scared that she has not reached the worst time yet?

Su Wan reached out his hand and glanced at his hand so thin that he could almost see the blood vessels.

When did she become so vulnerable?

Mingmingjiang Xuecheng did not marry Tiya, Mingmingjiang Xuecheng did not want to abandon her, but why was he so afraid?

A CHK-3 virus only, she will be saved if she cheers up.

Su Wan comforted herself quietly in her heart, but thinking of the scene in her dream, she couldn't help feeling afraid.

Will I really become such a crazy woman with half of her hair bald?

Will I really be weak until I can't take care of myself?

At that time, she will become Jiang Xuecheng's burden and will be dragged down to Jiang Xuecheng.

At that time, would Jiang Xuecheng still love her so firmly?

Who would love a burden?

When all her functions are paralyzed, when her face is no longer, when she becomes a waste that cannot be taken care of by herself...

Who will have such good patience to take care of her?

Even if the person who encounters this kind of thing is Jiang Xuecheng, she is willing to do everything to take care of him, but thinks carefully, people will always be tired, tired, and afraid.

Faced with a lifeless lover, who can guarantee never to be tired?

People always have their own limits, what should she do if the other party can't bear it?

She didn't want to be a burden, not at all.

Jiang Xuecheng wanted a child, but her body might not even have a child.

She may not be able to give Jiang Xuecheng the life she wants, and may not be able to accompany Jiang Xuecheng to old age...

And even if Jiang Xuecheng is willing to take care of her all the time, he may drag down Jiang Xuecheng's life and may even die at any time, making Jiang Xuecheng suffer all the time.

Su Wan couldn't help but be afraid.

Never been so afraid.

The look on her face became more and more panic, why is God so cruel? !

In a muddy, Su Wan suddenly came up with a belief.

She wants to see Jiang Xuecheng, immediately, immediately, now.

Su Wan quickly put on his shoes and rushed out.

While in the corridor, Su Wan suddenly saw Jiang Xuecheng standing with Dr. Li who came to see him last time.

The two of them stood relatively, with a very serious look.

Suddenly, Su Wan heard his name from Dr. Li's mouth.

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