The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 864: Where is the moral bottom line? !

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Hearing the innocence of Bu Ya, Su Wan felt only a burst of colic in her heart.

Actually bleeding!

Although he was prepared psychologically, Su Wan was almost angry when he learned the truth from the child's mouth!

She fell like an ice cave, and the whole person almost shivered.

Su Wan gritted his teeth violently, and the sunlight shining outside passed Su Wan's pupil, but he couldn't shine through the coldness in Su Wan's heart.

Bud is so young, even less than ten years old, but only in the second or third grade, how could such a beastly man start her? !

Can a man who doesn't even have a basic human morality line be a human being? !

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Bu Ya's head leaned on Su Wan's shoulder, and almost immediately felt Su Wan's tremor.

How do you feel like your sister is afraid? It looks like... angry?

Are you angry with her? !

Bu Ya was so uneasy in her heart that she stared at Su Wan with sorrow, her big bright eyes with unshakable cowardice.

Seeing that Su Wan was silent, Bu Ya once again called Su Wan's name. .


Su Wan took a deep breath before barely calming down.

"Buya, my sister is fine, my sister is listening."

Although there was such an uncontrollable anger in his heart, Su Wan heard his own voice.

So calm, just a little bit stiff.

She didn't want to scare Bud.

Do not want to expand the wound in Bu Ya's heart.

But Su Wan must understand clearly.

In any case, she has to pull out something that is not as good as a beast. No matter how much energy is spent, no matter who will offend her, she can't accept this disgusting existence.

Su Wan turned her head to look at the little girl with red eyes next to her. She reached out and stroked the broken hair in front of Fuya Bu's forehead. Her expression was unexpectedly calm, and she had a touch of tenderness.

"Buya, do you remember the man's appearance?"

Su Wan paused, and anger flashed through Su Wan's eyes.

She has never had such a strong and suffocating hatred, and wish she could live the one who hurt Bu Ya directly!

Bu Ya was obviously reluctant to think back to those clips, but to the serious eyes of Shang Su Wan, she was startled, and after biting her lip, she began to think hard.

"I... I just remember that the uncle and the elder brother were dressed very much, but he was not as indifferent as the elder brother. He always had a smile on his face, but I was very uncomfortable with that laugh."

Su Wan's fingers clenched tightly and tightly, because too hard, the knuckles appeared blue and white.

"Then... what did the uncle do... did you pull your skirt? Did you..."

At the end of the evening, Su Wan couldn't bear to ask any more, but his voice implied the clenched teeth.

Bud is too small. Perhaps from small to large, she doesn't have a high awareness of sex, and she doesn't understand how much she has been violated.

It's just that it's not very good in the subconscious, or even not enough to bear such a thing. Because of the pain and subconscious resistance, I was afraid.

Bud twitched Su Wan's clothes swing tremblingly, her body trembling slightly, her white teeth fighting the cold war.

"That uncle, he pulled my skirt off, and... it's ugly to me there, I feel so painful, but he doesn't stop at all, while laughing..."

Bud said, tears oozed out of his red eyes.

While Su Wan listened and listened, his body was completely stiff.

It seemed as if someone was holding a sharp steel knife and poked it directly into her heart, **** and indescribably painful.

She never knew exactly what it was like to be a parent. The only child she had had died early.

She thought that all her motherly love had disappeared with the child of unknown gender.

But when she saw Buya at this moment, she realized how much effort and hard work she really needs to be a parent.

Su Wan dare to be sure that if her daughter or son were bullied in school like this, would she be going crazy? !

Su Wan looked at Bu Ya sadly, and saw Bu Ya crying, she tremblingly reached out and blocked Bu Ya's lips.

"Stop talking, Bud."

As for the beast without any shame, she must not let go!

Su Wan's voice unconsciously also brought a little choked, but there was a sharp flash in his eyes.

Bu Ya looked at Su Wan in anxiety, and didn't understand where he was making Su Wan sad.

Why does it seem that my sister's eyes are red too?

Bu Ya shook his hand timidly towards Su Wan, touching it with extreme care, as if touching the fluttering wings of a butterfly, fearing it would hurt Su Wan.

"Sister, why are you crying?"

Su Wan looked up and forced back the tears in his eyes.

She should be a mountain in front of a child, not a weak and incompetent person.

Su Wan wiped his eyes, then managed to bend the corners of his lips, and smiled slightly at Bud Bu.

"Buya, I will let you identify the uncle who hurt your leg, OK? If he appears in front of you again, can you recognize Buya?"

As a matter of fact, Su Wan already has a small range of answers in mind.

The man is very formally dressed, in suits, trousers, shoes and ties.

Such a poor place can be dressed like this, I am afraid that it is a leader-level person.

Then, I don't know whether it was the leader of the human face and the beast in the school, or the important person who came to inspect the disaster.


Because Su Wan wanted to identify himself with the person of the day, Bu Ya was stunned. After the reaction, he immediately hid in Su Wan's arms.

Her small head was buried deep, a look of horror.

"Sister, I don't want that. The uncle is a bad guy. He hit me hard. What if I'm afraid you will be bullied by him too?"

Hearing that Bu Ya called that kind of thing as beating and bullying, Su Wan's hands showed obvious green bars.

How can a child who is still so young get it? !

Su Wan took a deep breath. She carefully moved Bu Ya's head out of her arms and gently embraced Bu Ya's young body.

"Buya, you are good, that uncle is a bad guy, and my sister will help you beat the bad guy and there is a big brother, who will protect us, and my sister will not be injured."

Su Wan said, unconsciously reaching out and stroking the bud-budding face, she said a word silently in her heart.

Buya, you can rest assured that your sister will never let the bad guys bully you. "

Bu Ya saw Su Wan so determined, she thought for a long time, and finally nodded timidly.


By the time Su Wan took the bud out, Jiang Xuecheng had been waiting outside for a long time.

Because Su Wan signaled, Jiang Xuecheng had been standing in the corridor very quietly, waiting silently.

Seeing Su Wan's figure, Jiang Xuecheng greeted him immediately.

"Late night..."

Jiang Xuecheng suddenly noticed Su Wan's red eyes, his expression suddenly sinking.

"what happened to you?"

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