The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 880: Jiang Xuecheng woke up...

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Su Wan returned to the beach from the cave.

A short distance away, Su Wan saw the figure of Jiang Xuecheng lying on the beach.

Su Wan's heart suddenly relieved.

The sun in the sky was like blood, and the bonfire that was originally lit was slightly blown by the sea breeze. The flame fluttered twice from time to time, as if it would be extinguished at any time.

Looking at the figure that was completely unconscious at the moment, Su Wan's tears fell silently.

He didn't know anything, okay...

Su Wan could feel that the wound on her shoulder was constantly darkening. I am afraid that it would not take long for her to feel paralyzed until she died.

It's already a miracle to be able to stick to the present.

Su Wan sighed, she hurried to the beach and straightened Jiang Xuecheng's figure.

When moving Jiang Xuecheng, Su Wan has been careful to avoid the part of his bleeding wound from Jiang Xuecheng, so as not to infect the virus on his body.

Based on Jiang Xuecheng's resilience, it is estimated that it can wake up in the middle of the night or tomorrow morning.

All she has to do is to first place Jiang Xuecheng in the cave to ensure his safety when sleeping.

After all, relying on such a big man with a length of 1.8 meters, Su Wan had to notice his movements from time to time, and Jiang Xuecheng's wounds could not be immersed in her blood.

Su Wan was struggling.

Fortunately, the cave was very close to the beach. Su Wan spent the effort of nine cows and two tigers. The whole person almost breathlessly helped Jiang Xuecheng into the cave.

Jiang Xuecheng's eyebrows frowned a few times, and his lips overflowed with a few unconscious whispers.

Su Wan originally thought that Jiang Xuecheng was going to be awakened because of his actions, but when he turned his head, the other party still closed his eyebrows and showed no signs of waking up.

fair enough……

Su Wan sighed, the only thing she could be sure of was to protect Jiang Xuecheng before she died.

The bonfire in the cave is still burning, but the fire is much smaller, and the dim light shines through the cave slightly, making Su Wan feel an inexplicable peace of mind.

Su Wan leaned down, leaned Jiang Xuecheng carefully against the stone wall, and then carefully unbuttoned his shirt still covered with water.

Soon, Jiang Xuecheng's sturdy body was revealed. The abdominal muscles and mermaid line were everything. The texture was delicate and flexible, which was more attractive than the male model on the T stage.

If you ignore the blood stains that Jiang Xuecheng scraped before falling off the cliff, I am afraid it will be more perfect.

Rao is such a moment. Su Wan couldn't help blushing when he saw Jiang Xuecheng's naked upper body.

She untied the shirt soaked in seawater and mud, hung it with branches, and prepared to dry with fire.

Later, Su Wan moved Jiang Xuecheng's body closer to the fire, hoping he would be more comfortable.

After doing this, Su Wan added a lot of dry firewood to the fire, and when the dead branches burned, a light woody fragrance was emitted.


The whole cave was quiet except for the crackling sound of the burning wood.

Su Wan stared at Jiang Xuecheng's pale pale face when she was in a coma.

I don’t know if it’s desperation or sadness.

I can only blame them for their bad luck today!

First, the off-road vehicle failed, then the cliff fell into the sea, and finally swam to the beach, and encountered a viper? !

God is going to die...

Su Wan turned his head and glanced at the row of purple teeth marks on his left shoulder, and the skin around him showed an abnormal black and purple.

The color is rich, and there are still faint blood stains, which makes people shocked.

In front of him, the warm and clear fire was still burning, and the fragrance was scattered in the small cave.

Su Wanban hugged his knees, and no longer had the momentum to throw a viper in his previous hands, leaving only the most helpless and vulnerable side of a girl.

Is she dying?

Su Wan was in a trance, recalling the scenes since he and Jiang Xuecheng met in his mind.

In fact, the first time they met was unpleasant. On the night when she just got off the plane, she almost thought what Jiang Xuecheng was!

Although he kindly saved the man's life, Su Wan didn't pay attention to it at that time, and thought that that side was over.

Unexpectedly, even with Jiang Xuecheng trip for life.

Isn't it a lifetime?

Jiang Xuecheng treats her well, Jiang Xuecheng's smile, Jiang Xuecheng's violent face when she is angry, Jiang Xuecheng's gentle call, everything in Jiang Xuecheng...

Perhaps it will belong to others in the future.

Although I thought about it before, I must find a girl who understands him to take care of the rest of his life.

However, now that I want to come, it is a sadness that cannot be contained.

Very disappointed, tears fell again.

Following Su Wan's cheek, he slipped a little at the corner of his lips and then fell on his knee.

Such tears fell on the skin, and there was a hot temperature.

Life can be so short, there are too many too many wishes, too late to achieve, can only become regrets.

Su Wan's eyes went black for a while, and the wound bitten by the snake was even more painful at the moment.

Like a needle stuck in it, the pain that can't be ignored.

Just when Su Wan was in a trance, he did not know whether it was an illusion or what, and suddenly a low call came from behind.

"Late, what's wrong with you?"

Su Wan was startled and looked back suddenly. Jiang Xuecheng was naked with her upper body, and the black eyes that had been closed tightly had already opened.

Reflecting the bright fire, although the angular face was slightly pale, it was still beautiful and unforcing.

"Syracuse, I'm fine."

Su Wan reluctantly bent her lips and tried not to worry Jiang Xuecheng, but those eyes that had just cried had already betrayed her!

How could there be nothing!

In order to protect Su Wan, Jiang Xuecheng suffered too many injuries before falling to the cliff. He managed to support it, only to find that his leg bones seemed to be broken.

Jiang Xuecheng's heroic eyebrows immediately wrinkled deeper, and a wrinkle wrinkled in his heart.

Su Wan stood up quickly and gave him a blame.

"Don't move! You are broken!"

It was this rise that allowed Jiang Xuecheng to instantly see the **** teeth prints on Su Wan's shoulder!

The bruised purple was already on the bitten shoulder, it was absolutely impossible to bite in his sleep!

Obviously, the wound definitely carries toxins!

"Late, what have you bitten?!"

Jiang Xuecheng thought that this is a desert island, and he was unconscious again before.

What did the delicate woman who didn't even dare to kill a chicken usually experience? !

Jiang Xuecheng fought a cold war all over him, and his heart was full of remorse. He clearly said that he should protect Su Wan well. Why did Su Wan get bitten by poisonous things!

Although there is a bonfire here, the light in the cave is not too bright.

Su Wan didn't expect Jiang Xuecheng's eyes to be so sharp, she saw the tooth marks on her shoulder at a glance!

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