Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

Su Wan's mind turned quickly at the moment, and she immediately reacted when she heard Jiang Xuecheng's words.

"You mean, they want to rebel? Do not hesitate to resist the will of the high priest?"

This is simply unscientific. Although Su Wan saw the high priest very few times, every time that woman appeared, she was obedient everywhere, as if the high priest was the center of the universe.

Su Wan had heard that Ming Ye had talked about the Holy See and the four big families before, but she sighed with the depth of the water. She didn't think she would be so deeply involved one day.

Jiang Xuecheng stretched his arms around Su Wan's shoulders, he lowered his eyes casually, and looked at Su Wan's slightly shaking eye feathers.

It seems that a butterfly is flapping its wings, so fragile and so beautiful.

"It can be said like this, when I was not promoted to the position of emperor, those people were basically noisy every day, and some of them co-branded, but they were all suppressed by the high priest."

People die for money and birds die for food. Jiang Xuecheng understands the mentality of those people.

The high priest was actually the daughter of a hermit family, and there was a sister-in-law on it, but I don’t know why she suddenly fell ill and passed away.

However, since the high priest had no heirs, the hidden family tended to decline. The high priest's practice of suddenly finding a stranger to be the emperor of the Holy See was more or less excessive, and it was no wonder that it would anger the public.

If it weren’t the high priest, perhaps the person who was newly promoted to the emperor would choose an heir among the four families.

As Jiang Xuecheng explained to Su Wan, he couldn't help reaching out to brush Su Wan's eyelashes.

It was a very subtle movement, as if Su Wan was an invaluable treasure on his apex, for fear of breaking it.

However, Su Wan felt the slender palm and closed his eyes subconsciously.

After confirming that Jiang Xuecheng's hand had left, Su Wan suddenly opened his eyes.

She was a little confused when she heard the words and couldn't help but tilted her head, and then leaned her head on Jiang Xuecheng's shoulder.

"So since those people dare to resist, is it because the strength of the high priest has declined, or do the people below think that they are prepared enough to choose a suitable person to replace you as the new imperial emperor?"

Su Wan is not interested in these power disputes. Now, due to the safety of her life and Jiang Xuecheng's life, she has to run her brain to think quickly.

Hey, it would be nice if there was no CHK3 virus. Now the two of them have rightfully "dead". They should have found a place with beautiful scenery and lived freely together, living the most comfortable life!

I can't get away now!

"Both of them, they may not be fully prepared, but now, it is indeed a good time to shoot. I thought those people could still be patient for a while, but I didn't expect to have patience so quickly."

Jiang Xuecheng shook his head gently towards Su Wan. The original careless look finally appeared a little condensed at this moment.

He had been very guarded against those family forces, and would more or less leave a way for himself.

It was totally unexpected that those people would tear their faces with the high priest so early!

This also made Jiang Xuecheng feel unbelievable.

Seeing Jiang Xuecheng's heart-shaped appearance, Su Wan immediately reached out and pushed his sleeve, asking questions with curiosity.

"Syracuse, do you know who is the principal behind the scenes?"

"Everyone in the four big families is suspicious, and the current head of the De Fey family, Ye Hanwen, has conflicts with us because his son, who is incapable of doing things, may not be able to get rid of his relationship..."

During Jiang Xuecheng's speech, a low magnetic voice whirled around Su Wan's ears, as if there was a special magic power that made Su Wan involuntarily follow his thoughts.

Ye Hanwen, the current owner of the Delphi family? !

Isn't this the man who guarded Mrs. Ye at the banquet a few days ago?

Su Wan pouted, and had long believed that the Defi family had no good people.

Mrs. Ye is a fierce woman, and the young master Ye Keller is a dude who is not successful enough, and has a lot to lose, and that Ye Hanwen looks even more treacherous.

Jiang Xuecheng knew that Su Wan remembered the events at the banquet a few days ago, and reached out and patted her back to signal that Su Wan did not need to worry.

"However, compared to Ye Hanwen, the current head of the De Fei family, I think there is someone more suspicious and more worthy of our attention..."

Su Wan hated the person who only said half of her words. Her heart hung from her throat. She suddenly grabbed Jiang Xuecheng's sleeve, and her eyes were a little anxious.

"Who are you talking about? Don't hide it!"

Jiang Xuecheng's expression was cold, and a pair of ink-colored eyes flowed with a deep radiance, which was colder than the night!

With thin lips, he coldly spit out a name that Su Wan was so familiar with.


Hearing this name, Su Wan immediately frowned at Xiu Xiu.

Although she did not have a good opinion of the old man of the Sisville family, but seeing Fiennes' usual style of work, Su Wan really didn't see that Fiennes would be interested in the position of the imperial court.

If Su Wan nodded, she could not help but think deeply.


At the same time, the Hissville family is in a gorgeous villa.

Fiennes stood in front of the electronic screen, coldly listening to the report from the executive officer of Sea Blue Star Forest.

He smiled softly in the past, and now his face was heavy, as if a violent storm was brewing!

"Executor Lin, I gave you such a long time to arrange. You actually said that you can't find the bodies of Emperor Zi and Su Wan!"

As long as the body is not found, it means that Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng have the possibility of survival!

Su Wanduo said that if the man in Jiang Xuecheng did not die, it meant more trouble!

Executive Lin on the electronic screen glanced at Fiennes with a trembling glance, and behind him were big drops of sweat.

He stammered, deliberating tremblingly, hoping not to stimulate Fiennes' nerves.

"Master Feinz, mainly because of the sudden heavy rain yesterday, the whole sea is turbulent, and it is difficult for us to find someone! When I look for it now, I am afraid that I have been swallowed by some fish..."

Executive Lin wiped the sweat on his face, a little pleased in his expression.

"And Master Fiennes, you don’t have to worry too much, such a high cliff, but the video recorder at the time showed that the entire off-road vehicle was rolling down, and the weather was so bad, so turbulent waves, how could these two people be able to Live it!"

Hearing executive Lin's promise of promise, Fiennes' blue eyes flashed a little, passing a glint of light!

He snapped the table case and immediately spilled the tea cups on the table!

After a loud bang, the celadon tea cup was broken into countless pieces, and the hot tea was still smoldering!

Even across the screen, but just seeing the picture, Executive Lin felt Fiennes' anger!

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