The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 893: Hairless Phoenix is ​​not as good as chicken

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Fiennes went down the elevator all the way. After about half a minute, the elevator stopped.

Hearing the crisp drip, Fiennes' lips curled into a slightly imperceptible arc.

I don't know why, obviously he was smiling, but that looks a bit cold!

Soon, Fiennes came out of the elevator, a narrow passage appeared in his sight, and the perpetual wall lamp on the wall radiated a faint light.

Fiennes walked forward step by step, and in the less bright passage, the sound of footsteps was the only sound here, sounding extravagant.

After walking about five meters, Fiennes turned a corner and saw a locked door.

The door is very cold silver. If you have someone looking at it, you will find that such a big door is made of silver tears!

A small piece of silver tears mine can often sell high prices, not to mention such a nearly two-meter gate!

Absolutely generous!

Not only is it a symbol of wealth, but also the ability to buy silver tear mines with a priceless price, it is even more curious as to who started this place.


This place is exactly the laboratory that the high priest sent to secretly build a few years ago.

Located in the underground of the shrine, few people know this place.

This is not the first time that Fiennes has been here, and he has no interest in the decoration.

He was most curious about what the high priests did in the laboratory!

Fiennes continued to press the combination lock outside the gate, and the silver tear mine door, which was worth a while, was opened instantly.

This place was originally very lively, but now most things have been moved out.

I can only see some experimental equipment, as well as various small animals soaked in unknown liquids.

Fiennes felt sick when he first came here. To his knowledge, this laboratory used to be more than just experimenting with small animals.

There are all kinds of living people, men and women.

The high priest, a distraught woman, spreads germs on the body for her own selfish desires.

It is said to stimulate the human body's endurance limit, and it is also whimsical to use its own power to instill dragon blood like ordinary people. I don't know how many slaves and death row prisoners have lost their lives here.

However, Fiennes was not a good boy or a girl. He didn't know how much blood he had stained in his hands.

Even when he first murdered, he was not yet fifteen years old.

And it was the maid of Tiya’s mother who killed him.

Thinking of the unbearable memories, Fiennes' handsome brow furrowed slightly, and the faint smile in the corner of his mouth suddenly disappeared.

In some ways, Fiennes still admired the high priest, at least she was cruel enough!


In the glass box not far away, there was an ugly lizard soaked in red liquid. When he saw Fiennes coming, he seemed to be extremely curious, struggling to put his paw against the glass wall, and looked at Fiennes.

Fiennes glanced coldly at the lizard, somehow having a nausea urge.

He hurried across the lizard and walked towards a room on his right.

Fiennes pushed the door open quickly.

I saw a woman in the room not far away with her hair spread, and she was tied with several thick chains, and the source of the chain was repaired to the wall.

This long chain is shining with silver, and it is also made of silver tear mine!

After all, it is a material that cuts iron and mud. At first, Jiang Xuecheng and Su Wan relied on a silver tear mine dagger to jump off the cliff. They insisted on a few ten meters before breaking the knife. It shows how strong this metal is!

Not to mention a woman with ordinary physical strength, even a strong man with five big and three thick, it is absolutely impossible to break free!

The chain was tied to the woman's limbs, but the length of the chain was carefully calculated, enough for her to perform some simple activities indoors.

At least going to the toilet and eating will not be a big problem, at most it is not so flexible when you are not free.

Hearing Fiennes' footsteps, the woman who fell in pain in the corner of the wall suddenly raised her head.

If someone other than Fiennes comes in, after seeing the woman’s face, she will be screaming in shock!

The woman bound by the chain of silver tears turned out to be the high priest!

The high priest has always been noble and glamorous. When has he been so embarrassed!

I saw that the high priest was wearing a light blue bamboo vintage dress, and the original plump face was thin somehow, and the beautiful eyes of the past also showed a tired light.

But even so, the entire high priest is still amazingly beautiful. In the past, it was a noble beauty that could only be viewed from a distance, and now there is a beauty.

The high priest stood up with his teeth clenched, and the silver chains bound to her hands and feet rustled, and the hearts of people heard cold!

"Fynes! You scum! I'm going to kill you!"

The high priest's voice did not fall, and he immediately took a step to rush towards Fiennes.

However, she was too fettered. She hadn't slapped on Fiennes' face. Instead, her foot was tripped by a chain and almost fell in front of Fiennes!

The high priest whispered in pain, and the beautiful eyebrows frowned.

Seeing the overconfident appearance of the high priest, Fiennes had a disgusted and taunting smile on his face.

"Huh, I just heard it right? Are you going to kill me? How to kill?"

That's right, even if the high priest was going to kill someone before, he should be quiet and elegant.

At this moment, where is the high priest subject to people, where there is a little calm before.

When the high priest heard the sarcasm of the noble youth in front of him, he opened his mouth sharply, disregarding his image, and slobbered directly on Fiennes!

Fiennes had no idea whether the woman could be imaged to such an extent. He almost forgot to dodge for a moment.

Fortunately, the two are still some distance away, otherwise the sputum will not spit on Fiennes' clothing, but spit on his face!

Also, a person who was once held at the highest place and likes to look down on others, is now being held in such a place for so many days, and it is not surprising that some crazy behavior.

After all, he was almost locked in the basement by Tiya's mother for a long time.

But at that time, he hadn't had his fifteenth birthday, and his mind was far from being tenacious today.

When the high priest recalled the bad memories in his heart, Fiennes seemed to be covered with clouds, and the sneer on his face became more and more permeable.

He stretched out his hand and clamped the sharpened jaw of the high priest directly!

"The most cold and sober priest in the holy court, would actually slobber like a city shrew? Today I really know a lot."

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