The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 900: That's me and you

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It can only be said that Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng were lucky, because Lao Sun, a local, didn't even meet people who came to ask questions along the way.

The old fisherman originally wanted to invite Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng to have dinner at their house before leaving. Su Wan thanked him for his kindness, but did not agree.

Instead, he took Jiang Xuecheng directly to find a local small hotel.

The old fisherman stuffed the money for the accommodation before they left.

Not much, just less than two hundred interstellar coins, but for Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng, it is an absolute life-saving money.

Because the cliff fell and Shanghai traveled for a while, Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng were penniless now, and Su Wan could not refuse.

Maybe I won’t see you again in the future. Su Wan can only ask the old fishermen for their specific contact information, preparing to wait for her and Jiang Xuecheng to get out of danger, and then find an opportunity to repay them.

There are still kind people in this world.

Su Wan has been here for so long, it is rare to feel a trace of kindness from strangers, and she always feels that this grandfather is a bit like her grandfather Xie Changfeng.

I don't know what happened to Xie Changfeng. Since the grandmother's death, Su Wan was really afraid that he would be alone and too lonely.

Su Wan more and more hoped that he and Jiang Xuecheng could sort out this mess as soon as possible, remove the CHK-3 virus from their bodies, and then return to the previous place.

She missed her grandfather, missed Lin Feier, and missed everything on earth.


In a small hotel with a very simple environment, Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng sat together and snuggled up with each other.

Recalling the previous events, Su Wan felt a little sad.

Jiang Xuecheng stretched his hand over Su Wan's face and asked softly.

"Late, what's wrong with you?"

Su Wan turned her head and looked at the man in front of her.

The paint on Jiang Xuecheng's face has been washed away. A pair of deep phoenix eyes seems to be deep in the sea of ​​reefs, making people feel unpredictable.

Su Wan looked at him deeply, and suddenly remembered the thought that came out of his heart when he was hit by a mudslide.

In such a short period of time, she suddenly figured out many things.

She didn't want to carry those things alone. Jiang Xuecheng was an extremely intelligent man and even her husband. If she said it, Jiang Xuecheng had a higher chance of believing her.

At the time of the crash, Su Wan already knew that in Jiang Xuecheng's heart, his life might be more important than his life.

She must have confidence in their feelings.

Su Wan's eye feathers trembled slightly, she grabbed the corner of her clothes, and her pale lips flicked.

"I have something to hide from you for a while. I want to talk to you one by one, one by one. I guarantee that all I said is true. Will you believe me?"

Jiang Xuecheng seldom sees Su Wan so seriously, Jiang Xuecheng twisted his eyebrows, and suddenly some inexplicable panic.

Inexplicable panic.

In fact, these days, he has a premonition that Su Wan seems to want to say something to him.

He even guessed what Su Wan was going to say to himself.

Those upside-down dreams haunted him, and Jiang Xuecheng almost wondered if he had met Su Su long ago.

In his dream, he has a completely different identity. He has parents, even brothers, and... a wife.

That was Su Wan.


Seeing Jiang Xuecheng frowning, Su Wan groaned in his heart and mistakenly thought that Jiang Xuecheng was unwilling to believe in himself.

"you are not willing?"

Jiang Xuecheng shook his head suddenly.

"It's not unwilling, later, I promise I won't doubt you again, you say, I listen."

In fact, Jiang Xuecheng was extremely embarrassed.

He knew that he had done a lot of wrong things, and he still did that... almost cruel to Su Su, and that child...

Even if it was not killed by his own hands, it was also his approval.

That is sin.

Unforgettable, perhaps destined to bear the sins of a lifetime.

Hearing Jiang Xuecheng's words, Su Wan felt relieved.

She reached out to Jiang Xuecheng's palm and wanted to draw some courage through him.

Those things, piece by piece, pile by pile, are no longer completely beautiful, and may even bring a lot of pain to her and Jiang Xuecheng.

Just have to face it.

Su Wan held Jiang Xuecheng's hand, thinking that the man's palm should have a warm temperature, but Su Wan found that Jiang Xuecheng's palm was also cold.

Su Wan suddenly understood that she was not alone in fear.

"Then I'm going to talk about it, you are mentally prepared."

Su Wan took a deep breath again, starting with her life experience, and then talking about the scene where she and Jiang Xuecheng met for the first time.

"When the girl returned to her country, she met a man. At that time, the man was chased and killed. Then she saved him, the two..."

When recalling the past, Su Wan couldn't help smiling a smile.

Although she and Jiang Xuecheng were not happy to meet at the time, it was precisely because of the unpleasant experience that the two talents were so involved at once.

It seemed as if the two groups of threads were entangled together, and they couldn't get around.

This is probably fate.

Su Wan talked about their hasty certification, their relatives, their friends, and all kinds of good and bad things.

When Su Wan said dryly, suddenly a glass appeared in front of her, filled with water.

"Drink some water first, your throat will be dumb."

Su Wan was startled, and now he found that Jiang Xuecheng was more calm than he thought.

She whispered so many things, but Jiang Xuecheng has been a very quiet listener.

I have never questioned anything she said, nor asked for specific cross-examination details, nor asked who the male and female owners are.

This man is so calm.

You have time to pour yourself a glass of water.

Su Wan drank that glass of water at once, and the throat that was dry was moistened with drops of water.

Su Wan frowned slightly, seeing Jiang Xuecheng's light and breezy look, and wondered whether he should continue.

Will Jiang Xuecheng be completely absent-minded, listening to the heroes and heroines in her story as a story?

Su Wan looked at him seriously.

"Syracuse, don't you wonder who is the hero and hero in the story? Why do I know this in detail?"

Jiang Xuecheng looked at Su Wan indifferently, and suddenly his lips curled up.

"Are you trying to say, it's me and you?"

Those things that Su Wan said earlier seemed to confirm the scenes in the dream one by one, but the scenes in the dream were occasionally fragments, because Su Wan's narratives are now consistent.

Su Wan was shocked and did not expect Jiang Xuecheng to say so.

She stared at her eyes in amazement, almost stuttering.

"You, you all know?-"

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