The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 912: The big freak of madness!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

No medicine...

Su Wan heard Executive Lin's words and slammed backwards. Fortunately, Jiang Xuecheng helped her in time, so he didn't let Su Wan fall.

Jiang Xuecheng glanced at Su Wan with some anxiety, his expression full of concern.

"Late night, don't be afraid, there will be a way..."

At this moment, Executive Lin is the one who is most scared!

Even Su Wan didn't have medicine, so what should he do?

When Jiang Xuecheng gave him the two medicines, he did say that he would take one serving every other week, but Executive Lin was really afraid of the virus, so he simply took two servings at a time!

Who would have thought that Jiang Xuecheng had no inventory at all!

And I don't know the cure for CHK3 virus!

After figuring out this fact, Executive Lin seemed to be splashed with ice water, and his heart was completely cold!

As soon as his legs were soft, he suddenly sat on the chair!

After finishing it, Su Wan didn't cure the virus, so what should he do? !

Executive Lin grabbed the chair with tears and began to want to escape halfway!

Anyway, Jiang Xuecheng didn't have anything to help him, he might as well go directly to Fiennes, maybe he could get more benefits!

Executive Lin's eyes turned dizzyingly, and a little sweat appeared on his back.

Jiang Xuecheng glanced coldly at Executive Lin when he saw that he was in a difficult position.

"You don't have to think about running away, let alone surrender to Fiennes. Have you known the end of anyone who betrayed Fiennes?"

Executive Lin raised his head in a trance, only to feel that Jiang Xuecheng's face after the face was a little blurred.

And Jiang Xuecheng directly put such a ruthless speech.

"In the beginning, Fiennes had a man who wanted to regain Fiennes' forgiveness after he rebelled. He told him all his opponent's information. Fiennes also promised good, but you know the end of that person. ?"

"The ending?"

Executive Lin was holding the seat in his hand. Although he guessed that Jiang Xuecheng's tone would not say good news, he couldn't help asking.

Jiang Xuecheng patted Su Wan's back to give Su Wan a happy face while answering Executive Lin's doubts.

"Fynes heard that the man likes to eat whole snake feast, so he specially made a pot of snake soup for him."

Su Wan had a natural fear of snakes. Although she didn't know what Jiang Xuecheng was going to say, she subconsciously shivered!

It is also incredible to think about it. When she and Jiang Xuecheng were on a desert island, she actually threw the poisonous snake into the fire with her bare hands!

Realizing Su Wan's fear, Jiang Xuecheng gave Su Wan a glance and spoke softly.

"Late tonight, the next story may be a bit disgusting, do you want to go back to bed first?"

Su Wan grabbed Jiang Xuecheng's sleeve and finally shook his head.

"No, I want to listen."

Su Wan didn't know much about Fiennes. Although she had no hatred with Fiennes, she might have to stand on the hostile line in the future. It is better to know her opponent better.

Jiang Xuecheng saw Su Wan being so stubborn and eventually let her stay.

"The man at that time ate with great interest. Later, he saw that Fiennes had not used chopsticks. Fiennes said that as long as he ate it, he asked him if it was delicious."

"The man didn't know until he had finished eating. It turned out that the pot of snake soup was adulterated with his mother's flesh..."

Executive Lin suddenly looked as if he was looking like a man!

If Jiang Xuecheng wasn’t trying to stabilize him, would Master Feyns be a human? !

When Su Wan heard this, his face, which was not very good-looking, was instantly pale!

How could there be such a terrible person in this world!

Before she saw Fiennes, she always felt that although the other party was a little fancy, she looked like a princess, and she looked like an ordinary nobleman. Who knows...

Su Wanchao vomited next to her. Fortunately, she ate lightly today, coupled with her bad appetite, Su Wan didn't vomit anything.

Jiang Xuecheng didn't expect Su Wan to react so violently, although at the time when he heard the high priest mention the past, he also felt very sorry.

"Late, are you okay?"

Jiang Xuecheng's words did not fall, immediately took out a paper towel and began to wipe the stains on Su Wan's lips.

Su Wan raised his head and smiled weakly at Chaojiang Snow City.

"I'm fine, but Fiennes... it's really disgusting."

No matter how the subordinate betrayed him, Fiennes would have killed others at most. Why did he have to deal with it in such a disgusting way?

Would it hurt the other party's mother?

Jiang Xuecheng saw Su Wan's doubts at a glance. He followed Shun Suwan's back, and his look seemed to be covered with a thin layer of frost, which was very cold.

"Late, you should have heard that Fiennes' mother is not the same as Tiya?"

Su Wan nodded, she still talked about this little gossip privately.

"I know, but there are not many miscellaneous things in the big family, and illegitimate children are not uncommon. It is indeed rare that Fiennes can become the next heir to the Siswell family."

Jiang Xuecheng paused and began to narrate the subordinate's holiday with Fiennes.

"Actually, the high priest told me not only because the subordinate had betrayed him, but also because the subordinate had mocked Fiennes' life, and he also scolded his mother as a **** ,and so……"

For the rest, Jiang Xuecheng did not go on.

After the subordinate had eaten the "snake soup", the whole person directly cut through his throat, and then committed suicide by hitting the wall.

Su Wan was frightened by the fear, and Executive Lin felt that the news was really terrible.

What if the subordinate scolded Fiennes' mother? !

As for this point?

Su Wan used to have some fever because of the low fever, but now he is cold all over, as if thrown into the ice and snow, the whole person is forced to cool down!

She used to think that among those in the Siswell family, there was Tia to make a comparison, and Fiennes's character was pretty good.

Now, seeing that Tiya compares with her brother, it is simply a little witch!

How can a princess be as terrible as a ghost animal?

Jiang Xuecheng's expression was awkward. He saw that Su Wan and Executive Lin didn't have a complexion, and his tone became a little warning.

"Late tonight, in short, if there is a head-to-head confrontation with Fiennes in the future, you should never make fun of his mother, it is best to avoid talking."

Su Wan nodded heavily.

Executive Lin was also scared to pee, and he never dared to rethink Gofynes any more. In this way, Jiang Xuecheng was really too normal.

He didn't want to work with a sad man!

Jiang Xuecheng's mood to see Su Wan had basically stabilized. He was relieved and suddenly picked up the unused fruit knife next to him.

Unexpectedly, Su Wan saw Jiang Xuecheng cutting his hand with a knife...

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