The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 938: Take a soft hand and eat a short mouth

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

This is probably the third time Mom Wu knocked on the door?

Su Wan looked at the piles of exquisite meals on the long table, and somehow he couldn't help it.

Anyway, since she contracted the CHK3 virus, the whole person's gastrointestinal tracts are always good and bad. When she sees delicious food, she also feels calm and watery.

Of course, people are iron rice is steel, Su Wan will not treat himself harshly on the meal.

After all, she is always ready to replenish her strength and escape while others are not paying attention!

It is a pity that Su Wan's idea was basically defeated before he had time to practice it.

Yesterday it was difficult to go out with Fiennes, Su Wan wanted to take the opportunity to slip away, but in the end Fiennes kept her under my eyes!

Even if they lied to want to go to the toilet, they would be watched by several female bodyguards.

But in the landscape villa, it is even more impossible to escape!

Su Wan looked out the window of her room, and the guards patrolled for twenty hours.

How can she get away with the sensitive nose of the Tibetan Mastiff with her muddy and watery skills!

And once caught...

Su Wan shivered and suddenly remembered Fiennes' threat.

The man said directly that he wouldn't mind sending her to Ye Keller's man.

Compared to Ye Keller’s peerless bale, Su Wan felt that Fiennes was a little “gentle” at the moment, and he didn’t know if he wanted to boil the frog in warm water.

Is it really necessary to sit like this and wait for a few days before she officially holds an engagement ceremony with Fiennes? !


Su Wan thinks that this day has never been sent!

Su Wan looked at the food on the table that had already cooled down and began to tears.

——She wants to eat the food prepared by Jiang Xuecheng, she misses Jiang Xuecheng's voice and smile, and misses the days where she stayed with Jiang Xuecheng.

But why didn't Na Zu come to save her? !

Of course Su Wan knows that the security here is strong, and she just thinks about it. If Jiang Xuecheng really came, but unfortunately because she fell into Fiennes's palm, Su Wan was afraid that she would have a more headache.


Just when Su Wan thought about it, the knock on the door was suddenly heavy again several times.

Such a violent knock on the door is really not like Wu Ma's style.

Su Wan was surprised, and her pair of black eyes looked straight towards the door, as if her brain filled Wu Ma's anxious face.

Su Wan happily supported the window sill and shouted again towards the door.

"Mom Wu, don't knock it, you will come to get the plate in ten minutes, I promise I will finish it on time..."

Su Wan's voice did not fall, and suddenly heard a crisp female voice ringing outside the door.

"Miss Su, I'm not Wu Ma, please open the door."

Such a young voice certainly cannot be owned by Wu Ma.

Su Wan suddenly stunned, for a moment, only felt that the female voice was a bit familiar, but did not think of the specific voice.

But the next second, Su Wan reacted immediately.

The young woman who can go to Shanshui Villa and find her room so smoothly...

Except for the eldest lady Tiya of the Hissville family, Su Wan couldn't think of a second candidate.

In the past few days, except for yesterday's entrance to the insincere engagement conference, Su Wan has never seen a few fresh faces.

Except for Fiennes, Wu Ma, who was sent over by Fiennes to take care of Su Wan's life, or the uniformed guards downstairs.

Su Wan rarely even came out of this room.

Today, this young lady Tiya is coming, is it to find fault? Still find fault?

Su Wan always felt that she was guilty of tying with Tiya. She took a deep breath and temporarily couldn't think of a second answer besides finding fault.


Su Wan shouted outside the door, and then finally reluctantly walked to the door and unscrewed the door handle.

A slim figure stood outside the door.

Tiya has a slender posture and wears a gorgeous red silk embroidered dress.

Her neck was draped with white water pearl necklaces, her ears were decorated with purple diamond earrings, and her shoulders were loose and draped with a tassel shawl, outlined with gold thread, which was of great value.

"Miss Su, long time no see."

Tiya's face also has an extra-fine makeup, with cut eyes and thin lips, and looks more mature than usual.

With Tia's involuntary hair-pulling movement, the tassel on her shawl gently swayed, unexpectedly noble and elegant.

It was like a demonstration to Su Wan.

As for it? !

Dressed like this and made it look like attending a dinner party!

It's really not like Su Wan said. In the current situation of Tiya, it is enough to go out to attend any abnormal banquet. It is more solemn and lacks in daily life.

And it is red and gold, and it is wearing diamonds and pearls. It feels a bit upstart temperament...

Fortunately, Tiya was born beautiful, and now she was deliberately holding the frame of Missy, before showing no vulgarity.

Su Wan's mouth twitched, and she withdrew her gaze from Tiya's clothes, condensing on Tiya's bright face.

"Miss Tiya, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Tiya looked at Su Wan with impoliteness. Compared with her, Su Wan was much simpler to wear.

The dress of the clear soup noodles, with a ponytail, made things easy.

Tiya thought complacently, he finally compared Su Wanbi with respect to clothing!

That Japan should be her dinner with Lord Emperor, so many people praised Su Wan's temperament, and Tiya felt terribly contemplative.

Tiya consciously pulled back a round, the smile on his face widened instantly, and then looked at the interior layout inside.

What she saw at first glance was not anything else, but some cold meals on the table.

"You haven't eaten yet?"

When I heard Su Wan's words outside the door at that time, Tiya thought that Su Wan had finished eating long ago, just playing with his temper and deliberately holding Wu Ma!


Tiya's brow furrowed suddenly.

She came to see Su Wan temporarily, so she didn't eat for the time being and talked for half an hour. Tiya was going to go back and eat again.

Of course, in order not to be guilty, Tiya still ate a biscuit pad in the car.

Su Wan cleverly captured the word "Ye" that hadn't even eaten yet. She didn't know whether it was a brain drain or what happened, and she subconsciously blurted out.

"Have you not eaten yet? Do you want to be together?"


I don't know how things have changed into this situation.

On weekdays, the two girls who were supposed to be struggling, suddenly sat at the ends of the table and began to enjoy the food that was already a bit cold.

But the taste is still good.

Su Wan was too lazy to get people to heat up. It was just that the late Miss Tiya would promise to eat at the same table, and she was not picky about meals, which surprised Su Wan.

Or Tiya was the first to remember that she had to leave in half an hour. She glanced at Su Wan, and somehow she was embarrassed to eat Su Wan's food.

"That...why do you have to marry my brother?"

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